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The Ashlee Madden SEF Research Files [Extreme 177]

Started by Ashlee Madden, September 30, 2023, 10:22:58 PM

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Ashlee Madden

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Date Posted:16/07/2010 1:52 AMCopy HTML

 ash2.png picture by murdertramp725

OOC:Oh my god the Random shit I come up with out of the blue hahahaha enjoy! Sky is really just a filler character that I like to use...She will in no way contribute to the match and is just there for some comic relief.
Music:"I like it"-Enrique Igleseas

Extreme 176 had gone off exactly how Ashlee had planned it to. All except one thing. The stupid biotch that was Taryn Fox had decided to jump Ashlee from behind in the name of her team. The little cheerleader wanted to play with the big girls now huh? That was fine by Ashlee but Ashlee would just prove to her how much of a mistake it was to chose her to be the first bitch she fucked with. So Extreme 177 prediction? Taryn Fox laying on the mat out cold with Ashlee having her hand raised in victory. It was a no brainer and the sooner people realized that 'The Platinum One' was gonna be ruling SEF the better for them. Ashlee sat in her and Sterling's locker room she was texting away on her phone with a smile on her face and she kept glancing up at Geek Boy who seemed to be fine tuning some camera equipment. Ashlee had gotten an idea. Though she would need help with it and she wanted Jonathon more focused on his match it was very important and she didnt want to distract him too much. In fact he was sitting next to her watching tapes and studying his opponet. It seemed a whole hell of a lot of people had had a lot to say about Ashlee and she had just sat back and let them say all they wanted....Well she wanted to break her silence but she had decided to be patient and wait for the....knock knock to come. Which oddly it had come about 2 minutes later there was a knock on the door. Ashlee jumped up to get it and when she answered her sister Sky came barging in. Ashlee grinned and hugged her as Geek Boy and Sterling looked up at her. Sky turned her attention to Sterling. She just gave him a weird look and Ashlee gave her a warning glare. Not that Ashlee thought Sky would even think to pay attention to it. Sterling seemed to know something was coming because he just smirked at Ashlee and she smiled back. He leaned back on the couch and looked at Sky as if he were patiently waiting. Sky didnt seem too happy about that.

Sky-Oh Hi, Mr.Sterling...Forgive me if I dont think that title is fitting. I think I have come up with a much better name for you. How about Mr.Arrogant Prick?

Mr.Sterling-Thats Mr. Future International Champion Arrogant Prick. Oh and its nice to see you too Sky.

He smirked and winked at her and Sky rolled her eyes and mumbled something under her breath. Ashlee covered her hand over her mouth and tried not to laugh. So maybe Sky didnt like him but seriously when those two got together it was pretty amusing. Ashlee was sure it wasnt the fact he wasnt good enough for Ashlee more like Sky didnt trust anyone and she probably wasnt gonna start now. Sky seemed to ignore the comment. Ashlee cleared her throat to end the silence. She turned to Geek Boy.

Ashlee-Hey Geeks. Can we get a camera?

Geek Boy-Yeah let me grab one...What you want me to shoot?

Ashlee-Nope just hand me a camera and me and Sky will do the rest.

Mr.Sterling-Mind if I ask what your gonna do with this camera?

Ashlee-Research...I wont elaborate any further.

Geek Boy got a small video camera ready for them. Ashlee threw it to Sky and she caught it and you would have thought Geek Boy's eyes were gonna bug out of his head. Ashlee went to give Sterling a kiss goodbye but apparently it wasnt fast enough for Sky because she was being dragged out the door before she could even mutter one more word. They walked down the hallway talking about what they were gonna do and pretty much laughing about it. Sky had helped Ashlee with this brilliant plan once she had filled Sky in on the happenings around the building. Ashlee seemed to think Tarnished Legacy was getting a little too personal and close into her personal buisness so she had decided to see how they liked it. They stopped around the corner from the "Tarnished Legacy" locker room. Sky held up the camera and Ashlee smiled and nodded giving her the thumbs up and the record button was pressed.

