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Justin Extreme 177 promo 2

Started by Kristin Fox, September 30, 2023, 10:26:16 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:16/07/2010 11:07 AMCopy HTML

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Justin20Rodgers20Banner.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97
Warning.x..This official Justin Rodgers roleplay may contain sexual content, violence, coarse language, and/or drug used and is unsuitable for all readers. The younge, innocent, immature, and plain stupid are advise to STOP, for those of you that intend to readt- on remember you have been warned...

Roleplay Title
Lots of ppl
Justin vs Mr. Sterling 
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Justin Extreme 177 promo2
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Tarnished Legacy/Shattered Reality
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You'd have to read his bio 
OOC Comment
{{Justin walks into the arena with the International title over his shoulder in jeans and a black t-shirt, blue tooth in his ear and raybans on, dragging his gear in a case behind him.  He's talking on the phone}

Justin:"So he came by to work out, cut a promo, and what?  Nothing?  He was just being ubnoxious?  Uncle Scott, we told you that he was like that.  We've been telling you for weeks.  You lucky that he even talked to you.  He doesn't talk to Dad and Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum haven't played with Johnson in awhile.  I have real problems with him.  He is stalking Katana until Granddad put a patrol on the school.  {He sees the camera on him} Uncle Scott, I got to go.  I'm at the arena now.  Yeah, bye.  {he reaches up to hang up the device.}  You know people may call us boring because we are close to our family, but when it comes to maturity you get closer to your family when you the pettiness of being a teenager and a young adult behind you.  I know that when I came here before I was an arrogant prick, just like Sterling.  {he motions for the camera to walk with him} I had only a few losses so I thought I was God's gift to not just wrestling but to women too.  I had two girls fighting over me and I was very much the cocky rich kid that Lucas accused me of being.  Things change, you grow up.  Three years in China and Japan training with the masters of both wrestling and martial arts at the infamous Hong Kong Sports Academy.  I even spent some time training with the monks when I first got there.  I needed the silence, I needed the breaking from the cocky rich kid mentality.  Then Katana comes into my life to further mellow me out.  Why should I go out and party the night away when I have a sexy wife at home?  I am not looking for tail nor am I interested in chasing it anymore.  I train, I do THAT with my sexy wife, and yeah I bring my baby brothers over so we can play action figures.  So maybe being a child prodigy had my childish mind focused on one thing.  Now I've evolved.  I'm more laid back and I like to spend time with my family because really when it comes down to it there are so many members of my family and extended family that are close to my age that we have all become friends.  So the Legacy is a soap opera.  {he shrugs as he glances at the box and kicks it out of the way to open the door} "We like it like that.  Johnathan, you and Ashlee complain that we train and talk about family.  We cut up and get drunk on occassion but training is what truly makes people great. {points to each of them in turn.} Andrew is a few years older than me.  He's my mom's little brother but I do not call him Uncle.  Taryn, yeah she's my aunt but being five years older than me, I don't call her Aunt either.  {then to Ash who smirks as a female hand is laid on Justin's shoulder and the camera turns to catch Maegan walking over to Ash} Ash is my best friend.  Fostered by my mother-in-law and then he marries one of my favorite cousins.  {he forms a gun with his finger and thumb and acts like he shot her} Maegan Fox-Silva.  You know, Lucas was partially right.  A Fox is calling the shots around here but its not Matt.  I am not going to reveal the master strategist around here.  Will the master mind show up?  Maybe or Maybe not.  I could antagonize you Sterling from now until the end of days but that will accomplish anything.  Talk is cheap and we both ran our mouths enough that the hallways should be filled with pennies.  It's Sunday that we will prove whether or not you are better than me.  We maybe boring but at least the boys and I have held championship gold here in SEF."

{he smirks}


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