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Hey Lacey...How did the ground taste? (promo)

Started by Strife, September 29, 2023, 11:03:00 AM

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  • Rank:Rookie
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  • Register:06-10-2010 12:20 PM
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Date Posted:06-23-2010 2:19 AMCopy HTML


The camera cuts in suddenly.  But this is no typical TV camera. 

The picture is below standard production value, the sound is too.  The picture also has a slight delay.  The view is confusing, the camera appears to be moving, not giving a clear picture of its image.  A finger reaches across the lens and wipes a smudge off of it. 

The camera whips around again, this time stopping at Strife's face.  He looks down into the lens and grins. 

"Welcome world"

Strife whips the camera around some more, until it finally comes to a rest.  It reveals a familiar cheap hotel room.  The room has a gym bag laying on the bed with various sets of clothing tossed about, with a pair of boots and a spool of wrist tape next to the bag.  The bed is a mess, not having been made, and an empty plate sits next to the bed on a night stand.  Some noise can be heard off camera..

Strife comes into frame with a chair.  He plops it down backwards and sits down facing the camera, leaning his hands on the back of the chair.

"Hello...World...Hello..SEF.  See I think it's about time I address what happened last week.  And I'll keep it simple...What I did, was put the fear of god into the entire locker room.  I told you all that would be mark, that the 174th episode of Extreme would be a scar on this company.  It was the night when I showed all of you that I am not afraid to make enemies.  I'm also not afraid make my presence felt.  And I did.  And quite frankly, I would do it again."

Strife chuckles a bit, and continues.

"See, I had to make a one night impact that would send shivers down the company spine.  That would make the SEF curl up in fear.  And...well...Mission Accomplished.  As so far not one of you jack offs have even attempted to speak of it........"

Strife chuckles again, rolls his eyes, and then changes his tone to a sarcastic one.

"Except.....One person....And kudos to you for having more balls than the others, which is hilarious considering the source.  Lacey.  Congratulations for having the stones to step up first."

Strife then changes his tone again, to a sinister, jarring tone of voice.

"But thats where my compliments end Lacey. But this is where the real fun begins.  See, Im all about people calling me out, cause I can take it, and I can take you for that matter too.  Your championship status doesn't dissuade me from making an example out of you.  But when I start to take competition into a mode of personal vengeance is when things get ugly.  And not because your ill witted mind made some attempt to throw an insult at me.  No I wasn't offended by your attempts at a verbal jaw jacker, even it still was a poor insult.  I take offense to the idea of your total unadulterated ignorance.  A "Jacked up wannabe" is I think the words you chose.  See..thats where I'm confused..."

Strife adjusts his position on his chair.

"What exactly...am I wannabe of?  Please elaborate, because I honestly would love to know.  But in the meantime, let me tell you a little of what I and what I'm not..seeing as you don't know a thing about me you naive bitch!  I am, a man who has seen more and done more than you ever will.  I am, the real deal, I am the most pure trained and educated wrestler on this roster, I have more in ring skills than you will gather in your life time.  I am, a a god damn samurai in 2010, I am fearless and ready to fight.  Now what I'm not, is a man you want to fuck with!  I am not the guy you want on the wrong side of the battle.  I am not the guy you want using you as a warm up on my road to physical enlightenment.  I know what I am.  I am the very soul of combat, and I am fearless to the end.  So Lacey...before you come up with some dumb ass retort.  Ask yourself...if you really even know yourself.  And then...answer me..this question."

Strife leans in..

"How did the mat taste when I made dropped your face into it?  I hope it was good enough to have seconds.  Cause mark my words, you keep running your mouth, Ill make sure the next time you eat anything at all will be through a tube.  And trust me, your gender makes no difference.  If your on my battlefield, man or woman, your in my way.  Oh..and it also doesn't help your feminine plea to bitch and complain that I hit a woman.  Your a woman in a mixed competition company....Cry me a river of tears, get off the cross and use the wood to build a bridge and GET OVER IT! And then maybe, MAYBE, I'll respect you a little....But untill then, be ready for me to back up every word I have said.  And if ya don't like it, come see me.  I'll be in the city all week.  I don't go far..."

Strife chuckles again...reaches to shut off the camera...but then changes his mind...

"Oh...and Lacey...I would take a looooong look at your championship.  Make some good memories with it.....cause when I have my way..I'll be dangling it from my hands.  Bet on it!"

Strife reaches over..and shuts off his webcam.

It's gonna be a long week.

Kristin Fox

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  • Rank:Jobber
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Re:Hey Lacey...How did the ground taste? (promo)
Date Posted:06-24-2010 2:47 PMCopy HTML

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This roleplay might be a little to risky for those of you who are little virgins, when it comes to sex, rough language, and violence! So if you don't think you can handle the heat the get the hell outta dodge! I warned you!

Jeff-25.png picture by kristinbenoit97

|| The O'Bannon Clan ||

{{Riot comes out of his mediative crouch}}

Riot:"You know Strife, you're right.  We don't know each other.  You do have one thing right.  I hate Philadelphia!  It's a filthy town.  I am starting to prefer the wide open spaces of Texas or the cozy but clean Gulf of Mexico smell of New Orleans.  It's not just the Gulf air.  It's filled with spices of people cooking pure creole cooking.  The jumbalaya, the gumbo, the etouffe, and even the boudin sausage.  {He shakes his head} "Now I'm getting really hungry.  {pats his stomach} I could really go for some crawfish right now.  It is in season.  I could take a couple pounds right now.  That's not the point.  The point is that you and I are not that different and yet we are.  You know my girl read me something that made sense.  'Consistency is the hobgoblin of the mind.'  I am never consistent and like another saying by the same old dead guy, 'to be great is misunderstood.'  I am misunderstood because I try hard never to let anyone figure me out.  Granted, I have a house show loss on my recent record and Strife you did come into my match....meaning you are friends with Mack, which means you are my enemy.  You can call yourself a warrior all you want, what you are is just another one of Mack's ass kissers.  I kiss no ass and my loyalties are few but are based on a lifetime rather than jumping on the kiss Mack's ass to gain support with the fans.  This is the perfect definition of a sycophant.  {he smirked} Yeah, I look like a totally freak but higher education didn't escape me.  I bled often and went to school three days a week.  {he opens his arms} "Try to figure me out, Strife.  I beg you."

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