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Started by Kristin Fox, September 30, 2023, 08:25:55 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:07-08-2010 5:19 PMCopy HTML

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The following roleplay may contain material deemed inappropriate for some younger viewers. If you are not offended by sexual situations, acts of extreme violence, and a lot of swearing, then keep reading. If you are easily offended, simply click the little
[x] on the top right corner of your screen. You have been warned!

Tarnished20Legacy20Banner.jpg legacy banner picture by kristinbenoit97
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{{{{We open on a previously taped promo from Justin Rodgers.  The camera is focused on a beautiful south Texas sunset.}

Justin:"Do you ever wake up and have this surreal feeling like you've just had a really vivid dream?  Like the past few days were some hallucination like my baby sister Dusty's first contact high.  {He laughs} I just can not believe that it finally happened.  I am the SEF International champion.  It still hasn't sunk in.  All of my hardwork has paid off and I get a whole twenty four hours to spend with my beautiful wife and the first sonogram of our child."

{He stops talking as the camera zooms back to reveal that he is sitting watching the sunset with his wife Katana.  The title is draped across her lap while their hands are clasp over her stomach.  The scene changes to Justin dressed in jeans, boots, a sleeveless denim shirt, and black aviator shades with his title around his waist and a new tat.  In place of the black arm band is a tat style arm band with Forever Fox on it.  He has a huge grin on his face and looks extremely satisfied and relaxed.  He stops in front of a locker room door with a plain white on black plaque that says "Tarnished Legacy."  He opens the door and the rest of the team is in there.  Taryn jumps up dressed in a pink and white work out suit}

Taryn:"Well!?!?!  Is it a boy or a girl?"

{Justin smirks and rolls his suitcase in so he can close the door.}

Drew:"Don't leave us bloody hanging, Justin."

Ash:"Yeah, come on man!  We haven't heard you speak one word about the baby since we just saw that you announced for sef that you Katana was having a sonogram.  That's pretty shitty man, I called you the minute we found out Dante was going to be a boy."

{Justin grinned again}

Justin:"You mean Katana didn't call Maegan?"

{Ash starts laughing and Drew groans.  It takes a second for Taryn to register the double meaning}


Ash:"I see.  I guess this means you haven't been out of bed until Mary called and told Katana she had to come back to work."
{Justin looks smug and rocks back on the heels of his cowboy boots.}

Justin:"Let's just say that winning the International title wasn't the only thing I did like Uncle Chris the other night." 

{His family gives him weird looks} "Twins.  Boy and a Girl."
{They finally understand and get up to congratulate him.  Before anything else is said there is a knock on the door.  They let the camera crew in.}


{Justin grins.}
Justin:"Twins run in my family.  {He accepts the congrats of the crew and then takes his sunglasses off getting serious} "I defeated Knighthawk and became the International champion just like I said I would.  Now in two weeks I have to face the winner of the Battle Royal, Mr. Sterling in my first title defense.  From what I've seen he is like a morbid cross between Ash and Drew.  I'll figure him out shortly but as for now I have a tag match where my partner is Johnny Camaro?  {he grimaces}  Mack destroyed him and Camaro has this obscene obsession with Shady Smack.  So I'm going into a handicap match againist my brother and my sister-in-law.  {shakes his head} Two people that I have more history with almost anyone else in the world.  So this is more like a triple threat match since I see Hayden as by far a bigger threat than Camaro.  Hayden alone would be a good warm up for Sterling but Lucas?  A match between my brother and myself is going to be seriously brutal so Camaro needs to bring his a-game and no that is not a video game reference.  Put the controller or paddle or whatever the hell you are using and step into the now.  Step into SEF the company that is paying you a paycheck to lace up your boots.  I need a partner and you would be so low on my list of choices that only Vlad and Knighthawk would be lower than you.  Hell I'd call an O'Bannon before I called you Camaro."
{Ash clears his throat}
Ash:"The SEF O'Bannons."

