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PP\\// Return

Started by Johnny Camaro, September 30, 2023, 01:04:02 AM

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Johnny Camaro

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Date Posted:07-04-2010 1:42 AMCopy HTML



"PP\\// Return"
Out of Character: Nose Nuggets!


Its been two long months. two long months since he has ventured into a ring, and two long months since he's been pitted against some guy who isn't fit to polish the boots he's been wearing. Two long months since he's kicked a guy in the face or connected with the Speed Drop, or defeated an opponent - has he missed it? I think he has.

Johnny Camaro -The Quintessential Superstar- has fought countless opponents, and destroyed them. He's flat-out the greatest wrestler in the business. There will be people who dispute this; the one's who feel that your list of achievements should decide whether or not you should be deemed amazing. The people who think that the Triple H's and Ric Flair's should be crowned with such an ego boosting title. However, they are, sadly, wrong. You see, the things that make Johnny the greatest wrestler in the world transcend everything that anyone else could use. Lets put aside the obvious - he's an amazing wrestler. Flat-out, the best technical, pure, high-flying and submission wrestler in the business. He's invented more moves than Kenta Kobashi and the late Mitsuhara Misawa combined. He's innovated the sport of professional wrestling - his fast pace ring work and seemingly endless storage of stamina (not to mention charisma) has made him run circles around his opponent literally, and on the microphone. Lets face facts - he knows how to handle the stick as well. He's not one of those people who freezes up on the microphone; rather, he's the type who, once he gets on, you'll wanna ride it for days. To hear him talk is a thrill; he can get the crowd brimming with energy by saying two words. He seems to have developed the oratory powers that other great men in history had - Washington, Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr., Kennedy - the list goes on. Hell, if he so decided, he could probably enslave the entire world just because he asked them to be. But he wouldn't do that - no rather, he'd just use his magnificent microphone powers to convince girls to do things in bed they wouldn't normally do.

This PPV is fast approaching, there's a big battle royal and whom will win...well, none other than the quintessential part of this roster. Johnny Camaro. And you know why, because I am of the greats in history. Alexander the, Wayne Gretzky, and Claire Redfield -from Resident Evil 2. I am more awesome than Barney Stinson and The Miz combine -but that only puts me one notch below Barney Stinson, sooo. My first day back and I made some enemies, so I will be out number, yet I still have an advantage. I have held many titles for the longest time in their existence. I have been in numerous battle royals that have been for titles, so this concept isn't completely foreign to me."

Johnny has this sort of presence about him that make even the straightest of men cum in their pants. He's like the Ron Burgundy of SEF-except he doesn't settle for one girl who will steal his job and makes him a drunk- He is the complete package on the mic. But not to stray away from his in-ring ability, Johnny possess' an arsenal which requires tip-top stamina.

"You know, SEF is just like Resident Evil 4. You've got all these "non-zombies" that can't put up a fight, then there are the boss Sr.'s who are crazy mutated "super non-zombies". I fall in the category of the Boss Sr.'s. I'm tough as shit, very high "life bar", and have many different secret attacks, I won't always be "Roman Salazar",  I may change to "Jack Krauser", then finish you off as "Lord Saddler". I'll be all over the place and never die like Leon Scott Kennedy, yet be as complicated as the merchant. But enough with the game analogy."

 Ya, he may use video game analogies, but Resident Evil is hype! So I have gone over what makes Johnny a great man on the stick (microphone, you immature ingrates). Let us prove his great stick work with a promo
July 1ST, 2010; Louisville, Kentucky.

"All is as it should be with me facing Mack at G&G. But I can't help feeling that someone will get involved. Someone around 4 feet, uses a tadpole splash...Who can it be. That's right, Shady Smack! Now I have no clue what I did to this guy to make him hate me, but clearly I did something. Maybe I stepped on his toe, or stopped him from getting attacked."

Johnny is obviously faking his confusion, the sarcastic tone he's using doesn't give it away at all.

"Well, whatever I did, it must have warranted a shower of Haterade from him. Shady Smack, I want to know what I did to you. I don't want any bullshit answers like I've been getting. So, What did I do to you? That's all you have to answer."

Johnny says looking a little annoyed with Smack.

"Moving on, I will be fighting in a battle royal and I'll be fighting Mack. I have the chance to win two titles on Sunday -or at least a title and a contendership. People that I have already beaten are going to be in there, ie. Knox, Ash, Jayden, Lucas, and Bethany. I don't think I actually fought Bethany, but in case I did, I think I won.  All of those people and more will all be in a wrestling ring at the same time fighting for a contendership. Personally I'm a little roughed up by the 24/7 rule thing, but it's nothing that a little sleep and rest wouldn't fix. Besides, it feels more like the pain after working out, not the stiffness, just the pain."

Johnny clasps his right upper arm and massages it a little.

