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Jayden ppv 2

Started by Kristin Fox, September 29, 2023, 05:47:11 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:06-30-2010 1:58 PMCopy HTML

__.xxJayden Hartley
JadeBanner.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97
info goes here...
{Jayden is backstage and she's facing a camera crew}

Jayden:"Some would call two house show victories as hollow but a victory is still a victory.  It helps make my point valid when I say that I've trained hard and I'm going to make a name for myself here.  Now the ppv match that I am in is a battle royal for a shot at the International title.  Like most people, my money is on Justin leaving the ppv the champion.  Ive honestly never seen him this pissed but I can somewhat understand.  His mother was always nice to me.  His mother-in-law is still my idol.  I know I've made mistakes and I apologize for that, to everyone, especially to the Rodgers Family and their team at Damage Inc gym.  I was taken in when I had not much to offer, except a similar educational degree that Jen did.  Now I'm going to take what I've learned and put it to good use.  I..."

{she pauses, takes a deep breath, and looks past the camera.}

Justin:"You wanna make a diference?  Follow me."
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