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The Only Truth There Is

Started by NBD, October 01, 2023, 08:24:00 PM

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  • Register:21/10/2008 4:55 PM
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Date Posted:31/07/2010 8:59 AMCopy HTML

Mack never twisted no words around that anyone said, he simply has done nothing, but state the truth, something no one else has yet to do and that is the only truth of the matter, so get over it and get focused cause there ain't nobody more focused than Mack. Then again, that is why he is the World Heavyweight Champion and miles above everyone else, it is why none of these chumps can hold a candle to him.
There is Ashlee Madden now claiming she does nothing but be honest and truthful!
All she does his spread lies and try to claim being great when she has to prove anything and she isn't even dominant in her matches as she claims. SEF has seen dominance in its many years of existence and Ashlee is far from it. She has yet to scale the bottom rung of the ladder.
Oh yea, SEF doesn't have a rating, so go PG, go G, or go opposite and go R or X or whatever the hell ya fucking want cause you can't go extreme enough for SEF, get a clue ya fucking morons.
Mack's attention is focused on anyone in SEF for anyone can be a potential challenger at anytime and tomorrow night especially considering he has a one in fifteen chance of facing anyone from the roster, except those inactive, but whatever.
As for Ares, he simply spoke nothing, but the truth, something Ashlee seems to have a problem with and has to resort to cheap name calling, wow, how great for you, but how little it affects somebody real, something your not even close to being.
Mack has faced countless women in his career, he has lost to some, beaten some, same with men, Mack faces them all because while his wife Whitney made SEF a place for women to come and compete for any title, Mack helped just as much to make this place true intergender wrestling. He could care less if you have a cock or a cunt between your legs or if your "disrespecting" the locker room. He simply tells it like it is, he has never once lied, but he does what you all wish you could do, tell the honest, brutal truth and so many don't like what he says, but no one can honestly deny it to be true. Many lie and claim he lies, but in the end they are proven to be the real liar, the only real thing they do is lie like you Ashlee, like your boy toy Sterling, like this Kat chick. Mack knows he could lose because he has been on the opposite end of this battle and won. Yea, he has wrestled three matches in a night with one being for a World Title, he's wrestled more than that in one night. How do you know what Mack is gonna bring to the table cause if you even think he won't work as hard or harder than anyone else on the roster your mistaken.
By the way Kat, he never twisted any words around d, Mack doesn't need to twist anyone's words, he never has and never will. He simply exposes the hardcore, bitter truth and you don't like it, so listen to your own self and stop trying to misquote what Mack said. You said you would do more in one night than Mack, but that is a lie for you have no idea what Mack does in one night and you have the opportunity to find out at any given time or simply wait and see if you get to step in the ring with him and then you will find out that one match or five matches and Mack brings more to the table than anyone else on the card. it's the reason Mack has been the main event for weeks, months now, because no one else has what it takes to fill his shoes. Not one person on the roster can step to his level and your all continuing to prove that true by trying so desperately to claim he is the liar, to trey and prove his words wrong, your failing to focus on what he does in the ring, the circles he moves around opponents, the unparalleled skill he possess, the wrestling knowledge and experience he uses every night to give the absolute best show there is. That is why he has cult like fans, not dumb fans who cheer because he's honest. The fans who come to SEF wanna hear that bitter truth, not some poppy ass bitches, men and women to clarify for you morons out there, spouting off lies. Trying to act as if SEF is bad in some way, stupid for booking certain matches when in fact there has been nothing stupid about booking in SEF. This company creates opportunity and its up to you to seize it, so stop trying to act as if your speaking all truth cause it just shows your lack of focus for actually trying to win, trying to get in the ring with Mack. Whoever does will find out what dominance truly is because Mack will own whoever steps across from him considering there ain't a soul in this battle royal who has yet to have the guts to step to Mack's level.
Mack has no worry for what anyone does, he knows what lies ahead of him and he knows what goes on in SEF. He has to show anything dumb, to be blind, to be deaf to anything that happens. He has never once tries to act like a badass. Mack is simply himself, like him or not he has yet to act like anything or anyone different, so take a lesson and start being real like so many of ya claim to be. Get real and get a clue about the truth cause not a single one of you have yet to utter it and that is indeed the only truth there is...and that is a fucking real shoot!

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