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universal6 star tag team

Dynasty DIvas love gold

Started by Kristin Fox, September 30, 2023, 01:01:13 AM

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Kristin Fox

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  • Rank:Jobber
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Date Posted:07-04-2010 1:07 PMCopy HTML

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__.xxDynasty Darlings
DynastyDarlingsBanner.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97
Final Word count: 
{{The Dynasty Divas leave their locker room carrying black and pink title belts, the center an almost exact replica of the Hart Foundation logo.  The name plate on the belts say "Dynasty Divas."  Across the top it says Tag team champions.  Today Hayden and Jade are wearing the tag belts across their shoulders.  The three girls are wearing black and pink bootie shorts with fringe and mesh bra tops covering lacy pink bras.  The boots are air brushed white boots covered with black and pink all over with Dynasty Divas.  The girls have even went so far, for the ppv, to have black and pink streaks added to their hair.  All three are now wearing shiny wedding sets with their husband's names tattoed on their ring fingers.  They knock on Lacey's door and then enter when she says come in.}

Lacey:"They're here."

{Dusty giggles.  She then reaches into the brief case she is carrying and pulls out two more.}

Hayden:"I told her it was over kill but she thought having four titles would really piss off some people."

Lacey:"It could."

Jade Hart-O'Bannon:"After the battle royal we can make a plan on how we can go through all of the jobbers before really starting to hit people hard.  Freebird rules and all says that they will never know which two of us they are going to get hit with.  The only thing that I know for sure is that it is {she smirks} destiny that the Dynasty will reign supreme tonight at Glory and Gold."

Hayden:"OH no, {she snickers} That wasn't cliche at all."

Dusty:"It's true.  It will all start with Lacey defeating Strife and then one of us or our guys walking out of the Battle Royal."

Jade:"Dusty, don't you think you wanna share your thoughts?"

{Dusty sighs}

Dusty:"The odds are on Justin winning the International title tonight.  I have loads of tapes from when I used to idolize him.  If Hayden has beat the sarcastic chauvenism out of Lucas then he'd be a perfect practice dummy for a match againist Justin.  Only Matt or Drew know Justin better in the ring and they won't help you beat him."

Lacey:"Lucas isn't going to be so willing when I'm sure he thinks HE's going to win."

Hayden:"I'll make sure that he's more than willing."
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