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Hell Hath No Fury - Extreme rp 1

Started by Lacey Daniels, October 01, 2023, 09:02:19 PM

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Lacey Daniels

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  • Rank:Jobber
  • Score:144
  • Posts:104
  • From:United Kingdom 
  • Register:02/03/2010 6:33 AM
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Date Posted:05/08/2010 10:47 AMCopy HTML

Warning: This RP may include sex, drugs, rock & roll, cursing and anything else this user sees fit. If you object to any of these day-to-day practices, please, take your fantasy world elsewhere.


RP TitleNext Match:Lovers/Allies/Next Victim:Accomplishments:OOC:
Hell Hath No Furyvs AresChris Orton/Dynasty Divas/AresTV Championthis should be fun! :)


The scene opens up with Lacey Daniels standing next to a Hertz rental desk with her case next to her, both her titles fastened around the straps as she chats on her cell phone.  She's looking a million dollars as per usual, dressed in low-rise hipster jeans, her new SEF "Look But Don't Touch" pink and black baby tee finished off with platform black Jimmy Choos. She's twirling her finger through her hair as she smiles and speaks in a low, seductive tone.
LD: Yeah baby I can't wait either .. I've missed you so much, you have no idea ... mmmhmmm ... yeah that sounds good to me. ... Naw I'm all good that big ugly ape didn't really do any damage ... well if you really want to rip him apart who am I to stop you?
Lacey laughs as a Lincoln convertible pulls up and the Hertz guy jumps out of the car and walks over to Lacey and coughs to get her attention. She holds up one finger in his direction.
LD: .. yeah well I'll look forward to that. I know you know I can more than take care of it myself but if you want to jump in I'm sure not going to tell you no ... yeah, like when did I ever? ...
The Hertz guy coughs again and holds out the car key as Lacey turns her head with a scowl and raises an eyebrow at him. She takes the car keys off his finger and signs the rental papers on his clipboard as he smiles at her and walks away whilst trying not to be too obvious that he's checking her ass out.
LD: ... this week? ... really? ... well ... it's up to you babes ... but as far as I'm concerned the sooner the better ... yeah these guys from Sacrifice are starting to be a real pain in the ass ... okay ... mmhmmm ... yeah I can't wait to see their faces ... ... time to show those bitches who the real powerhouses in SEF are! ... alright ... bye honey ...
Lacey blows a kiss down the phone as she walks around the car to the backseat and swings her case inside. She ends the call and slams shut the back door and gets in the car, she tosses her cell and purse onto the passenger seat before starting up the engine. She pushes the button to lower the roof and checks her reflection in the mirror as she catches sight of an SEF cameraman coming into view. She sighs in mild annoyance before combing her hair through with her fingers. She turns to face the camera as he pulls level with the car.
LD: Well I guess there's just no escape when you're a standout champion like myself is there? ... But then let's face it, who the hell else are you going to chase around? ... Those inbreds .. Tarnished Legacy? I'll just bet they're in a pissy mood this week, after I did exactly what I said I would and made Taryn tap out like the crybaby whiner she really is. And after all their bragging about playing the numbers game to their advantage, Knox was the one who was victorious at the battle royal not any of that bunch of losers? .. Awww .. .not you Justin sweetie-pop.
Lacey laughs and winks at the camera.
LD: Yeah last week was good, taking out one of the Fugly Foxes and getting one of us through to the ladder match main event but it should have been even better goddamn it!! ... Knox O'Bannon should be sitting pretty with the SEF World title right now and everybody knows it ... all Rick Reynolds proved last week is that he is a paper champion, his win over Shane Mack was a fluke because he can't keep hold of his title without his buddies help! No wonder he doesn't want to defend it regularly, he knows that he'd lose it too quick! Unlike some other champions who defend their belts practically on a weekly basis ...
Lacey smirks and points to herself.
LD: Oh and before he even comes out with some lame-ass excuse about me and Dusty coming down to ringside ... uh excuse me skeezer boy but your meat-head sack-of-shit pal Thor was first down to the ring sticking his oar into Knox's business and when you pick on one of us you pick on all of us. We were just there to even the odds is all, so no whining! You want to show you're a champion worth a crap then put your money where your mouth is and put the belt up against a real man ... my man, Chris Orton when he comes back to SEF! .. Naw I'll bet you don't ... I'll bet you'll make some pathetic excuse like you're the champ so you don't have to prove anything ... well, you won't be able to ignore Chris forever and when the time comes and you eventually man up and grow a pair of balls ... then Chris is going to wipe the mat with you and be the new SEF World champion ... simple as that!!
Lacey smiles as she pushes her hair behind her ear.
