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Fighting Before Going To The Arena For The Battle Royal

Started by Dean and Seth Moxley, October 01, 2023, 08:32:49 PM

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Dean and Seth Moxley

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Date Posted:30/07/2010 10:29 PMCopy HTML
When the scene comes on the air it shows Cody and Shane at the park, and they are fighting since they are both in the battle royal.

Cody Jericho

I am gonna throw you over the top rope without even thinking twice, and even though it is every person for themselves I won't hesistate to get rid of you Shane.

Shane Jericho

Give me a break Cody I am the one that will be getting rid of you, and just cause we are both in it don't think for a minute that I am gonna help you cause I won't.

They keep on fighting back and forth, and the scene cuts to a commercial break.

TBC: Me only

Dean and Seth Moxley

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Re:Fighting Before Going To The Arena For The Battle Royal
Date Posted:01/08/2010 12:43 AMCopy HTML

When the scene comes on the air it shows Cody and Shane backstage when an interviewer walks over to them as the interview starts.


Both of you are in the Over The Top Battle Royal, and I got to know. What do you think about the other opponents that are in there with you?

Cody Jericho

Well I have no idea who any of them are, but that is alright cause I still plan on throwing Shane over the top rope. We heard what they have said about us, and they don't know anything about us to judge us which isn't right. We might fight, but that don't mean that we won't help each other when we are in danger cause we will.

Cody glares at Shane, and walks off as the interviewer asks Shane a question.


What do you think about your brother's answer?

Shane Jericho

He is gonna find out that I am way better then him, and this is just our debut match. This is the first federation we have been part of, and we might be able to work together for awhile in the battle royal just don't know when that will last. I want someone to tell me siblings that get along cause siblings are gonna fight, and that is the way it is. I want to make an impact here just like Cody, but it won't be him that will be throwing me over the top rope it will be me throwing him over the top rope.


Thank you for your time Shane.

Shane Jericho

Your welcome.

Shane walks off, and the show cuts to another commercial break.

TBC: Anyone

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