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The Legacy speaks

Started by Kristin Fox, September 30, 2023, 10:15:56 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:14/07/2010 6:21 PMCopy HTML


The following roleplay may contain material deemed inappropriate for some younger viewers. If you are not offended by sexual situations, acts of extreme violence, and a lot of swearing, then keep reading. If you are easily offended, simply click the little
[x] on the top right corner of your screen. You have been warned!

Tarnished20Legacy20Banner.jpg legacy banner picture by kristinbenoit97
|| Roleplay ;;;Heading ;;;~ You Clicked It || People ;;;Featured ~ Read and See || Allies/Hit List ~ Tarnished Legacy/almost Everyone Else || Word ;Count ;;;~ didnt count|| Post ;;;Song ;;;~Homies by ICP|| MComments ~ Internet is lagging bad ;-) ||
{{{Taryn, Ash, and Drew are in another section of the gym.  Drew and Ash are going move for move, trying to sharpen the others' style with the style that brought them to the dance.  Taryn is dressed in MMA style shorts, shooter boots, and her hands are taped up.  She is working on the heavy bag and you can tell from the sweat that she's in the middle of a long workout.  A hand with manicured fingers reaches out to knock on the ring post and then withdraws from view of the camera.  Taryn gives a couple of rights before spinning a left handed back fist on the bag.  She jumps up and back kicks the bag before catching it.  She smiles at the camera and gets a towel to wipe her face.}}}

Taryn:"If you don't get it yet, the you aren't going to get it, Drew."

{Drew and Ash stop.  Drew comes over to the ropes and glares down at her}

Drew:"Best mind what you say, lil lady before I get the strap after you."

Taryn:"Eeew that sounds creepy, even for you."

Drew:"I could crack your bloomin' skull how bout that?  {Taryn snickers}  You the one who should be up 'ere in this ring with me.  You need the practice since its your first singles match.  You don't want to look like a bloody glakit againist that slag you've got this week."

Taryn:"Don't worry about me.  I've went to the source when it comes to proper training."

{the hand comes in front of the camera again with a thumbs up.  Drew and Ash start to laugh}

Drew:"If you got any closer to the source, you'd be cheating."

{the camera is set on a tripod and Maegan comes around the camera dressed in juicy couture shorts, a Damage Inc staff shirt, and a pair of Addidas.}

Maegan:"How is training with me almost cheating?"

Drew:"Alright, its almost a disadvantage for this Madden slag if my little sister trained with me older sister."

{Maegan smirks}

Maegan:"Aunt Kristin doesn't train anymore.  She has to make sure all of this run smoothly and to make sure everyone keeps making money.  In fact, she's about to close a deal on my contract, I'm sure of it, but until then I'm going to make sure that Taryn has everything she needs to beat that little bitch.  She has some martial arts training and Matt and Justin trained her to wrestle but does she know how to combine the two?  That's my plan.  Besides, I did some research on Ashlee.  She has an older sister who wrestles so, best to say that Taryn might need the back up if that bitch goes the same way so many of them do.  Do the stupid clique thing like Hayden started.  Sad, all of those girls are good wrestlers but they'd rather lie and cheat their way towards winning matches.  Now, {she points to the camera} You guys have matches and I don't.  Promo time."

{Taryn and Maegan sit on the edge of the apron while the guys lounge on the ropes}

Taryn:"Ashlee, you little slag, I was this close, {she holds her finger and thumb about a half an inch apart} to getting my hands on you when you helped your ruddy boyfriend, Sterling in his match with Ash.  {Maegan glances up at Ash, but she's fuming} "Like the song that Ash chose for our stable theme, we are a family and if you step to one of us, you step to the whole crew. You have made a point that you do not want to prove who is better.  You just care about the win.  I think your just a bloody coward.  Ashlee, you may have more guts than your old man.  It doesn't matter to me whether you have a lead pipe that you've bedazzled with your name.  I happen to prefer a couple weapons m'self.  I like a retractable police baton and as it was a favorite of m'sister, a three foot long singapore cane."

Maegan:"I'll let you borrow it."

{She and Taryn share a knowing grin about the bloodstained singapore cane in a leather case stitched with "Foxy"}

Taryn:"You and I may have one thing in common, Ashlee.  We have to live up to the reputations that an older brother and sister have made to this business, but they haven't been in SEF so that gives us a free reign to make our own name for ourselves.  It's a clean slate.  I have embraced that and despite the fact that I use my sister's moves I am ready to move forward as an active member of the SEF roster.  I am not afraid to take on anyone who is put in front of me or challenges me.  That's the advantage of training with men.  I'm not afraid, I'm determined.  So win or lose Ashlee, wrestling you will be an education."

{Drew smirks}

Drew:"While I don't share m'sister's enthusiasm about wrestling the unknown, I do share the opinion that every opponent is a learning experience.  Except in this case, The O'Bannons, ruddy Irish Bastards!  You bring more of your kin in here and think we don't know why?  It's because Lucas is a coward.  I am sure he planned this somehow with the way Knox was grinning like a bloody loon!  Speirr and his whole bunch are nothing but a bunch of nutters who need to locked up in a padded room.  Am I worried?  No, I know what to expect.  Faced it a time or two."

Ash:"Seems like the more we fight againist them the more they bring in.  You know for all the suposed 'mad scientist' that Radu likes to claim he is, you'd think that he'd know that attacking the smallest in stature of SEF's superstars would bring out the biggest overall of SEF superstars.  There needed to be some unity in SEF and you guys succeeded in the very oppposite of what these suposed invasions generally always fail to do.  You guys have never had an original thought in your lives have you?  Speirr thinks he's Dracula and he's created all of you minions in some sick quest to take over the world.  You expect anyone with half a brain to buy that horse shit?"

Drew:"I think he bloody does, mate.  He's bloomin' cracked he is."

Ash:"So now its coming full circle.  You guys are in some vain attempt to avenge your father.  Where have we seen this before? Oh yeah, Knighthawk's attempt to avenge his grandfather.  I guess you can see how well hat turned out.  Granted, you guys bring in more numbers and less braincells.  It's actually very pathetic.  Here we are with more important things to do and you guys come in here with the same old song and dance.  So before I can get back to my fued with Sterling, I'm going to have to help get rid of the deep dark wannabe denomic force that has invaded SEF."

Drew:"I like cracking my nephews' skulls.  I may have to look for someone other than them to beat on because once the vamp wannabes are gone, Lucas may tuck his tail between his legs and run back home too."

Ash:"That would be nice.  {he steps back from the ropes to crack his knuckles} "If we could eradicate Shattered Reality we could focus on more important things like winning matches againist people who actually mattered, those people who have made a point to get under our skins.  You know Johnathan, now that I know your name, you are going to be John-John a child's nickname, since you've decided to continue your childish games.  Sometimes you have to grow up and be a man.  This is one of those times Sterling.  You think you are getting under my skin?  One of these days the powers that be are going to see the potential of a clockwork orange match.  I have a few secrets up my sleeve that I don't brag about.  A few toys that I have collected since, yes, I admit it, since I started training MMA like my idol, Chuck Liddell.  He demonstrated a couple of wonderful items that would make things like a weapons match that more bloody.  {his eyes get wide and the almost black eyes shine like onyx} Some might even be illlegal because they could kill you, others are just fun, proving that Tai Pae death matches weren't the origins of the kind of match that I enjoy.  The Gladiator fights also brutal.  I like brutal.  John-John, you think you had my number? Maybe you've just unleashed the morbid side of me that I tried to lock down, deep inside of me, with all of my training and practice.  You maybe my first challenge, here John-John, and I love a challenge."
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