"I won't let that stand in my way, especially because it only need about a days worth of rest. Anyway, at G&G, I plan on winning the battle royal, then putting up a hell of a fight against Mack. We've had some matches, and most have been nominees for the best match of the year. Although, they were intense matches, such as the Prison Yard match, so that probably had a big impact on it. But I digress. I have to face an entire roster, then face Mack, and what will I do? Will I eliminate myself in an effort to preserve myself, or will I fight as hard as I can? Well the choice is obvious, and I do hope that I come into the battle rather late. Even if I don't I will fight for that right to a title match. And I will win, because I need to. If I win the World title on Sunday and the battle royal, I will be well on my way to becoming a Grand Slam champion. "

Johnny says as he tilts his head back, closes his eyes, and takes a deep breath.

"I will do that someday, I will be a Grand Slam champion."

He brings his head back down and opens his eyes.

"Anyway, one thing that has circulated through peoples heads for a while is why did Johnny come back, and why attack Vlad and Knox? Well its very simple, those two clearly weren't giving enough to you the fans. And besides, there should be more than one person that you come here to see, there should be more than one good match on a card. Mack was the only one there that drew fans. I came so we as a collective unit could elevate SEF even further. Right now, we could break through to the next level or stay in one place, personally I like the elevating idea, and so did SEF management. When they heard my idea, they couldn't say no. So here I am, to help put more than one good match on a card. I'm the Ric Flair to Mack's Hogan. I'm the reason people will go home satisfied, not just talking about the Main-Event, but the show altogether."

Johnny starts to smirk.

"Besides, all of you watching this. I got you to do it, you all wanted to know why I did what I did, and you came here to see it. As a wise man once said, "The way to put asses in the seats, is to be as controversial." That's how I'm trying to help SEF, that is how I am trying to hype this match up. Be controversial. Mack though, has taken it a little too personally. He took it so personally that he actually felt it was necessary to attack me from the behind."

Johnny starts to look a little more serious.

"With all due respect to Mack, I really don't see why you cheer for him when he just attacks someone for no reason. Then again, he doesn't need a reason right? He's Mack, He can do whatever he wants without any consequences. Right now, I'll let that one slide. I really don't care, but Mack, come one man, you don't need to be doing that shit."

The seriousness has left his face. Its like a shot of Venom filled him and forced him to bash Mack, but he swallowed it down...Well most of it anyway, but no matter now, its gone.

"Mack told me, the Deathmatch is like nothing I'd ever felt. Mack, I may not have been through a Deathmatch, but I've been pretty damn close. To date, the most painful match I have ever endured is a full out Curbstomp match. Not like the one Nikky had at Wrestle X, but a legit, 12-15 person, full out Curbstomp match. It is hell on the body and mind, there is no way to sit and let everyone else kill themselves because there are too many people for that to happen. Its like a mosh pit of barbed wire, there is no way to not get hurt."

Normally this is where people would shrug their shoulders and make some noise that would  mean He's right. But their aren't too many SOW fans that are still watching wrestling.

"The deathmatch will be the same with less people and a much lower risk of death. In the end Mack, you were right. I don't know what's coming, but I have a pretty good idea. Have fun, and keep your midget away from or match."

And with that said, the camera fades to black.

Great promo work. Great in-ring proformance. Great behind the scenes. I think Johnny may have refed a match once when SEF was short-handed one night. But probably not. So he can do all that and he's still going for more. Personally, I think Johnny will win, but who knows. Wrestling is fake, but SEF is real. Anything and I mean anything can happen at anytime. SEF. #1 in extreme. SEF. Your Sunday night special. SEF. The way to legalize stem cells.

Check out the PP\\//, and I wish everyone a happy and safe Canada day/Independance Day. Today, we will go out with a quote from Rise Against

This is a chance to set things straight
To bend or break the rules back into place
There is no middle ground, no compromise, we've drawn the line
With perfect aim, we stand back and throw
Glass windows break and it's all about to blow
Lights go out as we pass the torch again
In hope that is stays lit



Johnny Camaro

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Re:PP\\// Return
Date Posted:07-04-2010 9:28 PMCopy HTML



"Setting things straight"

Johnny is in an appartment building, lying on a bed, and looking out the window beside him. There are wasps swarming the corner of the building and they look pissed off. Just the size of the swarm is terrifying to just find. Johnny's just watching them swarm the nest. He looks over at the camera.

"Oh hey, I didn't even hear you come in. You know camera man Mike, I do Yoga and Tai-Chi, I exercise after every workout, and why? Because it makes me feel better, when I'm sad, I don't grab a beer or food, I exercise. But there's something about watching wasps swarm that really seems to calm me down, like I let my rage transfer to them and then they swarm even harder. The Yoga and Tai-Chi may keep me in balance physically and mentally, but watching these wasps are something else. Of course I still have to poison them because they'll come back in bigger packs next year. It's kind of like SEF. Everyone just dissappears for a while, then everyone comes back slowly, plus more."

When he's in this calm state, there is almost nothing that can break his calmness. The only thing that can is people who stereotype him as a pretty boy, people who talk shit about him, and people who have no idea what they're talking about when commenting on his friends.

