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Jayden Extreme 2

Started by Kristin Fox, September 29, 2023, 05:34:13 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:06-27-2010 3:24 PMCopy HTML

__.xxJayden Hartley
JadeBanner.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97
info goes here...
{Jayden's theme comes on and she heads out to the ring.  She looks from side to side before getting in the ring.}

Jayden:"Like I said with Mary Jane earlier, I plan on making a change.  Joe Daddy will be my first victim.  I am also demanding a match on the Tuesday house show againist a person who was suposed to be my friend.  Dusty, you turned on me.  I asked for your help and you stabbed me in the back.  How ironic that Justin is the only one in your family that is here that has shown any honor.  He doesn't like me and was up front about it.  Steve dumped me and ran back to St. Louis as if the devil himself was after him.  He didn't expect me to stand up to him and fight him.  If I am suposed to be in a relationship I'm not going to screw around with someone else, especially since he told me I had too.  Me on the other hand, I'm here.  I am going out and I will beat Joe Daddy.  In fact I want to show you a video of my training."

{the lights lower and a video plays.  Jayden is with a bunch of guys in the desert.  She's carrying her body weight across her shoulders with a bar holding containers of sand.  She's running with the group of guys and holding her own.  At the head of the pack in a golf cart is a chick who would swoon over this new diva Bethany Jinx.  She's barking out orders and also cackling like crazy.  'The loser gets beaten with an old dildo' The stragglers put on their best effort some just fall to their knees and start puking.  Jade finishes first and the guy driving gets out looking like the UFC star Forrest Griffin, only a little taller, and not as goofy.  He walks over and grabs the guy who barely came in second in a triangle choke screaming and yelling for finishing behind a girl.  He gets up and kicks the poor bastard in the ribs.  The chick who's got the megaphone is a combo of sugar and spice the girlfriends of Harvey Two Face in Batman Forever.  Half of her face is made up in soft earth tones and she has long straight blond hair.  The other half is chalky pale with black eyeliner, lipstick, and black hair.  She forces them to do squats with the weight on their shoulders.  We cut to a gym scene where they are doing squats till they throw up, and then they are in the ring.  Doing simple bump drills until they throw up.  Those still standing are allowed to start training.  The class has now dwindled to four or five.  Finally the feed cuts and the lights come up on Jayden.}

Jayden:"I put myself through all of this torture to bring my skills up to par with what SEF expects in its superstars.  Joe Daddy I may even decide to make you tap out just to prove that I can make a man give up in the ring.  Once I beat Joe Daddy, my plans are to work my through my past enemies before working my way up the roster.  I need to clear all of the drama from my past before I can focus on you, Lacey.  Once I make your Dynasty Divas realize that I am actually focused on what is going on in SEF and not being on my back like you claim I do.  There are three dynasty divas beside you Lacey.  Start with Dusty, then Jade, then Hayden.  There are a couple of other peoples to take on before I get to you but I am willing to work my way up, but if I beat your three bitches and Joe Daddy it might not make much of a difference.  It is a start.  It will be up to Frankie and Sly if they want me to have a title match, I realize that, but having wins over people who are also nobodies to them doesn't hurt either."  {she then looks down for a bit and then looks up} "I'd like to apologize to the SEF fans for my actions.  You come here for action and I haven't really given much on this side of the curtain. I promise to change that."

{she stops to see if someone is going to challenge her or call her out.}
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