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07.12.24: Mayhem to Fight Night and a Summer of Evolution, Click Here For More

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Learn It & Earn It

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Date Posted:07-04-2010 7:44 AMCopy HTML

It's the fourth of July finally and it's the morning of the big pay per view Glory and Gold. After another night of carrying the show and stealing it its time for the big deal, the spotlight to shine, the glitz and glamour of it all, the Glory and the Gold and there ain't nobody who wears it quite like Shane Mack but then again, that is because no one in SEF has the balls to step up to his level, not a single person. Johnny Camaro likes to rant and rave that he is the greatest thing walking the earth suddenly, out of nowhere he begins to preach this and based off what reason?
Johnny Camaro or as the fans of SEF have decided to label him, Johnny Poser, he has never once proved anything of his "talents" to be true. His excellent ring work, since when? His untouched promos, since when? His great behavior backstage?
Perhaps Johnny should lay off the crack pipe as it may be affecting his memory or maybe he just has that selective memory where he just doesn't want to remember how much he lacks when stepping in the ring, especially against someone far superior than he like Mack. Johnny claimed to be the Flair to Mack's Hogan, but that line in itself made absolutely no sense for Mack is nothing like Hogan except for fanfare perhaps. The problem is that Mack is more like Flair than Johnny could ever dream to be, although Mack is in his own league which is why its hard to peg his style Mack makes his own path, he made himself based on hard work and perfection in style. He has carried every opponent he had in the last few years because he has had to and Johnny several times this year. Their matches could be match of the year, but without Mack they would have been just another match on a card and not lived up to some of the biggest matches in SEF history, yea, SEF cause that's all that matters here boys and girls and Johnny, you have done shit in SEF, you have proven that your nothing, but a whining bitch who doesn't have the work ethic to make it here. All he can do is spout lies whether its lines directly from him or his "narrator". Fact is that everything Johnny said is lies and Mack has proven that several times. In some places championship gold is meaningless sometimes, but in SEF, the ones who truly shine and stand out are the ones who wear the gold, just like in the big leagues. That is the way SEF works and if Johnny were as great as he claims he would be World Champ by now, but it'll be a while before he wears that title and a long time before he ever captures the Grand Slam of titles which is funny. For a guy who said those with a long list of achievements shouldn't be labeled great he wants those achievements, but then again, to be human is to be a hypocrite most of the time.
Johnny never pitched any idea to management, they never were eager to want him back, the truth is, Johnny was allowed to come back after he fucked up and walked out on the company. SEF has given chance after chance to many wrestlers because too many get egos and have no clue how to realize their in the wrong. Shane Mack never wronged Johnny Camaro or his partner Nikky Venom, Mack never did shit to either one except carry them both in matches. Nikky slipped, he faded away and became essentially worthless, a complete nobody and was barely anybody to begin with. Johnny tried harder, he is trying harder as he is back and hopefully he can learn to accept the truth and start earning a status as great because as of now Johnny Camaro is a Poser!
Mack never attacked Johnny from behind, he simply caught him with a move he has perfected over years, Da Shows Ova. He landed it out of nowhere to Johnny's jaw knocking him to his back because Johnny thinks he is Mack, he thinks that he knows how this place works, he thinks that what he says is true when its never been proven to be true and Mack proves what he says to be true every time he says it. Your not gonna prove Mack wrong, not you Johnny, not anyone in SEF anytime soon because while your stuck trying to break into another level, Mack is a few levels higher than you. He carries the whole show every night already. Everyone who who show sup would sit through four hours of Johnny's pointless, meandering bullshit just to watch Shane Mack wrestle a fucking mop because he is like watching a true artist at work. On the flip side, Johnny needs to wrestle Mack more, he needs to be pushed by Mack more because no one in SEF pushes you as hard as Mack down, NO ONE!
Maybe a Curbstomp match could be next for Johnny to challenge Mack with, but on the level of a deathmatch, prove it! The one Curbstomp match in SEF at Wrestle X was not impressive, as a matter of fact, it was on the border of lame, but then again, maybe it was just who was involved. Nikky Venom who never showed much passion and Bobby James who was better in the ring and on the mic, but never showed much passion either and that is something need just as much as talent. That is something Shane Mack possesses along with his ability to out wrestle and out perform everybody in SEF. That is why the fans cheer for him from the opening bell to the closing bell, from the opening pyro to the closing theme song, from the second a show begins, hell, even when the crowd is filing in you can hear those passionate screams of...
Every night of the week those words fill arenas all over this world and the closer ya get to places like Detroit or Japan the screams get so much more passionate and louder, although they are ear splitting everywhere he goes. Mack deserves to be in a global company, a true global company, but he is loyal as well, he gives everything he has to what he loves and that is SEF and the World Heavyweight Champion that he ain't letting go of for a longtime to come. There is no passing of any torch, you either take it or accept its not your time yet and come back for more, keep fighting and one day, just maybe it'll happen. Perseverance, never give up on your dream, but get your facts straight and accept what really happens or become a bitter bitch and wallow in your own, made up self pity because Johnny Camaro has no reason or rhyme to say one bad thing about Shane Mack, the man that has been Johnny's biggest fan since coming to SEF only to have Johnny spit on him, proverbially, and refuse to learn, so in turn Johnny, your refuse to earn and that just means your gonna get owned one more time by the one and only and the original Daddy Mack, so Johnny, one question.
