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Dial 911...

Started by Jake Voss, October 01, 2023, 08:44:13 PM

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Jake Voss

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Date Posted:04/08/2010 1:25 AMCopy HTML

Ares stands outside of a local bar somewhere down in Alabama or around there maybe since SEF is currently touring the southern states. The sign out front simply says BAR, so not sure what the name is, maybe many names if ya ask certain locals. Right now the view just pans around while Ares stands behind a tree taking a leak. His footsteps are heard, the cameraman stays up on the sky filming the stars and we hear Ares yell.
Hey bitch, you ready or what?!
The view pans around on to Ares now who just stands there in camo shirt and blue jeans cracking a beer from the cooler in the back of his black pickup. He guzzles some down and just kinda snarls and smirks in that weird way he does, then says.
Alright, well hell, lets just say this to you Lacey Daniels. I think maybe ya outta pick up that little fucking cell phone you like so well and dial three number, 9...1...1 cause baby, your about to get raped of your fucking gold because like I said before, I want that fucking TV Title so bad I can taste it and it is interfering with the taste of my beer. Now I got a little frustrations out on the cameraman...
He sneers as the camera shakes and Ares says.
And don't you worry son, I'm feeling in a good mood tonight, plus there's a whole rowdy bunch of rednecks inside that bar ready to fight anyone, so you get a free pass unlike the last guy and that slut Kat who thought she could take me and ended up getting her ass kicked so damn bad she cried her way all the way out of SEF. Well good, the bitch can't handle real competition, so she shoulda never came to SEF in the first goddamn place. Now Lacey, I'll give ya dues like I give everyone dues and you deserve them, your competition, your doing well for yourself, but rest assured when the match we have this Sunday is over that title will be changed over to my hands and I'll raise it high, toast a beer to it and slam it back, then strap that belt around my waist and get ready for the real challenge of being champion, defending that fucking belt. I been to the big dance of Wrestle X and headlined it, I won the SEF Title there, I know what it takes and I have what it takes to beat your ass all over that ring.
Ares slams down the rest of his beer and tosses the empty into the bed, pulls out two and tosses one to the cameraman. The view shakes a little as he catches it and opens it. Ares drinks some of his, then says.
Now I caught the hint and I heard the rumors, your boy toy Chris may be back in two soon and if ya even think he's gonna be any help to you retaining that title, think again cause I'll whoop his ass and yours, I don't give a fuck who you are! Like I said last week, if I desired that World strap instead of the TV strap, then I woulda took out Mack, I'd go after Rick now, but uh uh, not at this time and place. Your fucked Lacey, your like a sitting duck, floating around lame and waiting for me to pick you off and take that title, strip you naked, rape you and rest assured I'm gonna be the new Television Champion and there ain't a damn thing you can do about it!
He slams down some beer and sneers as he says.
Oh sure, your oh so great, you trained with Hart's, you can make someone tap out, hell, ya wrestled Shane Mack and did ok for yourself, but tell me Lacey, what exactly is it you have truly done that really makes you stand out, that makes people think, wow, I ain't ever seen that, I never saw anyone like her?
He shrugs and smirks, takes a drink of beer and says.
Shrug it off if ya want, hell, ask me the same fucking question and I'll answer it by saying I already told ya, Wrestle X and also, I don't really give a fuck for trying to make an impact that no one else has ever done. I do what works for me and kicking ass works for me, so I showed up one night, dropped your ass flat and got what I wanted to get what I really want, that TV Title. Do whatever, say whatever, your just bullshitting and killing time until the inevitable happens this Sunday when the Ares Atom Bomb will rock your ass like a fucking hurricane that'd end the fucking world and then I'm taking that title. Its mine Lacey, so make sure ya got plenty of picture with it, make sure you get as close to it as ya can cause its only a matter of days now before it comes to me!
He keeps sneering, snarling, and smirking and gets a real determined look about him, then slams down the rest of his beer tossing the can into the bed of his truck and says.
I realize what possibilities could happen, I realize a champions advantage of being able to get a count out or a disqualification to keep your title, I understand the card you have of Chris Orton possibly showing up cause who knows if its more bullshit rumors or if its really gonna happen? His girl may know, so you got advantages and I realize every one of them. You'd be better off playing one of those than trying to tease me cause as ya found it don't work on me. I don't become putty for any pathetic bitch who wants to show some skin. Ya either fuck me or say fuck you asshole, there is no in between cause I didn't come in here to get laid, I came in here to kick ass and win titles. I've been kicking ass and now its time to kick a little more and little bit harder and take some titles and it starts Sunday with the TV Title. Suck it up Lacey, do what ya gotta do to get ready and do it quick cause its approaching, your demise is approaching. The man you wish you had and can't has no interest in you except for your title and after Sunday the interest will lighten as it depends on whether or not you use your rematch cause you and every single one of these asshole better realize that this crazy fucking redneck is about stomp you into the mat. Bank on it bitch, new TV Champ is right here, now get this fucking camera outta here, I for some training to do on some poor bastards inside!
Ares grabs a beer from his cooler, cracks it and slams it all down, then tosses the can into the truck and heads for the bar entrance. The view watches him go and he holds up both hands flipping us off, then pushes the door open and we lose sight of him, but here him yell.
And then a loud yell and through the somewhat tinted windows we can see some brawling going and the cameraman is backing away to his car, lowers the camera and soon fade to black.

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