"What about what Justin Rodgers and Shane McMack?" The cameraman asked.

"Well, this man who calls himself "Justin" Rodgers, he has been showering me in Haterade, and why? Well honestly I have no idea. I have not wronged this man, I have done nothing to offend him. If I did I would appreciate it if he'd come talk to me about, its a dick move to just bitch about someone behind there backs, I won't scorn you for doing it. Infact I'd respect you for talking to me about it, besides face to face, we could solve the problem. He wouldn't have to spend his time bitching about falsehoods he knows nothing about. You know, I kind of get what Mack was talking about though, this time around I have told no lies, so if he does he has no reason to. But I digress. Me and this "Justin" Rodgers sees me as a stereotypical pretty boy, and though I am very man pretty and of the male gender, I possess much more. As I stated prior, my stick work, my in-ring work, which hasn't been allowed to be shown yet, and of course my newly found desire. I see it as him bitching, ii respect Mack now for putting up with it, but I won't aggressively force you to listen to me "Justin" Rodgers. If you don't want to hear my point of it, then stop listening now."

Johnny just sits there for a second and just puts on some chapstick. He hasn't in a while and they're horribly dry. After he puts some on they look much better, you can even tell from the computer screen.

"Alright, this is my side of things, "Justin" Rodgers. First off, I'm not bragging about a one nights rest healing me. I never have, I just said it was like the pain was equivalent to big rips in a persons muscle, as if they over-worked out. Secondly, I never said I was better than Mack, I don't know why everyone keeps saying that I do, I don't. Thirdly, I never said I was born this great. I had to work for it, I paid for the martial arts classes, I paid for the acrobatics, I paid for the 5 times I went through wrestling school, they were all with different trainers though. I never said I was born great, I paid physically, mentally, and financially, I worked to get where I am, and I'm damn proud I got to the MainEvent of a Pay-Per-View. As for Ash's claim that I can't wrestle. Well I wrestled my way here pretty fine, I got through you pretty fine. You and Justin kept giving me what you got and I kicked out. Earlier, I gave you my all and you kicked out. I was doing the samething you were doing, fighting for a #1 contendership. Ash, as I said toward Justin, if you want to face me man to man so we can talk this out, fine. I want to do this right. I want to hear your side and tell you mine. No fighting, no interupting, just setting things straight and settling this so we each get our facts straight. This is what Mack and I should have done, but we didn't and look at where we are now. That's it I'm done with both of you. Lets talk it out. That's all."

Epiphany, did you get it too Mack?

"Now moving on to Mack."

That venom. That venom that controlled his thoughts the last time, you can see it in his eyes. Johnny can't let this happen here, he's trying to sell Mack an apology. You can see Johnny shake his head, and then he's fine.

"Mack, you corrected me. I thought it would be a "Royal Rumble" styled battle royal. Clearly not. As for that whole hypocrite thing. I want to be a Grand Slam champion because I want to say I did it. I don't care if I forget it on a resume. I just want to say that I have been there before. I have the ability to get there. It's more an issue of it being a milestone rather than being a career changer. Obviously I didn't say that, and I did make it seem like a hypocrite, that isn't how it was intended."

He has this sorry, I forgot look on his face, but is soon turns normal.

"Innovation, Mack is my specialty. In those wrestling games, people had their powerbombs, their STO's, their submissions, but my special was innovation. Look at the Curbstomp, and that was an accident while playing 'guys' or 'wrestlers' with my brothers. I also have this idea which is a modified War Games match. I was going to see if the Obbanons would fight me and a couple of guys, but he 'fabed me, so that kind of died. As for moves I have this double frontflip imploding shooting star, and of course the Heartbreak Hangover. I didn't think that these matches would catch on, and I though SEF would ban some of these moves like the WWE. Clearly it was a false worry. So if you want me to I will start shooting SEF ideas for some deathmatches that will soon be SEF natives."

Can we see the Lateral Motion or SEF match-Self Exploding Firetrap- or even the World War Games match anytime soon? Who knows?

"Oh and by the way Mack, no one here will give you more of a challange than me. I'm coming at you full-force, and while I was "Sitting on my ass for two months" rediscovering the wrestling business, and reconnecting with everything I claimed to know (basically martial arts in general) I have found I am better than I was. I'm coming at you in a way that you don't know. I have retrained with my friend Issiah Sparrow. He reconnected me, I think it worked anyway. it's for you to judge."

Johnny quickly changes bitter again, another attack of this venom. You can't do this now!

"Oh and don't ever comment on Nikky again. He's tougher than you, he's tougher than me, He's tougher than this whole damn company combined

Shit! It's happening. Mack Why did you have to comment on Nikky Venom?

"Nikky is suffering from a very serious disease called Bi-Polar, it's the reason he left, I left, he broke up with Megan, it's the cause of all his fears. It's the god damn cause of why people called him Emo. Don't ever make fun of him. EVER.  Or else me and you will have a conversation at length that you won't enjoy."

He swallowed it for now.


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