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If My Focus Were Any Sharper You'd Cut Yourself On It! - PPV rp2

Started by Lacey Daniels, September 30, 2023, 12:59:34 AM

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Lacey Daniels

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  • Rank:Jobber
  • Score:144
  • Posts:104
  • From:United Kingdom 
  • Register:03-02-2010 6:33 AM
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Date Posted:07-04-2010 12:07 PMCopy HTML

Warning: This RP may include sex, drugs, rock & roll, cursing and anything else this user sees fit. If you object to any of these day-to-day practices, please, take your fantasy world elsewhere.


RP TitleNext Match:Lovers/Allies/Next Victim:Accomplishments:OOC:
If My Focus Were Any Sharper You'd Cut Yourself On It!vs StrifeChris Orton/Dynasty Divas/StrifeTV Championdiggin' your rp! :)


 The scene opens with Lacey Daniels sitting in a chair in a locker room. She's only in her underwear but then she's always been very confident and comfortable in her own skin, you get the impression that on the rare occassions cameras aren't following her around she probably walks around her house naked. She looks into the camera lens and tilts her head on one side.

LD: Okay so I don't do this often but for a couple of different reasons ... it's a PPV and that makes it special, plus you went out of your way to show me respect ... so I thought I'd return the favor. Oh and before anyone makes some smartass comment about me losing my edge ...

Lacey scowls.

LD: .... seriously fuckwits think again!

Lacey reaches a hand out and brings into view her TV title which she looks down at lovingly.

LD: You know Strife ... and yes, I bothered to know your name ... I get where you're coming from. You've been away from SEF for a while, after holding gold here no less and been out in the big wide world learning, growing, becoming more the kind of man you want to be. I can dig that. I spent a long time learning my craft, training under one the best ever to become the most dominant, awe-inspiring women in this business. I have sacrificed more than I will ever tell to become the wrestler and, yeah diva, I am today. I've had to battle adversity, overcome seemingly insurmountable odds, turn my back on things that I really wanted and work my ass off to get where I am today and I am damn proud of what I have achieved so far. If that means that some people think I'm arrogant, patronising, a real bitch ... well then they're right because I really don't give a flying fuck what they think. There are the few and far between whose opinions I value and everyone else can just go take a running jump. I know a diva like me is never going to be popular because my passion for this business, my drive to succeed and my will to win will always set me against people in this industry who think I should stick to bra and pantie matches, or at best "diva" bouts. Give me a damn break!! You think I spent all these years putting my social life on hold, training til I puked, stretched till I screamed and nearly passed out from the pain to flutter my eyelashes and flash my tits to get anywhere in this game. Oh hell no!! I am more than worthy of this beautiful title right here and I am worthy to hold more ... why shouldn't I be the International champ as well? I am here to inspire and amaze, to let every girl out there that with the right attitude and the determination to do whatever it takes .. you can make your dreams come true and if someone tells you that you can't well then ... piss on them and stomp their ass as you pass them by!

Lacey nods her head as the conviction rings in her voice. She pauses and shakes her head slightly and then looks back up at the camera and you can see the intensity burning in her eyes.

LD: Sorry sometimes I get a little off track when I think about what I want to achieve ... but in response to your comments all I have to say is this ... if you for one second really truely believe that I'm not focussed on this match and defeating you ... then take a good look in my eyes. Your answer lies right there. I am always focussed, I never take my eyes off the ball .. not for a split second because for a woman to succeed in this industry she has to work twice as hard as a man ... and that's the truth of it! I am as talented as anyone here .. maybe more than some ...

Lacey smiles and a little bit of smugness comes into her voice.

LD: ... what am I saying ... definitely more than most here!

Lacey laughs and then gets serious again.

LD: ... I appreciate your honesty and the respect you showed for my talent. It's rare to come across a guy in this game who acknowledges that I am a good champion and that I deserve to be on the same level as him ... so I am taking this time to repay the favor but don't get too excited .. just because I can show you equal respect doesn't mean for one moment that I will not use everything I possess to beat you this Sunday and get that shot at the International title ... hell you give me a good match and I might give you a shot at the gold anyways ... I am nothing but a fighting champion after all. This belt here is my most precious possession and I have no intention of letting it slip through my fingers anytime soon. It is my constant companion and if everything goes according to plan then it will soon have a playmate to keep it company.

Lacey nods her head and strokes her gold lovingly.

LD: You think that I'm distracted by Jayden and by Mack and that just ain't the case. I'm not distracted by anything but the threat you pose to my future happiness and well-being so I am going to take every opportunity to show you my talents and skills up close and personal on Sunday. I may look like a pretty little doll but I don't break anywhere near as easy. I'm not intimidated by you .. in fact I'm looking forward to another chance to prove one more time that I am more than capable of mixing it up with the men. You want 1000% attention and now you got it, physically, mentally and emotionally. .. Actually all this demand for attention ... are you sure this is a purely professional thing?

Lacey winks at the camera. She can't resist teasing even when she knows it's inappropriate. It's the inate bitch in her.

LD: But just to reassure you .. I will use all and every weapon in my considerable arsenal to put you away ... I know you want to make a good impression at your returning PPV but too bad for you because it just ain't gonna happen. Come hell or high water on Sunday I will be walking out of Freedom Hall, revelling in my glory with a firm grasp on my gold ... and Strife that's not a threat ... that's a promise!

Lacey gets a grim determined look on her face as the camera fades to black

End of rp2

"Yes I am as good as I look"


Disclaimer: This layout was made by Diabolical at Diabolical Designs. It is free for your use but please do not alter the layout or disclaimer in any way other than the text portions. 


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