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hell is coming

Started by bloodlust99, September 30, 2023, 09:25:55 PM

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  • Rank:Rookie
  • Score:2
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  • From:USA 
  • Register:06/07/2010 2:37 PM
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Date Posted:11/07/2010 6:33 PMCopy HTML

*A low voice like that of the late Peter Steele begins to growl out an announcement to the SEF fans, management, and roster*

From the deepest darkest pit in the 7th realm of hell we play.  The thirst for your blood calls to us like the musty smell of sex to a long time prostitute.  To reak havok on those who have wronged us in the past we now travel to SEF to serve vengance againist our enemies.  To the world at large you see us as your ememy and in your fear fueled spite we relish.  We come orgasmic in your animostity.  The more you fight we thrive. To die is your future fore we are the undead.

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