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Im Platinum Bitch! (Extreme 176)

Started by Ashlee Madden, September 30, 2023, 08:49:03 PM

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Ashlee Madden

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Date Posted:07-11-2010 12:03 AMCopy HTML

 ash2.png picture by murdertramp725

OOC:Alright so I should have done this last night but I was being pretty damn lazy lol. If I spelled things wrongly or got people mixed up or confused or anything like that I apologize for it now =)
Music:"Blah Blah Blah"-Ke$ha

So here it was Ashlee had barely been in SEF a week and already she was booked for her first match. She had to admit she was a little unmotivated and hadnt expected things to move so quickly for her. Though it had only taken about a day or so for Sterling to help her get *ahem* motivated. She had pushed herself back into training and made sure she got a good workout in everyday. She wanted to be prepared she didnt know what to expect from her opponets. Jade and Jayden. It seemed almost as if she were fighting the same person in fact it was hard not to get them mixed up. So there Ashlee sat outside in the sun soaking up the warmth on a bench. She had designer sunglasses on and a big fake flower in her hair. Sterlings camera man/ assisstant was setting up the camera as Ashlee waited thinking up exactly how she wanted to get her promo out. parked not too far away Sterling leaned on the hood of his car watching. Ashlee had decided she really couldnt focus all too well on the promo if he were standing right next to her because lately since they had been together the distraction was almost too much to resist. In fact even with him standing away from her just looking at him was distracting. Geek Boy signaled to Ashlee that he was ready and she completly zoned in on what she had to say and do at the moment.

Ashlee-You will have to forgive me for not wanting to make a proper debut in front of all you fans. Im not big on the whole play up to the fan base you know?! It just doesnt strike me as interesting and honestly I dont need all the support. I dont feed on there approval like some people. Anyways for those who dont know me...Which is already a very few number. Im 'The Platinum One' Ashlee Madden. Yeah Im pretty cocky and have an ego the size of Texas but the difference between me and some other people is I can actually back it up.

Ashlee sighed and stood up from the bench and began walking over towards Sterling she made a point to talk until she got there.

Ashlee-Now before I get to my match there is something I would like to address. Ash Silva seems to think making a few comments about me is gonna make a difference at all. I just wanted to let him know personally I h ave no interest in interfering in his and Mr.Sterling's match. No Im just gonna sit back and relax and enjoy the beating he gets by 'Greatness' himself. Oh and your wife is coming?! I just dont know what Im gonna do..I think Im scared! HA! Thats a laugh good luck to her on taking out me. I will destroy her and everything she is. If you and your wife wanna mess with "Platinum Greatness" by all means go ahead. Sterling has made it clear to me and everyone else this is the biggest most stupidist thing I have ever heard. Your wife wants to come out here and take out "hos?!" By all means she can...I go by a few names and Ho isnt one of them. Maybe she can try her luck on some people like my opponets.

By this time Ashlee has made it back to Sterling and the Impala. She leaned over and fixed her heels a little bit and smoothed out her clothes as she took a minute to pause and then shake her head.

Ashlee-Ok you know what I dont think I should even think about going into the whole Jade and Jayden are ho's thing. 'Cause really its predictable, boring, outdated, cheap, tacky, and quite frankly has no class behind it what so ever. Plus I dont wanna get into an "Idaho?! No Udaho!" Match up...Since I am a very classy woman I will save that nonsense for other bitches who like to talk shit and are bland and boring. Well at least I know these type of comments slide off me like nothing and pretty much waste everyone's time. So I guess I could start off with Jade Hart. Sweetheart dont worry I will be gentle.

Ashlee gets a smirk on her face and winks at Sterling before gently lifting herself up to sit on the hood of the Impala as Geek Boy zoomed the camera in a little bit more on Ashlee's face.

Ashlee-Now Jade I dont know who the hell you are other than a so called "Dynasty Diva." The fuck is that?! Really you seem like you sit back in the shadows of that little stable and twirl your hair around your finger while the other ones run their mouths and get all the spotlight. Maybe you just aren't as good as they are and they treat you more like a lap dog and just one more number in there stable. Thats what I assume anyways. It doesnt matter anyways unfortunatly you have the unfortunate luck of having to face true talent and the new force to be reckoned with in this company. Oh yes you and Miss. Jayden Hartley are not even more than a small little blip on my radar to the top of this company. I assume I will hear some lame ass attempt at a come back for how I burn your ass and run you into the ground. Now I think I have wasted enough breath on you so why dont you do the world all a favor and go back to twirling your hair and pretending like you actually matter in that sad excuse of a thing you call a team. Dynasty Divas...what a joke.

Ashlee laughed to herself and shook her head a little bit before looking back up at the camera. She licked her lips a little bit and leaned back on the hood of the car looking even more relaxed and in the zone as she had been before.

Ashlee-Now on to Miss. Jayden. Oh no hunny I havent forgotten about you at all. You seem like better competition that Jade. Though it doesnt matter anyways I only have to pin one of you to win and Im sure it will be you. In fact Im counting on it. Though dont think I wont take the opportunity and pin Jade either. Now what I understand about you is your an Ex-Whore trying to make it big in the business and you wanna be taken seriously. I guess I can relate to it a little bit..Well not to being a whore or anything like that, but to the fact that just because I decided to focus my energies on first getting "The Greatness" back on my side first people seem to think that that's what Im here for. I wont lie he is pretty amazing but I do have my own career to think about and thats what Im here to do. Im here to prove myself and be successful. Much like you are. Thats the only way I can respect you. Though like I said earlier you and Jade are nothing more than small blips on my radar. Im setting my sights higher and its very unfortunate that you have to be taken down first. Weither or not you still are a whore? Well that makes no damn bit of difference to me. You lost to 'Greatness' and now you will lose to "The Platinum One." Nothing else matters but that. Its unfortunate that I dont know my opponets better but I think I have gotten my point across.

Ashlee smiled over at Sterling who gave her a smirk back. She jumped off the hood of the car landing gracefully in her heels on the pavement below. She straightened back up and readjusted her sunglasses before speaking again.

Ashlee-To all you other idiots out there who havent gotten the message yet. 'Platinum Greatness' is here and we are the future of SEF. Love us or Hate us. You know you wanna be us.

With that the Ashlee made the signal for the feed to be cut and so it was. One minute everyone was staring at 'Platinum Greatness' the next they were staring at a black screen. Yeah how disappointing..


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