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176 Dynasty style

Started by Kristin Fox, September 30, 2023, 08:53:08 PM

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Kristin Fox

  • Rank:Jobber
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  • From:USA 
  • Register:05-06-2010 7:57 PM
Date Posted:07-11-2010 8:50 PMCopy HTML

__.xxDynasty Darlings
DynastyDarlingsBanner.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97
Final Word count: 
{{The Dynasty Divas are walking down the hallways of the arena.  This week they are dressed in black hip hugging tights with pink fringe&names on their butts, their custom airbrushed black and pink ring boots and kick pads, black halter tops with Dynasty Divas across the front.  Hayden is wearing her black and pink heart tiara, Jade wearing mirrored raybans, and Dusty with a black Stetson with pink band.  Each of them have one of the beautiful custom made tag belts over their shoulders.  They bump into a camera crew.  Dusty rolls her eyes}

Dusty:"How many times do we have to tell you if you wanna touch ask..."

Hayden:"and the answer is still"

all three:"Hell no."

{The girls laugh evilly.  Then they do a big production of smirking and flashing their wedding sets.}

Jade:"I love being married.  {evil laugh}  "It means that I finally found a man worthy enough of my time and effort.  Plus love never hurt nobody."

{Dusty laughs}

Dusty:"And the new girl said you were the quiet one."

Hayden:"Jade?  She maybe less likely to bash people but then look at who her father is.  Why brag when its fact that her father's history in this business is legendary?  There is no question that he's the greatest wrestler in history."

Jade:"Hey, your dad wasn't a slouch either!  He just got hated on because of his relation to my dad.  In fact, {she turns to the camera} Ashlee Madden, the three women you see before you grew up in this business and by hook or crook as Jayden so desperately tried to point out so did our parents.  You tried to disparage my lovely sister-in-law, {puts an arm around Dusty} by claiming she's only a step?  You really did get infected with something......sleeping with Weigel must have given you the retarted STD.  She is so much more than merely the step-daughter of a third generation wrestler.  When Justin's mother married Dusty's father, well their father, I should say, she was adopted as was Lucas.  Which is where you idiots try to disparage her.  She was adopted because Kristin wanted to and because her bio mom was nothing more than a whore like you Jayden who just went out to drink and screw anything that would crawl on top of her.  I know how jealous you were of the true daughters of Damage Inc.  You tried to buddy up to Dusty and Katana because you feared Tao and Journey.  The irony, there biotch is that Journey and Dusty have been best friends since they were in diapers.  {she laughs} I know this because Journey is an O'Bannon.  Just like Dusty and I are....we may have married into the family but Journey is our husbands' cousin.  Our family is wrestling.  Wrestling was a game as children and then we were taught to respect it.  We are living up to the dynasty that our parents and grandparents handed down to us.  So Ashlee and Jayden go ahead and bring your best because we always do.  Now Ashlee, you're a rookie.  I know that you'd love for me to pretend sympathy and say I'm going to take it easy on you because of that.  {The girls laugh} When in the history of the entire Hart Foundation did a single one of the greatest lay down in the midst of a challenge?  Never!  So thinking I'd be the first in almost a century to do so is beyond ludacris.  Sterling must have bonked your head way to many times on the headboard, honey.  {snickers} No, I'm not going to claim you are a slut. I'm just saying that you are a nympho with your man but he may have knocked what few brains in your head out if you think I'm going to cave because you gave yourself a cute nickname."

{Jade tosses her hair back and switches the tag title to the other shoulder.  Dusty and Hayden share a knowing look}

Hayden:"Is that all you have to say, Ms. Real Deal Jade Hart?"

{Jade smirks}

Jade:"No, Jayden you talk about taking me out because you are trying to cut the head off of the Dynasty monster.  Yeah, you may have a match with Dusty on an upcoming house show, {she twirls her finger} whoop-t-freaking doo.  No one thinks you are serious and they definitely do not take you seriously.  How bout next week on Extreme, you face me in a loser leaves SEF match?  Hell, Slick can even put us in a hell in a cell so that no one can interfere because I know that you'll whimper and whine thinking the Dynasty Divas are going to interfere.  {she checks out her fresh manicure, blows on it nonchalantly and looks up} "As if I need help to defeat your nasty ass."

{They start to leave when their men show up.  The girls smirk as their men drape posessive arms around them}

Knox:"You know the world is going to be really surprised by the leaps and bounds that my wife Dusty has made in her training.  It's one of the reasons that I am extremely proud to get to team with her and my brother againist the Fox Siblings and Shady Smack."

Dusty:"Uncle Drew, Aunt Taryn, you think I'm the same little girl I was when you showed up with Poppy to meet Mom and Uncle Chris for the first time?  I mean I was a little girl but at least I didn't freak out because Styxx and the Huntress were your brother and sister.  Maybe if you weren't so sheltered....well Drew wouldn't be such a freak and Taryn you wouldn't be such a prude.  I think you are probably the oldest virgin in reality.  {snickers} You will one day become the living epitome of the 40 Year Old Virgin."