Ashlee-Alright everyone I have a very special treat for you all! Its something new that I have come up with with the help of my gorgeous older sister. It shall be called 'The Ashlee Madden SEF Research Files' It will be a rariety used for only the most extreme and dire of circumstances. Which unfortunatly these are some dire times indeed. I mean all the bitches around this place cant seem to keep Ms. Ashlee Madden's name out of their mouth and quite honestly? I feel as if they have invaded my privacy a little bit. So 'The Ashlee Madden SEF Research Files' will be just an extreme taste of their own medicine. Now who shall we be observing first? Why Tarnished Legacy of course. We are standing right around the corner from their locker room. Since they seem to know so much about what I do...Im pretty curious as to see what exactly they do when not running their mouths about something they clearly dont know anything about and getting their asses kicked by 'Platinum Greatness.'

Sky-Oh come on you guys are still using that?!

Ashlee-Shut up Sky! Your supposed to be silent!

Sky-Suck a Fuck!

Ashlee-Tell me how does one Suck a Fuck, Sky?!

Sky-Not sure but you gotta love movie references.

Ashlee-Now can we focus! Seriously I think we got some movement up ahead!

Ashlee rolled her eyes and then peaked around the corner. Sky zoomed in on the three that were leaving the locker room. Drew, Taryn and Ash. They waited for them to round the corner before they followed. No suprise that the three seemed to head for the gym. Ashlee and Sky didnt go in but Ashlee did crack the door just enough for Sky to get a good shot of the three completly clueless they were on camera. They seemed to train and talk about "Their Family" and occasionally had a crack about Ashlee or Mr.Sterling thrown in there...Oh well Haters. Ashlee decided now was a good time to start whispering.

Ashlee-Now its no suprise that we see 'Tarnished Legacy' in the gym. Seriously. I really think thats all this "family" does is sit around and "love their family" and train. BORING. Hey you know what they say...

Sky-All Work and No Play makes Tarnished Legacy a very bunch of dull boys and girls...Err...Yeah thats right!

Ashlee-Seriously I think Geeks could do a better job than you!

Sky-Probably but it wouldnt be as much fun.

Ashlee-Ok so now that these ass clowns seem to be enjoying running around making themselves look like they know what they are doing and having no social life what so ever. Lets take a walk we will join the boring unoriginal ones in a few short moments.

Ashlee grabbed Sky and pulled her backwards and walked around a couple hallways before deciding on a spot.

Ashlee-Ok sorry I had to take a break from that it was boring me so much. Well I guess while we wait for them to do something interesting...Which we could be waiting a VERY long while...I suppose I could address a few things. First I guess Tarnished Legacy seems to have a big problem with me. I dont know why nor do I care to. Its obviously just jealousy because none of them can even compare to me. I find it very annoying that Taryn decided to come up and attack me out of that jealousy. Enjoy that cheap shot while it lasts because thats the only way you can take me down Taryn. Oh and can anyone explain to me why you and Drew talk like fuckin pirates?! Seriously?! Its rather annoying and not flattering at all.

Sky-Hey Ashlee got a joke for you...Whats a Pirates favorite letter of the alphabet?

Ashlee-Sky Im working here!

Sky-Just answer it!

Ashlee-I dont know an R?

Sky-You'd think it be an R but its really the Sea! hahaha get it?!

Ashlee-I swear your adopted.

Sky-I came first so your the adopted one. I just had to get that out...please continue.

