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  • Register:21/10/2008 4:55 PM
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Date Posted:27/07/2010 10:39 AMCopy HTML

And so here we sit in the back room of some club somewhere, well all the other sheep play in the main ground out in the open, in front of all, exposed and blindly led we find Mack kicked back on a metal chair, a blunt laying on the card table in front of him. He sports the same old clothes, he isn't about playing dress up, just is who he is, the best wrestler and performer in SEF, a self made man with more money than anyone in SEF can fathom, and a down to earth son of a bitch you'd never expect to do half the things he has or does, but then again, Mack ain't like all the sheep out there, he has gone against the grain from day one and worked his way from under the radar, straight through the fucking middle and to the top. Whitney sits next to him wearing leather pants and stilletos with a leather bikini top on and her hair tied back tight. She sports dangly diamond earrings and her expensive rings, some bracelets, a contrast perhaps compared to Mack, but hey, isn't that ya do anyways, compare and contrast?! Anyways, Mack is just leaning back, the single light over the table and Whitney just looks around and finally says to Mack.
So are you gonna cut something or what, I think the cameraman is getting nervous back here?!
We see a slight nodding of yes from the camera and Mack looks with a smirk, then to Whitney and shrugs saying.
Just enjoying a little peace and quiet, something some of these jack offs on the roster could use a little of.
He looks to the camera now and says.
Look boys and girls, I've already run down about this match when I revealed it would be happening to try and force someone to challenge me. Hell, take a hint from some of these guys working Sacrifice, they stepped up more last night than anyone on Extreme has done period. And that is a shoot and I owned Sterling so bad with my shooting he had to take time off, of course, many can't handle the truth when finally exposed to it after lying as he has. Rick Reynolds has more guts and desire to try to challenge me, then again I did train the guy, and who knows when we may step in the ring. I just wonder why Frankie won't book me more, I told him to start doing so, then again he does gotta promote this Underground tournament right now. Maybe I'll have to show up this Saturday and lend a hand like last week!
He smirks and looks over at Whitney nudging her and saying.
Maybe its your turn to wrestle on Sacrifice?!
She just looks wide eyed and smacks Mack on the shoulder, then says.
No, you're the World Champion, you need the practice, if your gonna reach my level that is!
Mack just laughs and reaches over pulling Whitney over on top of him now, straddling him and they kiss passionately, then Mack grabs the back of her neck and pulls her to the side. She just kisses down his neck while he looks to the camera and says.
Well look boy and girls, this Sunday is an opportunity that only the dumbest individual would pass up and so that says a lot about Sterling no don't it! But it'll say more for someone in the match who doesn't show any desire to be there, so utilize this and take my gold, I dare ya, I double dog dare, I fucking triple dog dare, I dare ya to beat me, c'mon bitches, lets see what the fuck ya got cause I'm bored of the same old shit from all you sons a bitches. Now get the fuck outta here, I got some business to attend to!
Mack stands up holding Whitney and lays her on the table now as the camera backs up and keeps filming. Mack is seen starting to slide off her pants and then kisses her, but we exit now and soon fade to black. Wonder where they are anyways? Guess it pays to have more connections than anyone else around! Having more money helps too, eh, guess it never stops being good to be Mack!

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