Knox:"We still have to work on your trash talking but I think you've significantly done enough damage to annoy the hell out of your aunt.  Now Shady Smack, you little perv, I know you're probably thinking about getting your hands all over my wife.  I'm actually looking forward to stretching you a couple feet taller.  {he chuckles}  I will have to check my boots before I pack up for the night to make sure that I didn't step on you and have to scrape you off the soles before I head home.  We had our fun, short stack in the hardcore tournement but now its for real.  You get to face the O'Bannon Clan.  Unfortunately for you, there is a little blood fued with your tag team partners and my family.  The way Drew is, {shakes his head} you'd better go by some floaties Smack, or else your little self will drown."

{Riot smirks and drops a kiss on Jade's head.}

Riot:"Well Drew, its interesting to find out that you were the Lone Wolf.  We had our fair share of horrorific matches in our past.  The way you and Taryn roll, {he raises an eyebrow} pathetic.  You are trying to relive the greatness of the Huntress and Styxx.  A brother sister team like that is once in a life time.  Dusty is coming along great but she didn't become great when her brother's did.  They tried to protect her, shelter her.  Chris had Kristin with him from day one.  When he learned something, he taught her.  It was from necesssity.  It was the two of them for so long that Chris knew that Kristin needed to protect herself.  Now Taryn didn't need that.  She was locked up in the highlands of Scotland in an all girls parochial school.  I'm surprised the old man even brought you to meet your siblings, perhaps he was jealous that his two older children achieved the success that he only dreamed of....both in wrestling and in the corporate world.  Now Drew, you know me well enough to know that I will not hesitate to do to Taryn what needs to be done.  You know what that means.  If I have to bust her skull wide open for the win I will."

{Lucas starts laughing}

Lucas"You're pretty fucking brutal, Riot, but if you want to see brutal see what I'm going to do to Justin and that fucking little spaz, Johnny Camaro.  Camaro, you are everything that I came to hate about Justin.....when I first started hating Justin.  You are a spastic little pretty boy who thinks his shit don't stink.  You think you can kiss my ass because Justin doesn't like you?  Newsflash, son, if Justin doesn't trust you?  I fucking despise you!  The two of you are so fucking much alike.  I don't know how I am not going to survive tonight without being arrested for murder."

Hayden:"You can let me have a piece of that carnage.  Camaro, everytime you preen in front of a mirror it makes me want to vomit.  In fact, {she gags a bit} I think I just threw up a little in my mouth!  {she steps behind Lucas and retches before an assistant rushes up with a bottle of water.  She spits it back toward the assistant watching as she squeals in disgust} "How long have you been around, Camaro?  A couple of years?"

Lucas:"Fuck that!  The little bastard spent two months away from SEF and then reaps the benefit of the effort Knox and I put in beating the hell out of Ash to waltz into a heavyweight title match with Mack?  See, I've been stringing that self-rightous bastard a long since I've been here.  Trying to make him get comfortable thinking that I can be snuffed out, anytime, anyplace.  Lull him into a false sense of security and then hit him with a Loki Cutter and become the new SEF champion.  Yet you failed to knock Mack off just like everyone knew you would.  You may say that Hayden and I fell off the ladder but at least we put forth an effort to be here.  You're worse than the has been you claim we are, Camaro. You are a never fucking was.  You are blind as well as deaf and dumb.  Why don't you delve into the SEF archives.  I came here because my brother whined and cajoled us to come have his back.  Justin and I were in the finals of  multiple tag team contendership and title matches.  Having Justin as a partner was like trying to use a concrete block as a life preserver.  It brought me down.  Now look who you're partner and look at mine....{he rubs his hands down Hayden's sides} Hayden is one of the only people I trust.  We've been together since we were 17.  Married a few months later and still one of the strongest couples that wrestling has ever seen both in the ring and even stronger outside of the wrestling ring.  You have a partner who only cares about himself when it comes to the ring and outside of the ring, he cares a little about his wife.  How do you think I've humbled him recently?  He's paranoid when it comes to her.  You, Camaro.  You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.  Why?  It's because you are disgusting, no talent, waste of space.  What was it you said? Five wrestling schools and martial arts training?  What the fuck, son?  Did you prostitute yourself out and sweep the floors to get in or are you lying to try to kiss my ass or Justin's ass?  {evil laugh}  It's on our resumes that we have countless trainers and countless time training in the martial arts."

{Hayden starts laughing}

Hayden:"No, I know what it is. {Lucas looks at her funny} "He has a gay crush on Justin.  See, the way I figure it is....Justin goes to give him the biggest challenge he's ever had to face.  With all the brain busters or spine busters whatever it was Justin was given him, he began to fantasize he was Justin.  So now he thinks he's trained with all these different people and thinks he's been studying martial arts for a long time."

{Their stable laughs}

Lucas:"I think you're right.  I am going to start calling you idiot boy.  You are not my brother Camaro, no matter how much you imagine that you are or how much you want to be his butt buddy.  The one thing I know for sure is Justin likes women.  He spent quite some time before Katana whoring around but he liked tall big breasted chicks.  You fail on both counts, shrimp.  I am going to enjoy breaking you."
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