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Stealing The Show On My Own

Started by NBD, September 30, 2023, 11:23:37 PM

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Date Posted:18/07/2010 10:00 PMCopy HTML

Mack sits back on a sofa just chilling with a bottle of Becks in his left hand and sporting a Super Shane Mack shirt with the usual bandana and jeans along with the sandals. Eyes are glazed as always, Shady is on another sofa passed out with several cans of Sapporo laying on the floor. Mack just laughs at him and looks to the camera and says.
So all these chumps running around here can't lift a finger to help carry the show and Shane Mack is needed, he is wanted, he is the only one who can carry this show, so here I am, back and ya know, ya know what, my leg.
He smirks and rubs his left leg with his right hand, then looks confused and rubs his right leg grinning cheekily and says.
Anyways, my leg is feeling ok, I think I can do this gig tonight, shit, who do I gotta fa...oh yea, I get to go out there at the end of the night and headline Extreme all by my fucking self and steal the show because I can and that is the whole fucking truth, something Sterling, Justin, any O'Bannon, self proclaimed Hart, Smith, or these Fox's or Camaro or any other wrestler in this company has a problem spewing because ain't not a single one of them know the truth and that's a shoot!
Mack smirks and finishes his Becks, sets the bottle on the table and grabs his World Title from the arm of the sofa and lays it on his shoulder, then says.
Tonight I get to give a State of SEF Address, oh boy, oh my, holy shit, I get to address everyone and cut something more real than any of the boys and girls back here in the locker rooms. Tonight is gonna be a night that no one is gonna forget and that's just more truth and honesty spilled by the only one who can actually tell it like it is unlike every one of the posers running around here!
Mack stands up now and suddenly drops an elbow on to Shady and pops up grabbing his title and steps back laughing. Shady jumps up growling and dives off the sofa at Mack, but comes up short...damn pun! He falls on his face and groans as Mack laughs and kneels down saying.
Damn dude, you got a match tonight, ya realize that right?
Shady kneels up and just growls, then gets to his feet and kicks Mack in his left leg and hops on the sofa cracking a fresh beer. Mack just laughs and looks at the camera saying.
Well I guess he's back to his training and me, well ya all know Mack is constantly training every day and learning every bit of knowledge there is to learn, so tonight, expect to be shocked cause ain't nobody makes an impact bigger than Impact X and that's a fucking shoot and a half, so kiss this!
He does a half a crotch chop and nods to Shady before turning and leaving the room to go somewhere, but nobody knows, so the view just fades to black.

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