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Quit Making Excuses

Started by NBD, September 29, 2023, 05:36:14 PM

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Date Posted:06-27-2010 3:41 PMCopy HTML

Mack just sits back on a sofa in his locker room, nothing big or fancy, just a monitor across from the sofa. Mack sports a purple t-shirt and loose blue jeans, barefoot and the trademark bandana. His World Title lays on the table in front of him and his eyes are glazed over, a mike's hard lemonade in his left hand and a smirk on his face and Mack says.
So Lucas, ya want me to GIVE you a match with me. First of all, I can't give away matches to anyone as I am not in charge of booking the cards, though as a champion I can give an open challenge, however, I have already done that time and time again by telling everyone who wants a piece of me or this title I hold to simply lay down a challenge naming a time and place and I'll be there, so Lucas, do it and it gets down. The opportunity is laid out before you and everyone else. Anyone here, whether they just signed or they been here for months can make a challenge to me and have it get accepted, so step up son.
Mack takes a drink of lemonade and says.
Just because your distracted easily does not mean you did not have the chance to take my ass out or down or wherever. It simply means your not as good as I am, you don't have the same talent I have, your not on my level and you proved that true while I defended myself. It takes more than knowing how to defend and offend, you need to excel at both or your one dimensional, lame ass will never make it, especially here in one of the toughest companies ever, SEF! This fucking place and its diehard fans will eat most people alive. Our fans are as passionate as us brothers in this business. Your battle with your brother won't be over for a long time Lucas, you won't be able to just settle it at a small show as it doesn't prove a whole hell of a lot, just keeps the action going and can set up even more. You and Justin want to settle shit, then you make a challenge to him, then come for me when your head is cleared and your ready to step up to my standard of wrestling, of our performing whoever is across from you because that's what I do every night and its what I will most definitely do tonight and remember, in this match it will end up one on one between you and I as long as Lacey is eliminated and not you or hey, even me!
He shrugs and just smirks, takes a drink of lemonade, then says.
Not likely as I know how to deal with a whole hell of a lot more than you or Lacey and I've proven that every time I come out to the ring. My focus is always on my match and that is your problem, so maybe it'd be best to settle a score with Justin, but that's YOUR choice, so make it and come for one of us and lets dance, but tonight, after you get beat again, you still will have no excuse and neither will you Lacey. Shane Mack is on top and that ain't no flop, so don't ya stop, just bring all ya got and never look back, that's a fact!
Mack finishes his drink and sets the bottle on the table, then leans back and does a crotch chop yelling.
Mack pulls a black BIC and cigarette case with the Jamaican flag and the name Bob Marley on the front. He flips it open revealing several joints, puts one in his mouth and closes the case. He sparks up and puts the case and lighter back in his pocket, the camera lowering and soon the view fades to black.

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