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Knox's ppv

Started by Kristin Fox, September 29, 2023, 05:50:17 PM

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Kristin Fox

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  • Rank:Jobber
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  • Register:05-06-2010 2:57 PM
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Date Posted:06-30-2010 7:28 PMCopy HTML

Knox20OBannon20Banner.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97

.//Roleplay Title\\. .//People Mentioned/Used\\. //.Record\\. .//Stalk Me\\. .//Out Of Character\\. 
Knox ppvread itStaff Sgt Marine ReconBlank 

"The Lethal Weapon"
{We open on Knox in  the ring with Dusty.  She's sweaty and pissed at her self.  She turns and kicks the turn buckle before blurting out}

Dusty:"This is insanity, Knox!  I'm not going to be able to be that ruthless.  I mean I guess I could do it to someone else but you?  What if you don't kick my foot in time?  What then? We're both going to be hurting?"

{He smirks and walks over.  He tilts her chin up}

Knox:"I'm not going to let you kick me."

{Dusty starts to protest when Greg Boone walks in with a crew}

Knox:"We're training in here."

Greg:"I can see that, but several other people have  made comments about the ppv.  Hell, you're old lady has had a run in or two with a bitch who has had a lot to say about the ppv.  IN fact, last I checked she's the Hardcore champion and fighting it out with Johnny Camaro right now."

{Knox frowned}

Knox:"I thought Lucas was the champ? How in the hell did she beat him?"

{Greg gives him a duh look}

Greg:"With help of course!  Justin blindsided him.  Kicked his ass and let Jayden take the pin."

{Knox and Dusty exchange a look}

Dusty:"That doesn't sound like him."

{Knox gets a disgusted look}

Knox:"You think he's boning her, Greg?"

Dusty:"As if!"

{Greg shrugs}

Greg:"That's not the point.  I can see that you're obviously training Dusty for the ppv, but what about you?  Lucas isn't around, probably shipped off to the hospital after Justin happened to him.  Then Jayden attacks Hayden.  Shattered Reality has gone to shit since Justin took Lucas up on his offer.  Now what are you going to do?"

{Knox gritted his teeth}

Knox:"See Dusty, this is the difference between your two brothers.  Lucas gets pissed and he goes off the handle and loses focus.  Justin on the other hand, gets pissed, and he's able to handle his problem while still focusing on big matches at hand.  HE went in, man handled Loki, and walked away to probably shoot pool with Ash and Drew.  He's not worried about the hardcore title.  He's focused on destroying Knighthawk.  Now, you have problems with Jayden.  She beat you at the house show.  So what.  Now, I'm thinking that Lucas is so concerned with Justin, he's going to let a golden opportunity, like  a real one on one shot with Shane Mack slip through his fingers.  Now what am going to do, Greg, is I'm going to find this little hardcore match going on and take the title for myself.  Lucas' pissant attempts at dethroning Mack have gotten him nothing but humiliation.  Even Lacey hooked a submission on him on this past Extreme.  This Jayden chick isn't going to last long in the men's division.  She's proved that the only thing she's good for is being a low rent porn star.  Myself, on the other hand, I've been bred for war.  Now I have to go prove it."

{He kisses Dusty on the top of her head and leaves the ring.}
The Lethal Weapon

chrisdaniels.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97
Name  "The Lethal Weapon" Knox O'Bannon
Weight 240
Height 6'2
Finishing Move OBannon Lockdown
Trademark O'Bannon Buster
Managing/Dating  Dusty Rodgers-O'Bannon

Disclaimer : This is a layout made by Luke You may use it because it is a free layout created by him. However, if you want to use his layout you have to promote his work and keep the disclaimer on so he can make more and better layouts than this. Thank you for using a layout created by Luke



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