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What would I want? Sky (Extreme 179)

Started by Johnny Camaro, October 01, 2023, 08:17:20 PM

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Johnny Camaro

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Date Posted:29/07/2010 11:02 AMCopy HTML

The camera turns on to see Johnny Camaro sitting on a bench at a gym. Sweat has drenched his forehead and strands of hair have escaped his ponytail, clinging themselves to his forehead. After a loss to Lacey Daniels, the champion of the television screens, Johnny must refocus and start all over again.

His breathing is heavy. Johnny grabs the waterbottle beside him and takes a large gulp of it then looks up.

"Last week, I lost to Lacey Daniels, I was still riding the high of mainstreamin and showstealin with Shane Mack. I didn't think I needed to hype myself up for the match, I didn't think I needed to give her anything. I believed I would have to carry her in the match. I underestimated her by miles, for that, Lacey, I'm sorry. I hope the next time we fight for your title, I can actually give you what I got. Some men would look at this as filler for their promo's, people like Knox O'Bannon or whom ever I fight next week, but there is no shame in losing to her because she is a tough son...urrr, daughter of a bitch. Once again I apolgize for underestimating you, Lacey. Good job."

He wipes the sweat from his head forcing the hairs to part to one side. It looks dirty, but somehow Johnny still looks hot!

"After that loss, something occured to me. I need to start from the beginning and work myself up to the Main Event. When I first came here, I believed that's what I needed to do, but I went too fast and soon got bitter. When I came back, I tried to start from the top and it didn't work. Now, I have rediscovered my game plan. Facing Knox this week is perfect because that's as low I can get in SEF without facing a no show or a jobber. No offence. I have fought him before and beat him. In fact I believe I have defeated him several times, I may be thinking of Lucas Rodgers though. Nevertheless, I beat him in the Hardkore title brawl, and I wasn't even close to 100%, he was. So I don't really see this as a big obsticle, but still an obsticle that must be faced as a severe threat. This is wrestling, anymatch could be my last. Knox O'Bannon could paralyse me for life, that's how I'm going into this. I'm going in thinkiing that Knox will end my career."

He takes another large gulp of water and places it beside him.

"I also have the battle royal tonight, winner faces Mack in the Main Event. although I could put up a great fight, I have no intensions on getting that match. I'd much rather get a title shot at the next pay-per-view and give the Main Event to the runner-up. If I fought Mack again I'd be sending myself back into the downward spiral that I was in last time and that just can't happen. Mack won't be near me in the ring anytime soon, so as far as I'm concerned, Mack to me is a pro in the back that is a mentor, not a competitor, a mentor. If I distance myself from him in the ring, I will be able to fight him and win his title. Unfortunatly it isn't today."

His head is once again drenched and he wipes his head again.

"I've watched everyones promos this week, I saw Lacey degrate me, but I deserved it. I saw people mocking Platinum Greatness to a level where they seem more hated than Mr. Kennedy, and on the same volume of mocking as their BGW days. Personally, I think they're pricks, but I have accepted that, and until I say it to their faces I can't say anything bad about them. I'd expect them to talk to me face to face about their problems with me, and I will do the same to them. Of course for some people I don't see them backstage-such as Platinum Greatness- so I can't say bad things about them."

Johnny stands up.

"Well that's about all for us here at Channel 5 News, I'm Johnny Camaro and you stay classy SEF.
Made by Phoenix Media Productions. No stealing. kthxbai.


Kristin Fox

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Re:What would I want? Sky (Extreme 179)
Date Posted:29/07/2010 3:59 PMCopy HTML

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Warning.x..This official Justin Rodgers roleplay may contain sexual content, violence, coarse language, and/or drug used and is unsuitable for all readers. The younge, innocent, immature, and plain stupid are advise to STOP, for those of you that intend to readt- on remember you have been warned...

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:What would I want? Sky (Extreme 179)

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You'd have to read his bio 

OOC Comment


{{Justin walks into the gym where Camaro is working out.  He drops down on a weight machine near him.}}

Justin:"JC, you should really see Knox's promo.  It's almost Judd Apatow comedy.  He seems to have gotten a boost of confidence since Lucas threw a tantrum and quit.  He also has gotten in that thick skull of his that he and Lacey are going to fight it out at the end of the battle royal and one of them is going to get Mack in the end.  {Shakes his head.  his phone beeps and he looks down and groans} Dude, if my crew comes in here, please put a shirt on or something.  We're friends and all but its kinda gross to hear my aunt and sister gush over how they think you look."


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