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09.06.24: The Return of Friday night Showstoppa, Click Here For More

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Making an Impact(Debut)

Started by Midnight, September 29, 2023, 11:11:32 AM

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Date Posted:06-25-2010 8:21 PMCopy HTML

A match was going on between Floss and Mayo. Both were getting intense in their match when a dark diva jumps the railings and gets in the ring.
With a look of rage upon her face she crotches down some and then spears Floss to the mat. Mayo tries to go on the attack,but the newest dark diva Bethany Jinx puts the breaks on him and nails him with a spear as well. She gets up and screams at the top of her lungs and then cackles. She then picks Mayo up, nails him with Spellbound and then spits on him. She goes to Floss who is slowly recovering from the spear and nails him with Spellbound too. She pulls out of her corset a deck of tarot cards, places one on Floss's body and then smirks. She then places the second tarot card on Mayo's body and then smiles big. She then gets handed the mic and speaks.
"Ring around the rosey...pocket full of posies, ashes..ashes..they all fall dowwwwn!"
She drops the mic and cackles loudly as the scene fades away.

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