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Keep Looking Forward: Jayden 177 extreme

Started by Kristin Fox, September 30, 2023, 10:17:22 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:15/07/2010 6:31 PMCopy HTML

__.xxJayden Hartley
JadeBanner.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97
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{Jayden has just left the gym, hair still wet.  She's dressed in blue jeans and an SEF halter top.}

Jayden:"Hey Sam.  {She sits on the hood of a '66 Mustang rental as the crew get situated} "I know that you are probably wondering about my triple threat loss to Ashlee Madden in her debut match.  I'm not going to lie.  I over looked her because I was so wrapped up in my fued with the Dynasty Divas.  I can't focus on a loss like that though.  It's like Bruce Lee said and my trainer has tattooed on her wrist.  "Walk On."  You just got to keep moving forward.  Don't spend time dwelling on your mistakes.  Something I guess one of my class mates forgot when when were training to wrestle together.  Even so, this week I have a match where I'm teaming with Shady Smack againist a pair of Dynasty Divas.  One of their things is that you never know who you are going to face.  Well, I know that its not going to be Lacey.  She's in the main event with Strife.  {Jayden snickers} Good luck on that.  He's already proved he's got your number.  Enjoy your real title while you have it.  We won't know until the actual match who we are facing but it doesn't matter.  Hopefully, they realize that no matter how much training they do they seem to think they are set for life because of their family history.  {she shakes her head} They have no desire other than to humilate people.  They want to bring up all kinds of stuff from the past.  I want to move on.  I have a great partner who will more than back me up in a match againist you guys so get ready.  You want to flaunt those fake tag titles, go ahead.  You wouldn't defend them because you know no one really wants titles that mean nothing but you had a couple hundred bucks to waste at high spots.  I'm sure Shady's ready.  I know I'm ready.  Are you?"

{she glances up at the camera with a smirk}
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