Ashlee-Thank you. Now if you dont keep quiet Im gonna find some duct tape. Anyways Taryn stop calling me a slag it just makes yourself sound like an idiot. Though it is one of the more original names I have been called. Me and you have nothing in common Taryn Im not living in my sister's shadow. She has her spotlight and I have my own and bitch when our spotlight is on we burn stupid idiotic panzies like you to a crisp. I do believe facing off against me will be a good little educational exercise for you. You'll learn that your place is not in the wrestling ring. Its in the locker room with a pair of pom poms and a "Go Pathetic-Excuse-Of-A-Team Go" Banner that you colored with markers all by your little self. I dont give a fuck who you have trained with. Nor should it matter who  I have trained with. Its not a matter of Win or Lose...Its a matter of Ashlee Madden is gonna win and Taryn Fox is gonna lose and I can say another pathetic member of your team has lost once again to "Platinum Greatness." Speaking of which....Mr. Ash Silva I dont know where you get off thinking you can disrespect "The Greatness" like you have but Im gonna put a stop to it. See there are very few people that can actually call Jonathon by his name...Friends and Family and well me. Since your obviously not worthy enough to be any of the above stated stick to the formal version. Mr.Sterling. Seriously I dont know why Tarnished Legacy wants to run their mouths and be so disrespectful to their truly better and more superior human beings. Oh by the way "Tarnished Legacy." Well that seems to be very fitting because you guys sure are finding it very easy to tarnish you and your families so called "Legacy." Well folks I think we have wasted enough time on that...and Im pretty sure we dont have to waste any more time spying on them. Its like watching fish in a fish tank. They are just gonna swim back and forth and not do too much else. Not very exciting. Sorry to disappoint those who were looking for a more exciting first addition to this very special treat! Though we do end on a very good note. I have had two very special boxes just now delivered to Tarnished Legacy and the Dynasty Divas...I have went out of my way to stock them with their most favorite beverage. I have special ordered them each a whole box of yep you guessed it 'HATERADE!' Lets see how they are accepting their gifts shall we?!

Sky put the camera down and Ashlee and her seemed to be running down the hallway because all you saw was the ground bouncing up and down until they were finally down the hall from the Dynasty Divas locker room. They seemed to be just arriving with their belts and their little lap dog Carly Anderson in tow. They looked at the box and opened it up and pulled out one of the bottles. They seemed to not be as amused as Ashlee and Sky watching the scene because one minute the bottles wer ein the ir hands and the next they were being chucked down the hallway and the Dynasty Divas seemed to storm into their locker rooms not enjoying the joke. Ashlee and Sky laughed and Ashlee lifted the camera up to her face.

Ashlee-Oh that was priceless I bet the second delivery is better! But before we get to that listen here Carly Anderson since your bleached hair seems to have soaked into your brain...I would seriously sue your stylist by the way for that. Im 'The Platinum One' not because of selling a million records or even being a recording artist or anything like that. Its because once you get to Platinum status really you cant go any higher. Believe me nobody is higher up than me. Its not just a nickname its the god damn truth.

Sky then grabbed the camera and Ashlee jsut glared at her. She hadnt been finished but Sky could be pushy...Sheesh you would think this was her promo.

Sky-Also...We are not in any way shape or form related to Joel and Benji Madden those stupid douchebags have NOTHING!!!! Yeah I said it NOTHING on us. Jesus Christ belive it or not there are more than 1 Madden family in the world. So seriously go jump off a bridge with that shit right now.

Ashlee laughed and grabbed the camera back and it seemed they were off again this time to check on the special delivery at 'Tarnished Legacy's' locker room. They set up down the hall and around the corner peeking around like they had before. Drew, Ash and Taryn seemed to be just getting back from training. They stared at the box and then reached down and opened it. Taryn pulled out a bottle of the "Haterade" and rolled her eyes. Ash grabbed it and started looking down the hallways he narrowed his eyes when he saw Sky and Ashlee peeking around the corner with the camera. Taryn seemed to notice too she began yelling something that Ashlee was pretending not to understand. Ashlee flipped the group off and her and Sky made a break for it and back to Ashlee's locker room. They stopped outside the door and Ashlee held the camera up to her face and smirked.

Ashlee-I think that was the best part of the whole segment if you ask me! Now I have some really good advice to all the people who seem to not be able to get my name out of their mouths. If you would just stop sipping all that haterade or in some folks cases guzzling it by the gallons. Maybe just maybe you could find some way to beat me. Though I doubt it. Until next time this is "The Platinum One" signing off!

Ashlee saluted the camera and her and Sky headed back into the locker room. Ashlee took the tape out of the camera and threw it to Geek Boy making sure he knew what to do with it. She then sat the camera down on the table satisfied with what she had done. Sky seemed to be making a point of ignoring Sterling by talking to Geek Boy about the contents of the tape.


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