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a death match

Started by Kristin Fox, September 29, 2023, 05:48:19 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:06-30-2010 5:50 PMCopy HTML
{Tarnished Legacy is backstage in a locker room.  Jayden sits like she's facing a firing squad.  Ash is annoyed and starts out like this is the inqusition}

Ash:"Have you ever seen a Japanese Death Match?  Are you familar with Atsushi Onita?"

Jayden:"No and vaguely."

Ash:"How do you mean vaguely?"

Jayden:"Lil Nikki thought he was hot for a old dude."

{Ash through his hands up and Justin chuckles}

Justin:"That sounds like Nikki but I doubt she said old.  Her ex-husband is in his fifities and she's what, younger than you, Drew?"

Drew:"Something like that.  Nikki is nothing but a loon.  I like 'er alright.  She's like this Jinx chick only she wouldn't have stopped the hardcore match.  She'd die in the ring if the Paynes would let her."

Justin:"I think its more of the meds that Crystal tricks her into taking.  Keeps her somewhat sane."

{Taryn looks at them in disgust}

Taryn:"What these blood thirsty bastards are trying to tell you is that a Japanese death match is the end all be all of hardcore matches.  Onita has had exploding barbwire matches, razor wire ropes, infected needles, aligators, and all kinds of bloody madness thrown into one huge match.  It's a battle box match on crack."

Drew:"Now Luv, I know you worked the Battle Box a few years ago and saw how bloodied up Spector was and he won his match, but look at the losers.  Poor Dalton looked like he needed a transfusion and I think he won the whole ruddy thing."

Justin:"The main example is Mick Foley vs Terry Funk 1995, King of the Death Match."

{Jayden gets pale}

Jayden:"I didn't see it but I read Mick's book.  Didn't he lose an ear?"

Justin:"Yea.  It only got worse from there until the Japanese government said it was to violent even though wrestling is a religion in Mexico and Japan.  Now a couple of places in the states have run similar but nothing like Onita.  Someone said that he was clinically insane but I don't think they had a med degree..."

Drew:"Doesn't matter.  The important question for you, Jayden, luv, do you think under normal circumstances you could beat Mack in a regular match?"

Jayden:"No.  Not yet.  Maybe someday."

Drew:"Alright, 'ave fun with your title reign.  Prove you can keep it againist the glakits who are fighting for it now but as it the deadline looms near one of us can take it off of you, or you can trick one of those slags you've got beef with into the match."

{Justin frowns}

Justin:"Not Dusty.  Not yet.  Maybe when Emily is a little older but right now, the last thing my baby niece needs is to see Dusty all scared up."

Drew:"Right-o.  Hayden would be fun."

Justin:"No doubt, she'll be hunting for you now seriously, since you pinned Lucas."

Jayden:"Oh, I know how to get under the Dynasty Divas skin."

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