Who's Your Daddy?
And we see Shane Mack sitting on a sofa in a some nice looking house, probably his ranch he owns in Kentucky. Mack is shirtless with black shorts on and a black bandana, his title lays on the coffee table in front of him with an open bottle of Red Stripe as Mack just smirks and says.
Johnny, you best forget all about Shady Smack because that was from fighting over the Hardcore strap. What you did to him can be called defamation of character, then again the same can be said for what you spew about me yet you act as if its happened to you when in SEF it has never once happened to you. You have been handed opportunity after opportunity in this company just like everyone else. Nothing special about all the opportunities for everyone gets them here, SEF hands them out, but makes you have to work to capitalize on the opportunity and you have yet to do it and based off your latest rambling you claim passes for a promo, you will fail again. So forget about Shady, he accepts he is a midget and gets used wrong and if he wants a piece of Johnny Camaro he will do as I always do, step to your face and take a piece and that's the truth, something everyone around here has a problem telling and that's a shoot!
He half ass smirks and takes a drink of Red Stripe, then says.
As for your battle royal, I know more about it apparently and its not a one by one to the ring, its all fifteen start at once and eliminate each other, but Johnny, maybe you outta no show it, maybe you outta get a replacement for that match, hell, let Shady Smack replace you in the battle royal and that gets his little midget ass off your ass and maybe even on good terms, then also, you would have no excuse when I make you tap out and then retrieve what will be mine for a long time to come...
Mack pulls the World Title off the table and folds the straps behind it holding it in front of his chest for all to see, then says.
This World Heavyweight Championship! Not the oldest title in wrestling history by a long shot, not even the oldest title in SEF history, but it is the number one belt to have, it is the richest price in SEF, it contains a list of wrestlers who at one time in their career were able to be great. Although it has been brought down by some, there have been a few wrestlers who may not have exactly been a true World Champ who represented SEF and by represent I don't mean be for the company. You should know what I mean and if not, then it only goes to show how right I am and how wrong you truly are, but then again I guess that is why all you can do is lie. It'd be one thing of someone actually believed you Johnny, hell, do you even believe your own lies?
He takes a drink of beer and says.
Whether or not you do matters not when it comes to the World strap cause like I told ya, this ain't like fighting for Hardcore scraps! This is the true Glory and Gold that the name of the event is built on, this deathmatch is the match of matches and your facing the god of deathmatches. You think you innovate moves and matches Johnny, you have yet to show any for of innovation in SEF and until you do, your still gonna be labeled a liar because that's all you can do, so see ya tonight, boy!
Mack smirks and grabs his beer taking a drink as he stands up and walks out of view slapping the title over his shoulder and then we just fade to black.
Use all the quotes ya want Johnny, it can't cover up your lack of passion, talent, charisma, your sloppy performances. You're a joke and its funny, Jayden Hartley had qualms of facing Mack for she didn't want to fuck up the match, but truth be told she would probably carry more of her weight than you Johnny. Doesn't really matter though, she and you both wouldn't have to do shit with Mack carrying the show, stealing it, so keep riding the coattails or maybe, just maybe you may consider stepping up your game and showcasing just who Johnny Camaro is for all your know to be in SEF is just like everyone called you...
If Mack were anyone else he may actually underestimate you Johnny, but Mack continues to give his all even when the so called competition isn't even that, even when there is no real challenge or threat he continues to go full force and treat every match against everyone as if it were Wrestle fucking X! Johnny, you have no idea what's coming for you tonight, you just know his name is Shane Mack and that it's a Japanese Deathmatch for a title beyond your reach, but as for as truly knowing, your so many steps behind your more lost than George W in a library and that's just the truth, like it or not ya better learn to accept it, learn and earn or fail yet again.
Controversial is Shane Mack, he made SEF the home of champions and controversy, of course, its well documented about how he made SEF altogether. Johnny wishes he was as controversial as Mack, he wishes he was Mack or else he better start portraying himself different because that is all he has been showing he tries to do only he isn't a tenth of Mack. Johnny is a piss poor copycat and soon to be torn apart, owned, and tapping out. Johnny, your in over your head and Mack is only one showing he that he will save your ass from drowning as usual, but you can do it yourself Johnny, so will you or will you simply fail as always? Its your choice and you chose to waste opportunity countless times, you chose to go after Mack in the first place, you chose to spew lies about him when he never uttered one bad thing about you, so make another choice Johnny, choose wisely or you'll never be over, but your career will be finished!

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