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Cruel Intentions-Katherine Extreme

Started by Katherine Wylde, October 01, 2023, 08:34:30 PM

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Katherine Wylde

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Date Posted:01/08/2010 3:16 AMCopy HTML

SEF = nWo?

"The Sheep come in droves to worship their God. Mack, you can claim all day long that you aren't anything other than original. But do you even look around you? I've watched some of the people around here and how they act. The chains that they are forced to wear in order to fit into your own putrid version of the world. And I know that I scare you."

A smirking Katherine is shown as the cameras back out to reveal her to be still in her B.O.M.B. ring gear. She stares into the camera with nothing but her smirk on her face for several moments.
"Let that sink in for a moment, SEF. Look around all of you. Do you see what happens? Look and see the very thing that we have been showing you through several weeks of hard work to get there. Look around everyone to the person next to you. Are they the next person that will be moved to Sacrifice?"
Katherine is shrugs quickly before continuing on.
"Do you really think that Mack had Sacrifice brought back because none of you have what it takes to compete in SEF? That none of you have stepped up to his level? Seems to me, which I'll get called a liar for, that Mack has hired in a whole sect of worshippers of his noble cause of trying to live as a God. He complains every single day that everyone that he can't control are liars. Ever seen one of his goons come straight at you? Look into your eyes and know that you're better than he'll ever be? I have. I stood toe to toe with Ares after he pretty much called anyone out. And what happens?"
Katherine rubs her own neck.
"I get bitch attacked by a loser that worships Mack. Some advice Ashlee Madden? If you want to simply sheep out and become an ass kisser of Mack's like those blinded fools like Tarnished Legacy or even the Sacrifice goons...then stop talking about Mack being like that other guy who sort of brought in a bunch of hoods way back when to jump people from behind. Or you can just be you. I may have been wrong about you, and for that I apologize. But I'll invite you now to witness what happens to people who can actually plow through competition in straight up one on one action. Now, it all makes sense to me. Mack can't handle the upset of balance by those that are more talented than him. Why would I make that connection between what happened to me, and what happened to any other person on this roster?"
Katherine rolls her eyes.
"Because the only way to apparently survive in SEF is to kiss Mack's ass. Otherwise, he claims that you lie. And if you do kiss his ass and play by whatever you are cast as and be a good little boy or girl? He claims that you lie. So why does kissing Mack's ass seem to be the only way to survive? Because if not, his little goon squad will jump you. From behind I might add. Anyone that is anywhere near this level that you see here seems to have a history of 'accidents'(Katherine adds the quotes on her fingers) or straight up being assaulted by people who are so blinded by the 'Mack's Original' routine. Watch what I say, boys and girls. What reason do I have to lie to people that I don't even know? I don't. I am just who I am. Katherine Wylde doesn't sit idly by and watch retards run their mouths. If that's all that it takes to intimidate someone into attacking from behind? Then watch me get jumped again and again and again. Because I'm not just gonna lie down for anybody. Mack, you can shoot all you want about what is true and what is not. But I can see right through your bullshit. You wanted your buddy Ares to see who the troublemakers would be for you. He attacked Lacey Daniels and you take him out gun shooting so that he can tell everyone how great you are. You each claim that the other is so great that the 'If this or if that' scenario reminds me of exactly two people in the history of wrestling that had egoes that sent them into tailspins that they couldn't hack it anymore. You've heard of them, though. Hollywood Hulk Hogan and Macho Man. Thing is that when Macho became a threat to Hogan and wanted more?"
Katherine smiles showing teeth.
"It's your future Ares. Go do the research. It's all in archives in some diluted basement where past files are kept. Very similar to SEF's history. Who wants to go digging through the trash to find out who the has-beens are? I sure as hell have better things to do. Mack you wanna know what I'm calling Bullshit on? That when people are being straight with what they think and telling you who they are that you can't handle it. Noone has ever been great except for you and your little lame wife? Forgive me if I cough as I call bullshit."
But Katherine doesn't cough. She giggles instead.
"Do I hit on your nerves? Do you feel the need to defend yourself? Come and get me, I'm right here. And I look and am not sore afraid. Because your resemblence is nothing like God. Instead, it's more like trash that has needed taking out to the dumpster a week ago and has developed into a fungus. A black mold that covers everything that you touch. Infecting in a moment's notice. Too bad that I'm the cure that these sheep have needed. Too bad that others haven't stepped up to be that cure. I've seen at least four or five contenders around here after testing to see who fit and who didn't in my own way that could take you down. That's right. I said it. They could take you down to the dumpster where you belong. And what's the most convenient thing in the world, Mack?"
Katherine glares a little before laughing.
"You have all the power and I have none. You have all the backstage personnel in your pocket. You have all of the Sacrifice competitors to worship you. You have Tarnished Legacy trembling with fear of anything other than kissing your ass everytime they have anything to say in the hopes that little ol' Me might get taken out by them. But that's not on the agenda this time, Bucko. No, you can't silence me. You can't and you won't break me. All of the bullshit and all of the worshippers that you have won't stand up and kiss your ass forever. They won't protect you forever. And in that one second that you let down your guard against someone like me? I'm gonna take my slightly heeled boot and plant it so far up your ass that you're gonna be spitting out your teeth."
Katherine lays back against her couch.
"Again, you're so big and bad that you think that you rule the world through your infection of others. But your reality is in check after Extreme, Mack. Whether I'm in the match because I won that battle royal or I have to use unconventional means to get to you. I will get to you. Then you and I are gonna show the world what happens when the real Shane Mack is scared what happens. Call bullshit all you want from your locker room while you sit on your ass and nurse your leg. Or come in and do something about it. Either way you'll be proving that I'm right Mack. You are nothing, but a scared old man. Still playing the fallen hero. The difference being that you don't even know it, yet. You cast everyone as the villain in your play, but taking a long hard look? The sheep of SEF that follow you and call out your name like their lives depend on it are gonna see you fall. Will they embrace the person that takes you down or will they spit and hiss at them like your other worshippers? Time will tell. And yours is almost up."
Katherine feeling pretty good about getting some of her thoughts off of her chest smiles into the camera once more.
"Knox and Lacey have one idea right. Mack's hours are numbered in SEF. The only part they have wrong is exactly who's gonna be the one to take him down. Cause that one's gonna be me."
Katherine tosses her hand through the air as if she's done now. And Jennah comes over to shove the camera crew out the doors of their locker room.

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