LD: Oh yeah and while I'm on the subject of sack-of-shit wrestlers from Sacrifice ... I see you caught up with my opponent for Extreme ... Stone Cold ... ooops sorry .. Ares! You know Austin actually called me and asked me to pass on a message ... "he wants his gimmick back!" .. Honestly who does he think he's kidding? ... That guy is so full of shit his eyes are turning brown. I mean really ... what the fuck kind of idiot shows his retardedness off like that? ... I mean you can tell from his complete lack of vocabulary that he's nothing but an uneducated redneck hick who's not worth a dime. As if he needed to stand in front of the camera and piss up against a bar wall to show off his credentials. What? Am I supposed to be intimidated by that? Does that mean you're a real man ... cos you can go into some deadend bar and fight with some drunken losers? Hell I doubt they want to fight you ... they probably want you to join their family cos you'd fit right in with them. All those backwoods, pig-fucking, sister-lovin' inbreds. Eurgh .. you wouldn't catch me dead in one of those filthy dives. I only patronise the highest class establishments ... you know the kind of places that you look in at from the outside until someone from security gets you to move along. That's the real reason why you want to get in the ring with me isn't it big boy? Cos I remind you of all the pretty girls at your school who said no to you. You want to take out all your frustrations on me for you being such a reject, such a loser that the only date you could get for prom was your cousin Gertie!
Lacey laughs as she mocks Ares knowing she's totally punching below the belt and being a nasty-ass bully.
LD: Every time you open your mouth to speak about this match .. all you do is prove you're a big fat liar. Yep it's true you wanna know why? Well let's see .. first off you say it's only about my TV title and that it's got nothing to do with you being attracted to me in the slightest ... LIAR! ... Unless you're blind, dead or gay ... if you're a man you're attracted to me ... it's as simple as that. I know it, you know it, hell everyone knows it. I'm hot ... not that it's got anything to do with the match but let's get real here ... more important let's stop lying here huh? ... Anyways if I don't get you hard then why do you go on about raping me ... what is that the only way you can get it up baby? ... Poor lil Ares gotta hang-up and needs to force himself on women to get any satisfaction? ... You sick fuck! .. You can take that word and shove it straight up your ass. Rape is an federal offence which can get you life in Alabama honey, so you might want to think twice about it! ... but then I guess maybe you secretly like that idea ... you'd get to experience it yourself huh? ... Big fat cellie named Bubba who I'm sure would love your silky bald head .. hmmm ..
Lacey wrinkles her face in disgust and shakes her head at the mental image.
LD: Ergh .. I think I made myself a little bit nauseous there ... so where was I? .. Oh yeah Ares being a liar ... so what other bs claims did he make? ... oh yeah ... he was going to take the TV title away from me easy peasy ...
Lacey throws her head back and laughs.
LD: See once again you demonstrate your total ignorance of the situation. Oh you pay a tiny amount of lip service to my skills in the ring but then you go right back to your "I'm the best thing since sliced bread" routine and start bragging about how you headlined Wrestle X and won the world title there ... big fucking whoop! Like I give a shit what you did back in your glory days ... it's what you do now that counts ... what you do today and tomorrow that matters .. .not what you did back when TV was in black and white for gods sake! .. Rest on your laurels ... crow all you like about your past achievements but all it does is show you live in the past not in the here and now ... the only thing I've seen from you recently is when you ambushed me from behind to get your cheap shots in. You say it's because you wanted to get a title shot ... LIAR! .. It's because you weren't man enough to front up to me and ask for a match for my championship ... because you wanted to get your grubby hands on this perfect body ... because you're a coward! Take your pick baby cos you are all those things and more ... you want to prove me wrong then get in the ring and do it ... cos all I'm learning about you right now is that you're a typical chauvinistic redneck beer-head! You don't respect women and you sure as hell don't respect me. You don't think I'm even worth bothering to train for ... and no, fighting a bar full of drunks doesn't count! You write me off and dismiss me as though I'm some kind of bimbo who doesn't know a wristlock from an armbar ... you my little bald friend are in for a rude awakening come Extreme. See I could brag about what I've done and who I've trained with, even who I run with but I don't ... you know why because even though verbally I can dance rings around you ... my real talking comes when I'm in the ring. I am the shit and I prove it week in and week out, I am a real fighting champion and I take on anyone and everyone who challenges me ... yeah even you! Not like you earned it or anything but the satisfaction I will get from shutting that fat mouth of yours will more than compensate. I'm looking forward to wiping that smug-ass look off your face when I stretch you beyond breaking point, twist you like a pretzel and make you tap out or hell, better yet ... pass out. Either way my beautiful TV title ain't going anywhere ... least of all round that beer belly of yours. Sorry Ares ... but your beers gonna taste crappy for quite some time to come, so instead of me dialling 911 ... maybe you should be dialling the number for Alcoholics Anonymous ... cos by the time I'm done with you you're gonna need all the help you can get!
Lacey starts up the engine.
LD: And that's not a threat ...
She pulls away quickly leaving the camera behind in a cloud of smoke.

End of rp 1

"Yes I am as good as I look"


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