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universal6 star tag team

Tag team match

Started by Kristin Fox, October 01, 2023, 12:23:55 AM

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Kristin Fox

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  • Rank:Jobber
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  • Register:06/05/2010 2:57 PM
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Date Posted:23/07/2010 6:28 PMCopy HTML

.//Roleplay Title\\. .//People Mentioned/Used\\. //.Record\\. .//Stalk Me\\. .//Out Of Character\\. 
tag team matchread it07/05Blank 

"Day Dream"
{Dusty was both aroused and embolden by Knox's speech.  She turned to her cousin Carly and her sister-in-law Jade.  Dusty gets up and is dressed in black juicy couture short shorts and a Dynasty Divas Beautiful Bitches t-shirt tied in the back to reveal her belly button ring and Knox O'Bannon tramp stamp.}

Jade Rodgers-O'Bannon:"Look, Knox is right.  We need a whole new shuffling of the way things work around here.  Jade, you may have gotten me into the Dynasty Divas but the fact of the matter is when Lacey's not around the less you work out.  You don't have the desire to do anything but defend our beautiful tag belts and its usually againist bitches who don't deserve to even have a shot.  Now with Hayden consoling my brother and trying to calm his tantrum and you spending most of your time in bed with Riot, you've not worked out in days.  So like Knox said you got me to a level that he could work with.  Now I've been training with him while Emily has been at daycamp.  As you can tell I am more toned than I've ever been in my life.  So if Lacey is the stable head of the Dynasty Divas and she has, in fact proved that she has earned the right to be the Team Captain, then she needs a lieutenant who will step to the challenge to not only back her up when she needs it but to also rally those other divas in the group to prove that they deserve to be a member of the most elite stable of divas to ever step into a wrestling ring.  If I have to fight you for the position, Jade, I will.  Just because you and Lacey group up together doesn't mean jack to me when it comes to being the best because you haven't proven it.  Your record is worse than mine.  You've won four and you've lost four.  I have only a handful of matches more than you.  So I'm not wrestling on Sunday unless I'm forced.  SO {she turns to her cousin Carly} I hope you have talked to Hayden or you can spin your magic to make it look like she hasn't packed up and gone home too."

{Jade looks at her stunned for a minute}

Jade:"Don't think I'm giving up my spot without a fight."

{Dusty smirks}

Dusty:"Carly, go inform Sly and Frankie that Jade and I want a go at each other."


jessica_alba2.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97
Name  "The American Day Dream" Dusty Rodgers-O'Bannon
Weight 5'8
Height 120 lbs
Finishing MoveDaydream Believer
Trademark Lady In Waiting &The Heartbreaker faceslam
Managing/Dating  Knox O'Bannon

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