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Tonight's the night

Started by Kristin Fox, September 30, 2023, 01:00:28 AM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:07-04-2010 12:42 PMCopy HTML


The following roleplay may contain material deemed inappropriate for some younger viewers. If you are not offended by sexual situations, acts of extreme violence, and a lot of swearing, then keep reading. If you are easily offended, simply click the little
[x] on the top right corner of your screen. You have been warned!

Tarnished20Legacy20Banner.jpg legacy banner picture by kristinbenoit97
|| Roleplay ;;;Heading ;;;~ You Clicked It || People ;;;Featured ~ Read and See || Allies/Hit List ~ Tarnished Legacy/almost Everyone Else || Word ;Count ;;;~ didnt count|| Post ;;;Song ;;;~Homies by ICP|| MComments ~ Internet is lagging bad ;-) ||
{{{The members of Tarnished Legacy are entering the Freedom Hall just before noon.  As they had previously joked about a dress code, they actually are dressed all alike.  They are wearing black slacks and a black shirt that says Forever Fox with a picture of Chris and Kaitlyn Benoit.  Only today they are joined by former SEF superstars Matt Fox and Maegan Fox-Silva.  They have backstage passes on and carrying tickets in their hand.  They are also joined by a teenage girl with blondish-brown hair and brown eyes.  She has a huge armed body guard with her.  They both have tickets and backstage passes.  Her head is down but she's walking forward slowly.  The camera comes around the corner and almost bumps into them.  Taryn gives them directions and the guard takes the Fox Twins and their babysister to their locker room.}}

Samantha:"Any final thoughts on tonight's matches?"

Justin:"First, I'd actually like to apologize about yesterday.  I know that we called for an interview and we joked around, but to be honest you had to show two forms of identification to prove you really were Samantha.  Other than that, tonight I predict victory for myself.  I'm not trying to be cocky but pure hate is driving me on in this match againist Knighthawk.  My cousin changed is flight plans in order to watch be finish off the last remains of a family that has tried to ruin our own.  It's the reason Emma is here.  She has an armed guard.  My family wants to see this through the end.  To put a finality on things.  After tonight the Blackwood family will be destroyed."

Samantha:"What about the main event?  Justin, you were in the last few hours of the hardcore title with Johnny Camaro..."

{Justin laughs}

Justin:"He likes to brag that one good night's sleep is going to heal the collective injuries from a hardcore 24/7 series for a shot at Mack's heavyweight title.  {He nudges Ash & Drew}  I think we may have cracked his head something awful.  You know a psychologist would say he has delusions of grandeur to think that he is as great as Mack and I'm not kissing Mack's ass.  I'm stating simple fact.  For seven years Mack has been the star here and Johnny come lately thinks he is going to walk in here after two months of sitting on his ass at home and he's going to take out the top guy?  I think I'm good but hell, but nobody is that good, maybe Whitney could take out Mack but she's retired.  I don't go for this being born great shit, that's what people like Camaro think.  I've worked damn hard to make it back to SEF.  I've worked hard to live up to the promise I  made to my Uncle Chris.  It's how I earned this match for the International title."

{Ash steps forward}

Ash:"I think the best way to describe the situation is respect is earned not given.  That's why Drew and I entered the hardcore 24/7 matches.  It's a way to prove that we deserve to be here.  A shot at Mack for the heavyweight title is the holy grail of SEF and on a ppv like Glory and Gold?  Damn that would have been the shit!  I don't believe that I've ever wrestled Mack before.  I think I would have given him a decent match at least better than this Camaro guy.  Three seconds is all it took for him to take the title off of me or I would have been in the match tonight, but unlike some people, if they would have lost, I'm not going to through myself down on the ground, kicking and screaming that management screwed me or throwing a tantrum because the world is out to get me.  Which seems to be the way Camaro reacted to Mack making a statement.  He tried to light a fire under Camaro's ass and all it did was knock what little brains he had left that wasn't rattled under hardcore rules loose.  He really is braindead to think that he's going to win a battle royal and then beat Mack for the heavyweight title."

{They all laugh, even Samantha.  Drew steps forward}

Drew:"I'm not going to make any bold predicitions 'ere tonight, Samantha, all I know is that Camaro will not be a winner anywhere tonight.  He's a bloody glakit, that's all.  I think the battle royal is going to be fun.  I love to fight.  {he smirks}  It's a win, win situation for me, it is.  If I win then you are going to see a classic with Justin and myself.  We've wrestled many times over."

{Taryn rolls her eyes}

Taryn:"So much its bloomin' boring, it is.  It would be new to SEF.  You have only really shown a glimpse of what you can do with the hardcore title.  To really prove what you are bloody worth is on a pay per view, like tonight.  Tonight, Samantha, I just plan on going out there and doing my best.  If I get to bloody up some Dynasty Divas then, its bonus.  Whether its win or lose, I just want to start proving myself to the fans and management of SEF."
quєєnofhєarts_The layout was created by Ashley aka Queen of Hearts. Like it? Thank you, now go request one!


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