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The Legacy Extreme Team rp 2

Started by Kristin Fox, October 01, 2023, 06:37:54 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:25/07/2010 5:25 PMCopy HTML


The following roleplay may contain material deemed inappropriate for some younger viewers. If you are not offended by sexual situations, acts of extreme violence, and a lot of swearing, then keep reading. If you are easily offended, simply click the little
[x] on the top right corner of your screen. You have been warned!

Tarnished20Legacy20Banner.jpg legacy banner picture by kristinbenoit97
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{{{Tarnished Legacy comes into the arena together.  They are all wearing the yet to be released Legacy t-shirts.  They are all wearing sunglasses and walking in like a swat team.  They stop as Samantha wiggles up to them.  Gracie looks up at Justin}}}

Gracie:"No way, really?"

{Maegan and Taryn hide their smiles}

Maegan:"She's okay, really."  {Gracie raises an eyebrow} "You have to look at who it was that was giving you information."

Gracie:"Oh, right."

Maegan:"You know I would hate to be Knox right now.  He claims he can handle his brother and yet he's openly giving him hell in a block buster Greg Boone interview.  He's double talking like a politician.  You can't claim the Dynasty Divas need more training but also predict victory over a team like Gracie and myself who have trained together for many years, whether when we were younger when it was everyday up to when it became just on vacations that we trained.  Jade and Hayden are falling apart at their seams.  They would be the obvious choice to face us, since their growing up was almost identical to ours.  Just because I left before they really solidify their little high school clique with Lacey and took it out of high school while Lacey did something with her life and Hayden and Jade still continued their immature little pranks like when Dusty put a loser mark on that one girl's head."

Gracie:"In order to truly humilate someone....well I remember one thing that happened to the Dynasty Divas that actually was pretty funny.  Jayden got Mary Jane to do Lacey's make up like a clown.  I've never seen that before but it was pretty amusing.  I think it is one of the reasons that while Lacey maybe their ideal and the top of their team game, she still hasn't proved she can make good on her claims that she's willing to wrestle more than one match a night.  I still love how she confused me with Taryn.  Thinking that she'd get her hands on Taryn in a tag match with Maegan."

Taryn:"Maybe she was dreaming because I have some chick named Katherine who I noticed has signed in for the show tonight but still hasn't cut any promo.  She maybe one of these let her actions be heard rather than words.  Kind of what we have seen from Strife and what my brother was also fond of.  Even so, I feel really confident that I am going to win tonight."

Gracie:"Seeing as our opponents are so pathetic that they have to buy tag belts to carry to make them feel important because they can't win them because there is no division and completely proving how fake they are, our match is nothing more than just a when and what submission that we will use."

Maegan:"I do have an idea."


Maegan:"I lock on Forever Fox and you lock on the All-American Ankle lock.  Just to add humilation to the divas that they can not tell us apart."

Gracie:"Yes, {she laughs} "Not exactly the Haas of Pain but close.  We could do that."

{Samantha turns the microphone towards Justin and Ash with a smile}

Justin:"I have to agree that I would hate to be Knox right now."

Ash:"He's struggling so hard to keep things going that he is looking outside of his own stable for help in making a name for himself.  Where's the trust, Knox?  You and Riot are brothers but you are looking at a man who trusts no one to have your back."

Justin:"I think he trusts Ashlee but after Geekboy interfered in our match then he's trust is cut down to the bare miniumum and she's not here.  She could be the only thing that is keeping him somewhat sane."

{Ash laughs}

Ash:"Are you a shrink now?  {he chuckles} No, I know what it is.  Sterling claims we don't know how to study our opponents.  It's what he claims he wants to teach Knox and Riot.  These second generation wrestlers who are arrogant are not going to listen to a rookie, especially one they don't know.  We do know how to study our opponents Sterling.  We know that you'll do whatever it fucking takes to win a match.  Quite possibly, you'd take out your own tag team partners to make sure that it is your name that is recorded on taking the credit for the one who got the pin or the submission.  Justin and I work well together.  Hell I have to, {his wife rolls her eyes} you know Sterling, just because I know how much it annoys you I'll say why.  I married my best friend's sultry, sexy, athletic cousin.  I want to get inside your head, piss you off.  I want to see if it throws you off.  {he smirks} "You have yet to punish Geekboy even though you were clearly pissed off with him.  It makes me wonder what makes you tick.  Clearly, you want us to think that the two of you have problems because you think we are stupid.  You expect us to lower our guard so he can come from behind and attack us again.  {Gracie starts laughing}  Okay, so I maybe have an average to an above average intelligence but you failed to count on Grace and Justin, or even Maegan.  Grace and Justin are certified geniuses.  Maegan was a United Nations scholar.  {he shrugs} "You study your opponents?  So far you've only studied ring work.  You don't know what makes any of us tick.  At anytime, we could change our move sets to counter what you throw at us."

{Justin picks up Ash's train of thought}

Justin:"The greatest of all weapons is the human mind.  Even you, Sterling can appreciate that.  I think you may have mentioned that too.  There are times I rarely listen to what you say unless it pertains to a match that I am involved in or indirectly involved in.  You clearly do underestimate your opponents which is why I think you use underhanded tatics to win your match.  Thereby becoming desperate so you reach for whatever is neccessary or plan with your associates to ensure a victory."

Gracie:"Stop reading my textbooks."

{Justin grins}

Justin:"Actually, its from you watching shows like Criminal Minds.  I think I'm going to become a profiler in the next stage of my life.  Beat the hell out of people who are mentally unstable in the first part and throw them in jail in the next.  Sterling is clearly a sociopath who feels that he is morally right in all of his actions.  Although, he is a different animal from what we saw in Knighthawk who enjoyed torture and possibly tortured animals like the absent O'Bannons as children.  {Subconsciously, he, his cousin, and sister, touch a medallion on their neck} "We, {gestures to his family} do not take well to those things and would have come out strong againist them even more until the MCW crew took care of them, to which we are eternally thankful.  As for Riot, you may say that he is somewhat in the in between of Knox and his cousins.  No one can be sure in which mindset he will be in, the depressive or the psychotic.  {he glances up at the camera} "You see Sterling, we know the brothers far well than you can ever guess.  Knox, at one time ran with Ash and I.  We were tight as hell and then poof.  The time overseas changed his whole personality.  He stopped hanging out with us but we know him.  We've wrestled him.  We've wrestled Riot.  We've wrestled you.  There is no greater learning tool than first hand experience, Sterling.  We've had that.  We've wrestled each member of your team.  You three on the other hand haven't had the opportunity to all wrestle Strife.  There is so much history to study of his, but you are far to much of an ego to really dig into his background.  Your so smug by viewing his few most recent matches over and over and then think you know what he brings.  He has even said it himself.  He took himself from SEF to travel all over the world to train and wrestle.  Mack maybe the only person who truly knows him.  So tonight, Sterling.  You can't control all of the possible outcomes.  No one can predict what will be the one thing that turns the tide for either of our teams, but I do believe it is your ego and your pathetic need to win by whatever means neccessary that will be your personal downfall."

{Ash smirks}

Ash:"We'll see you tonight, boys.  I suggest you really listen to Knox and train like he says because you are going to need it."
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