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In Demand! -Rp 1

Started by Lacey Daniels, October 01, 2023, 07:14:48 PM

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Lacey Daniels

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  • Rank:Jobber
  • Score:144
  • Posts:104
  • From:United Kingdom 
  • Register:02/03/2010 6:33 AM
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Date Posted:28/07/2010 5:39 AMCopy HTML

Warning: This RP may include sex, drugs, rock & roll, cursing and anything else this user sees fit. If you object to any of these day-to-day practices, please, take your fantasy world elsewhere.


RP TitleNext Match:Lovers/Allies/Next Victim:Accomplishments:OOC:
Everyone Wants A Piece of the Lacey Pie!Tag Match
Battle Royal
World Match
Chris Orton/Dynasty Divas/EveryoneTV ChampionI love Austin! yay!! :) .. yeah I'm a mark I know lol


The scene opens with Lacey in her hotel room, sitting on her bed, in her underwear natch watching Ares promo on her laptop. An open Gucci case is on her bed as she is obviously packing for her weeks travel from Biloxi to Huntsville. Her facial expressions as she watches the screen range from downright anger through to raised eyebrows to delighted amusement. She hits a button on her keyboard and tosses the laptop to one side as she throws her head back and laughs long and hard.

LD: Oh My God!! Finally a man who's got some balls! And here I was wondering if I was dating the only one, well aside from Mack that is ... after all the pathetic losers I've been fighting on Extreme.  And yeah I'm entitled to call them that because let's face it they've not exactly been testing my abilities now have they? ... Weigel, Strife, Camaro ... all buried by yours truly and without breaking too much of a sweat I might add. So now we have Ares ... hmmm ... funny how he picks his moments ain't it? ... What I mean is, he decides he's gonna challenge me the very week I have not one, not two ... but three matches.
Lacey leans over and picks up a glass of apple juice which was on the floor and sips on it.
LD: No you didn't mis-hear me ... I will have 3 matches on Extreme. The tag match against the 2 bitches I really want to get my hands on, the battle royal and then when I win that ... which obviously I will ... the title match against Shane Mack.
Lacey rubs her hands together in a gesture of pleasure.
LD: Yep, definitely gonna be a busy week for little old me but getting back to Mr Big and Bad-Ass .. Ares.
Lacey picks up the laptop and looks long and hard at the screen, her fore finger traces the outline of Ares face.
LD: You know if I wasn't dating the hottest man in the business ... you and me could really have something special ... cos you are totally my type.  Arrogant, big-headed, full of confidence and swagger and not afraid to show it, oh yeah ... we could really be something but ah well ... another time, another place. Weren't expecting that now were you Ares? ... Oh you may talk about how you've seen better quality from a two dollar whore standing on a street corner, but we both know you haven't. There isn't a woman alive who wouldn't give her left arm to look half as good as me, and there isn't a man breathing who wouldn't want to be with me and that's the truth. Tell you what ... why don't you follow my example and be honest ... a title match isn't all you want from me is it? Oh no, you want a lot more than that, like you said you want more than just a show ... well  I'll just bet you do!  See the thing is I know you're telling the truth when you say you want to get your hands on me and if Orton wasn't around that phrase would have such a different outcome ...
Lacey smirks as she nods her head before sighing as she puts the laptop to one side and gets up and walks over the closet and starts taking her clothes out and bringing them over to the bed.
LD: In fact you're probably watching this thinking that I'm giving you a treat right now ... gonna make some smart-ass comment about me showing myself off in my skimpies. Well before you go jumping to conclusions there big boy ... the camera is in my hotel room and I don't see why I should rush to get dressed when I'm perfectly comfortable in my skin. I have no problem with showing this beautiful body and if that makes me a tease ...
Lacey giggles as she tosses her hair over her shoulder and strikes a pose that is deliberately seductive.
LD: ... so be it! But before you write me off as some little girl playing silly mind games and not having a clue what I'm doing take a good long look at what I've achieved in the short time I've been at SEF and realise one thing .. I know exactly what I'm doing. Am I fucking with your mind or am I being truthful? .. Hmmm I'll leave it to you to figure out.
Lacey tucks more of her clothes into the case before she pulls on a pair of faded Levis and a black "Lacey Daniels SEF" vest top before placing her Dynasty Divas tag title belt on top of everything in the case and closing the lid. She reaches out and takes hold of her TV title which she gazes down at.
LD: See Ares I wasn't impressed when you did on Extreme ... what every other little scumbag bastard does and jump me from behind. There ain't nothing big or clever about what you did, it's nothing more than a cheap-ass trick. But what makes you different and what did impress me is that  you then followed through and flat out challenged me ... if nothing else it makes you stand out from the rest of cowards. So in answer to your question .. .you want me in the ring for this baby right here? ... You got it! .. I never back down from a fight and like you I don't care who steps up to me ... you got the courage to offer me out straight up well hell ... I'm more than happy to give you the fight of your life.
Lacey smiles as she lifts her title up and gives it a kiss.
LD: But if you think it's going to happen this week you're sadly mistaken ... see I got me a world title to win and some jumped up bitches to put in their place. And ... much as I hate to say it cos it's yet another thing we got in common but seems like I'm the only one who's ready to step up to Mack and give him a run for his money. Oh I've done it before and came close but not close enough, this week is going to be different because this week my beautiful TV gold is going to have a little brother, in the form of the World title. It's like Pay it Forward ... you challenge me and I challenge Mack ... that's how it works and that's why you're gonna wait ... that and if you sneak attack me on Extreme ... interfere in any of my matches in any way, affect my chances of winning the World Championship then your shot at my gold goes straight out the window. And that's not a threat Ares ... nope, that's a promise!
Lacey laughs lightly as she swings her TV title onto her shoulder, chucks her laptop into the case and zips it shut before she pulls it off the bed all the while humming "Another One Bites the Dust".  She glances around the room making sure she's got everything before she walks over to the door. As she opens it she turns back to the camera.
LD: See you real soon Ares
Lacey winks sexily at the camera and walks out of the room as the scene fades to black
 End of rp2

"Yes I am as good as I look"


Disclaimer: This layout was made by Diabolical at Diabolical Designs. It is free for your use but please do not alter the layout or disclaimer in any way other than the text portions. 

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