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Started by Kristin Fox, September 29, 2023, 05:37:10 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:06-27-2010 4:19 PMCopy HTML


The following roleplay may contain material deemed inappropriate for some younger viewers. If you are not offended by sexual situations, acts of extreme violence, and a lot of swearing, then keep reading. If you are easily offended, simply click the little
[x] on the top right corner of your screen. You have been warned!

Tarnished20Legacy20Banner.jpg legacy banner picture by kristinbenoit97
|| Roleplay ;;;Heading ;;;~ You Clicked It || People ;;;Featured ~ Read and See || Allies/Hit List ~ Tarnished Legacy/almost Everyone Else || Word ;Count ;;;~ didnt count|| Post ;;;Song ;;;~ Let's GO by Trick Daddy|| MComments ~ Taking a break from the string ;-) ||
{Tarnished Legacy enters the building.  Taryn is wearing a sundress and espadrilles.  Ash is glad to be back in the North East where he lived for sometime as a teenager.  He's wearing jeans and a Phillies jersey.  Justin is laid back in jeans and a black t-shirt.  Drew is wearing slacks, a Polo shirt, sunglasses, and a backstage pass.  Ash and Justin giving him looks and sharing smirks}

Drew:"What are you blokes on about?"

{Ash looks away}

Justin:"The Christopher Fox traveling uniform."

{Drew looks down at his clothes before raising an eyebrow at them}

Drew:"Have you never seen your Granddad travel to and from shows?  You think Christopher was the only bloke who dressed this way?  My pater dresses this way.  You two glakits are Americanized and take no pride in your appearance."

Ash:"No way in hell am I dressing like that! I'd look like a casino pit boss!"

{Justin starts laughing}

Justin:"Well, Godfather you wore a suit to your wedding.  Come to think of it, you did somewhat look like you'd just stepped out of Goodfellas."

{Taryn stops and they almost bump into her.  She's looking at a replay of some promos.  They stop and watch.  Lucas bitches that he has been distracted by Justin and its why he hasn't been able to focus on Mack.  Mack tells him to stop making excuses.  Jayden talks about how she doesn't want to be SEF's major whore.  She then jumps into the Hardcore title division by jumping on Greg Boone.  Taryn looks annoyed by what Jayden has to say but shrugs at the training Jayden has done.}

Drew:"Bloody hell, she looks hot." {They all look at him like he's lost his mind} "What? You've never heard the expression, 'looks can be decieving?'

Taryn:"That's disgusting."

Justin:"Trust me, you don't want anything to do with that.  She's been with just about everyone.  She may beat Joe Daddy who knows.  {he hears his voice} See?  She knows I don't like her because she thinks that if you are her friend you have to have sex with her....{listens} Hmm, someone knocked some sense into her.  This is wrestling not a porn studio.  Come on, I want to get some gym time in before the show starts."


Justin:"Hell no!  I want to make sure that I've covered every aspect that I can imagine that could happen tonight in my match with Knight Hawk and Joe Daddy.  Don't you want to get in the ring with Drew and practices submissions?"

Drew:"I want to go and take out the slag for the title."

{Taryn cringes}

Taryn:"How bout we go work out and leave the blood dregs alone?"

{they all look at Drew}

Drew:"You have no bloomin' imagination.  I want a title too."  {He snickers} "I'll let her get beat on since it looks like she's not in a pinning situation anymore."
quєєnofhєarts_The layout was created by Ashley aka Queen of Hearts. Like it? Thank you, now go request one!

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