{Justin laughs}

Justin:"Well....a decendant of Talon or Jax not the NOLA O'Bannons.  They give me a headache whenever I have to be anywhere near them.  {he laughs}  I'd rather team with Jax or Riot than you Camaro but I do not make the rules.  Just pull your head out of your ass or find it and attach it back to your shoulders because I seem to remember Mack kicking your ass from pillar to post.  I plan on keeping my title for a long time so if I have to learn from Mack's example and carry your ass then I will."
{He turns for his suitcase to drag it so that he can start taking his gear out}
Ash:"Sterling, finally.  We get another one on one match together.  Interesting that I see your old girlfriend has come to SEF following behind you like a dog in heat.  {his phone goes off with a short asian style tone.  he looks down} "We must be live.  My wife just sent me a txt and has announced that she is going to start traveling with me.  She loves to beat down hoes and it seems SEF is starting to fill with them like a cheap second rate strip club.  So Sterling, your Ashlee will certainly be neutralized should she become a problem.  {he smirks} Now you go have your make up sex and get all exhausted beating each other up or whatever gets the two of you off.  I'll be doing what I do best.  Training and combining my martial arts and MMA style into a more complementary wrestling form."
{Drew and Taryn smirk at each other before smiling at the camera}
Drew:"Our tag team partner is blooming crackers, love 'em.  He gets him some, gets high, and kicks ass.  He's like Mack's mini-me.  Shorter than me but is still getting more action than I am up late."

{Justin turns with a raised eyebrow}

Justin:"You'd mention that why?"

{Drew flips his middle finger off and scratches his eyebrow.  Justin smirks}
Drew:"At least I can count on my tag team partners when we face Knox, Riot, and Dusty."
Justin:"Touche' but don't take her lightly.  Lacey has really brought up Dusty's game."

{Taryn smiles}

Taryn:"I noticed.  She's the bait when Hayden and Jade come in to do Lacey's dirty work."
Drew:"It's a paycheck, sis.  {he snickers} In the ring I do not see gender and as much as my older sister would like me to take it easy on her replacement daughter...."
Justin:"Knock it off."
{Drew turns to see Justin's deadly serious look}
Drew:"Like it or not, Dusty will never be Gracie.  To me, to Taryn, to Matt and Maegan.  Hell, let her come in 'ere and Lacey would learn what the real future of a dominant diva looks like in the present.  The Fox side of your genetics, Justin is what drove you to earn the International title.  It's what has produced multiple members of MENSA and how both you and Gracie graduated high school before most kids are old enough to drive {smirks} in the bloomin colonies when they let you drive at 16, its codswallop tis what it is.  I swear Gracie might even pique Whitney to sign 'er personally if she sent tape in, but no, your sister is working on a double doctorate like the bloody genius she is.  You, {Drew laughs} settled and dropped out of grad school for what?"

Justin:"You know why."

{Drew sobers up}

Drew:"Aye, I know why.  So one post Bacculearate for you Jus?  {Justin ignores him and Drew clears his throat}  We'll discuss this later, mate.  {He then turns to the camera}  "See every family has problems but we use our problems to fuel our desires. A lesson that you should have learned from your father, O'Bannon boys.  Hell, Dusty you should have learned the same lesson but then again, you are more like Lucas than you'll ever be like Justin."
Taryn:"You let me worry about Dusty.  We have more than enough history.  {she grins} We have enough to last a lifetime, Dusty.  I like Shady Smack's style and I have teamed with my big brother more times than I can remember.  We are a cohesive unit and had we joined in time for the tag titles we would have had a fair shake at keeping the division alive.  As for the fake ones you like to carry around Dusty.  I'm going to pull a page out of my sister's book, your illustrous STEP-mother.  I'll wrestle you anytime anywhere againist any of the Dynasty Divas and I'll let you pick the member of Tarnished Legacy that I team with.  We aren't interested in fake titles.  Ash and Drew have both held the now defunct hardcore title on more than one occassion.  Justin is the International champion and I'm thinking that if Strife doesn't take the television title from Lacey I might even treat Lacey to the I can beat you and maybe or maybe not will I take a title shot with you.  It sounds a little cocky I know, but when you have to resort to carrying around fake titles to make yourself feel important then {she shrugs} then I'll throw the stupidity right back into your face."
quєєnofhєarts_The layout was created by Ashley aka Queen of Hearts. Like it? Thank you, now go request one!


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