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Ash and Justin The Profilers

Started by Kristin Fox, October 01, 2023, 06:45:58 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:25/07/2010 9:45 PMCopy HTML


inappropriate for some younger viewers. If you are not offended by sexual situations, acts of extreme violence, and a lot of swearing, then keep reading. If you are easily offended, simply click the little
[x] on the top right corner of your screen. You have been warned!

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{{{We open on the sound of a woman singing}}

Words Like Violence
Break the Silence
Crashing in My Little World
All I ever wanted
All I ever needed
is here
in my arms

{{Justin and Ash come into view.}}

Ash:"You know I really love Tori Amos.  You are a strange little well not girl exacty John-John but a pansy ass bitch who thinks he can throw his voice like a ventriloquist.  See, {he reaches to turn the cd off} you talk about silence and the little song piece you heard is Break The Silence by Tori Amos.  Now, granted it was not her singing but a cute little rendition by my daughter....yeah, I have another kid but she lives her mom and not Maegan and I."

Justin:"Johnathan, You have had a serious break from reality.  You think people are reading your mind?  Schitzophrenic much?  {he and Justin laugh}  "You much have caught something from your psycho girlfriend.  She went through your hotel room looking for bugs since she was so consumed with the fact that she thought she was being spied on.  Call it paparazzi or whatever but just about everything makes it way onto SEF Television.  Don't you realize that?  What do you guys think that you are such a major concern that the C.I.A. is spying on you?  Do you believe that Big Brother knows all?"

Ash:"Do aliens speak to you?  Maybe he doesn't need a psychiatrist, maybe he needs Mulder and Skully.  The truth is out there, John John but you just don't see it.  Maybe you spent to much time shacked up with Big Foot and little green men to realize that this is SEF not the X-Files.  There are no Vulcans doing mind melds.  No assassins hiding around the corner or spys trying to sell you for government secrets.  See, as much as you like to think you are...you're just not that important."

Justin:"The part I liked the best when he thought Mack was Hogan.  There is about twenty-thirty years difference there, a hotter younger wife, and a daughter whose voice doesn't sound like a fork in a garbage disposal."

Ash:"You forgot his daughter didn't slut herself out to an Orton."

{Justin smirks}

Justin:"That is a good point.  I notice that Knox isn't anywhere to be seen when Sterling is off his meds rambling in his delusions.  {He reaches over and grabs a pink backpack and pulls out a notebook.  he flips through it} "Schitzophrena is a serious mental disorder characterized by a disintergration of the process of thinking, of contact with reality, and emotional responsiveness. It most commonly manifests in auditory hallucinations, paranoid or bizarre delusions, or disorganized speech and thinking with significant social or occupational dysfunction  Onset of symptons occurs in young adulthood."

Ash:"You know that sounds a lot like John-John.  He likes to think he is the greatest thing around here after only a couple of matches.  He thinks people are probing his brain and he doesn't know he's speaking when he really is which is like a serious problem with realizing what is real and isn't."

{The girls come in}

Grace:"What are you doing in my backpack?"

Justin:"Using your psych notes to illustrate a point about Sterling."

{Grace smirks}

Grace:"I could have done my dissertation on his mental confusion, overly agressive sociopathic behavior.  He has all the makings of a serial killer.  He's between 18-35, white male, few if any close personal relationships.....and until he started wrestling he was from a low to middle class family.  So he probably was from an abusive blue collar home."

Ash:"Damn, we're screwing around not trying to make him the next Charlie Manson."

Grace:"Manson didn't actually kill anyone.  He just brainwashed followers into committing the murders."

Ash:"Whatever, a serial killer...the guy haunting Baton Rouge a few years ago.."

{Grace rolled her eyes}

Grace:"Derek Lee Todd didn't fit the profile.  He was a black male who only attacked professional women.  Although, {she thinks} there were similar killings in DC and an intern was killed who certain fit his type.  It's true that Sterling is a disturbed individual but he has a inate need to destroy those who he feels most threatened by.  You and Ash, he claims to be your betters but has to resort to cheap tatics in order to beat Ash.  Yet, couldn't defeat Justin so he presented an alternative scenario in an attempt to discredit any win that Justin had."

{Justin and Ash looked at her funny}

Justin:"You know you should really profile Nikki."

{Gracie smiles}

Gracie:"Who do you think was the subject for my dissertation?  Aunt Crystal could only do so much to medicate her."

Ash:"You know some seriously disturbed people.  {He glanced at Justin} "So he and Riot are on the same team.  It's going to be interested to watch the two of them self-destruct on Knox's watch."

Maegan:"When they do, Gracie and I will swoop in and take out Jade and Hayden."

Gracie:"I actually started planning on taking them both out of SEF.  So who every goes down first is the one that goes down first.  If Hayden taps tonight then I'll go for Jade next week."

Maegan:"The match tonight is actually going to be academic.  So then we can sit in the back put our feet up, eat popcorn, and watch you two take out Riot, Knox, and Sterling."

Gracie:"I'm actually going to take notes.  Sterling could make a quite interesting case study for the New England Journal of Medicine.  {she smirks} I could publish something professionally academic rather than just strictly an academic theory."

{Taryn relaxes back on the couch in their room with her feet up}

Taryn:"Finally it looks like a night where we are all going to win our matches.  It's going to feel good getting my hand raised and out of my slump."
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