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You Want It ... You Got It - Extreme rp1

Started by Lacey Daniels, September 29, 2023, 05:29:07 PM

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Lacey Daniels

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Date Posted:06-26-2010 9:57 AMCopy HTML

Warning: This RP may include sex, drugs, rock & roll, cursing and anything else this user sees fit. If you object to any of these day-to-day practices, please, take your fantasy world elsewhere.


RP TitleNext Match:Lovers/Allies/Fighters:Accomplishments:OOC:
You Want it .... You Got it!vs Shane Mack & Lucas RodgersChris Orton/Jade Hart & Hayden Smith/ Megan Sorrow & all other divasTV Championthis is fun! lol


The scene opens with Lacey facing the camera with her TV title slung over her shoulder, looking hot as hell, as always. She sighs deeply and looks up into the camera.

LD: I really didn't want to do this but hell you wanted it so bad ... so here goes and remember Mack ... you wanted this, not me.

Lacey shakes her hair out as she pouts sexily.

LD: Me and you can debate this back and forth til one of us drops dead from old age but the truth ... the real truth is ... that there isn't another diva here who can touch me. Megan Sorrows? Amy Summers? My Dynasty Divas? This new freak Bethany Jinx ... none of em even come close and that makes me the dominant female in SEF right now honeypie. Could that change? Sure it could, if and when another diva comes along who can step up to my level then yeah, my dominance would be threatened but in case you missed it .. I don't respond well to threats. And as far as my Dynasty Divas not challenging me because of our friendship ... well so fucking what? None of your damn business anyways. In case you didn't realise it Mack ... you're the World Champ at SEF not the ruler of the world and what me and my friends choose to do is none of your business. Kinda like you and Strife ... yeah I heard he was here before and came back now he's travelled around the world and studied every possible type of wrestling there is ... blah, blah, blah. My comment is simply based on what I've seen not what I've heard. Everyone can spin a good story ... not everyone can back it up and until he does ... and on a total side note, why are you fighting his battles for him? Did his mommy have the day off? ... I'm gonna pull him on his shit, 'kay? ... What's the matter you don't like anyone naming and shaming your buddies but it's okay for you to slate my pals? ... Hmmmm ... sounds like one rule for you and one rule for everyone else ... and that is a shoot!!

Lacey smirks as she knows that at SEF Mack certainly seems to get preferential treatment.

LD: Now enough of Strife cos to be honest I was bored with him 2 days ago! So back to your "shoot" comments? Oh yeah and before I say anything else ... just because you disagree with what I say does that make it any less truthful? ... What your opinions only matter ... only your views are "shoots"? .. You bitch and moan about how nobody challenges you but then when I step up to the plate and be honest ... really honest about my opinions ... you call me a liar and say I'm too scared to "shoot" ... hell it's what I think so how can it be a lie. You are just downright confusing at times ... see like you say I copy you but then you say I lie ... so are you actually saying you're a liar? ... you can't have it both ways ... either you want me to "shoot" or you don't because it copies you ... give me a call when you've made up your mind poppet.

Lacey shakes her head and laughs.

LD: As far as me not wanting any competition ... hell, what the fuck do you think I'm doing Mack? I'm fighting everyone who's put in front of me ... man, woman, Weigel ... I thrive on competition and I'm damn proud of the fact that I'm a fighting champion. And as far as Lucas goes .. well hell like I'm going to tell you any plans I might have with him. Where's the fun in that? .. Yeah he made his comments about me being the weak link in this match and if he truely believes that then he's the most deluded of us all but I guess he'll find that out soon enough. Tonight when we all get in that ring I intend of showing to everyone, you and Lucas especially why it's just downright stupid to ignore or under-estimate me ... you of all people should recognise a dangerous woman when you see one Mack ... 

Lacey sighs again as she flicks her hair back over one shoulder.

LD: There is no lack of effort or concentration on my part but you know sometimes there comes a time when you have to draw a line under all the chat and just let your actions do the talking ... that time is now! You wanted a challenge Mack ... well you sure as hell got one now and that ain't a threat ....

Lacey waves her hand in the air.

LD: .. yada, yada, yada!

Lacey blows a kiss into the camera before she turns on her heel and walks away. 
End of rp 3

"Yes I am as good as I look"


Disclaimer: This layout was made by Diabolical at Diabolical Designs. It is free for your use but please do not alter the layout or disclaimer in any way other than the text portions. 


Kristin Fox

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Re:You Want It ... You Got It - Extreme rp1
Date Posted:06-26-2010 1:46 PMCopy HTML

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__.xxDynasty Darlings

DynastyDarlingsBanner.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97

Final Word count: 

{{We open on a hallway in the locker room area of the arena.  We hear what is obviously a very heated marital dispute between Lucas and Hayden}

Hayden:"Did you think I wouldn't find out?  It's all over SEF's network and their website!  Lacey didn't have to tell me that you ran her down!  I heard it with my own ears that you called her just a girl and the weak link in the match!!!  You must have a really low opinion of women in wrestling in general if you think that!  Granted you over protected Dusty her whole life so she spent most of her career as one of these run of the mill generic chicks who cringe at the thought of an intergender tag with WWE rules for no man on woman violence!  In case Axel cracked your skull last week so that you think that you are a big time WWE superstar and you aren't a member of the SEF locker room anymore then you would know that in SEF there are no barriers!!!  Or maybe you forgotten the times when we were here before and Whitney wasn't afraid to get in your face?  This is what the Dynasty Divas were bred and trained for!  A company like SEF that allows us to fight who we want and when we want!  {she then gets a disgusted look on her face and starts together her stuff together} "I know what you're probably is.  You're afraid of Mack!  He's beaten you so many times that you want to be a bully and think to take out Lacey before the match.  Well, I'll tell you right now that there are a bunch of us who won't let you.  Chris may not be here but Lacey has bonded with Knox and Riot.  So if you attack Lacey prepare for your own boys to kick your ass before she does."

{she starts out the door and he grabs her realizing a camera is there}

Lucas:"Fine.  I'm not afraid of Mack!  I'll apologize to Lacey for calling her a girl, but she's not Mack and no one is.  We should have had her back when Strife attacked her but we didn't.  Next time we will.  Now take me to Lacey so we can talk."

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