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Your Denial Leads To Your Demise

Started by Jake Voss, October 01, 2023, 09:08:16 PM

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Jake Voss

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Date Posted:05/08/2010 12:49 PMCopy HTML

Were in the gym of the some hotel somewhere and the view moves in to find a couple guys working out in there and Ares is in there as well sitting down with a curling bar, got some weight on there and sweating as he finishes his rep. He gets glancing to make sure no one is in his way, but keeps his eyes off everything, keeps focused on his workout and moves to a bench that is free, puts a few weights on a bar and lays down doing a rep there. The other guys look at the camera and shrug, continue their workout and Ares soon sits up on the bench resting for a few seconds, his black muscle shirt half soaked in sweat and his cut off sweats into shorts getting damp. He sports sneakers and gets to his feet and now notices the camera, so he walks on over looking this way and says.
Your early son?
He just snarls kinda, almost a smirk too, then says.
Oh well, fuck it, lets get this shit going I guess.
Ares walks forward backing the camera up and heads down the hall and we follow him now. He heads into the pool room and throws his shirt off at the edge of the pool, kicks his shoes off and peels off his socks, then dives into the pool and swims to the other end, turns around and swims back resting his arms up on the side. Ares pulls himself out and sits on the edge of the pool as the camera gets into position kinda diagonal from him and Ares just shows that sneer smirk of his and says.
So Lacey is still stuck on calling my ass a coward for dropping her face to face? What a joke she is becoming!
He chuckles and says.
I treated her as she wants to be treated in this business, as any woman wants to be treated, equal and that's a fact. I've uttered no lie either Lacey, so shove your liar names up your ass they have no real affect on someone who hasn't actually done that. I ain't saying I'm above lying, if I had to I would, but I haven't, so get over it and stop lying yourself. Your still insisting that I have to be in madly love with you or lust, whatever. That I don't care about the gold, but honey, your just denying shit to yourself, your labeling by using every stereotype of what you think I am and claim I think that about you for being a woman. Look at who as said what and who has done what and the only one going into this match looking across the ring at someone who is their equal is me and that is gonna be your demise, count on it woman!
He grins and says.
And so fucking what if I brought up my past here in SEF? When was the last time you headlined Wrestle X, hell, when was the last time you even had a match at Wrestle X? The only way you could get on the show this year was to be a fucking cheerleader for your punk bitch boy toy Chris who I have dealt with before and if his happy ass wants to come down and help, then as I said before, I'll be more than happy to whip his ass. Fact is it don't matter who shows up, I am taking that title off you Lacey, the TV Title is gonna be strapped to my waist and apparently your blind cause I'm a long ways off from any beer gut. Then again, it was meant to get under my skin I guess, problem is that your usual shit don't work on me Lacey. You think your some badass bitch who has proved herself to be such a thing when you haven't. You have barely begun to scale the SEF mountain while I've been to the top and I'm heading back up for another round cause it was so much fucking fun the first time.
He pauses, a smirk on his face and Ares says.
I train in many different ways whether it's in a fucking small gym like this or the one in my house or whether its whipping some redneck ass in a small hick bar. I've been in the so called high class gym and its nothing special, just makes me long to get out and go train away from a bunch of crybabies. I don't go to a gym because it has a membership or because of anything fancy, some new machine, some fancy weights, fuck that! When I work out, I work the fuck out, I stretch muscles and sweat my ass off because when I get in that ring I stretch and twist and pull and kick ass and if you think there is a tap out victory in your future this Sunday, think again Lacey. The only way I'm going out is if you pin my shoulders to the mat for the one two and three cause your got no chance in hell of making this arrogant son of a bitch tap out or even pass out. Don't judge a book by its cover babe, its just gonna get you into trouble when I finally get my hands on you in a match for that title. And so what if I used the term rape, any moron like you or Chris or any of these jack offs around can understand the meaning behind what I said, the metaphors used. The again maybe I am giving you and everyone too much credit for being smart enough to figure it out?!
He smirks and sneers, then gets to his feet and grabs his shirt and socks slapping them over his shoulder and back into the camera saying.
By the way, no so called gimmick has been ripped off from anyone. What you see with me is what you get and going the route you did shows me your scared, that your afraid of facing me, so you have to label me with a stereotype of a redneck, insult me with cheap name calling, label me an imposter when I have been more real than you can imagine. You don't like that I don't fall into your hands and let myself get wrapped around your little finger. I know what you can do in the ring and that's all that matters to me Lacey, not any lame attempt to beat me before hand. The only one who appears beaten already is you for your resorting to cheap tactics that have no real meaning, that prove nothing because the only liar thus far in this rivalry between the two of us is you. You prove I have lied and I'll admit to it, but all I've said is that I am gonna whip your ass and take your title, that I am immune to your charms. When I started this it was the simple crack of a beer which got your attention, brought you face to face with the man who would end your title reign and then I dropped you. Call it cheap all you like, but your insults are far cheaper and Lacey, like it or not, I went face to face with you before I ever touched you and as a champion you need to be ready at a moments notice to defend that title, so the fact that you for caught and dropped is your own damn fault for not being ready.
He smirks now and says.
By the way, you have as much chance of hearing from a Stone Cold character as much you have of retaining your title this Sunday and that chance is slim to none. You only have a slight, slim chance because you are champion and Like I said before, you could pull a cheap way out, you even hinted more about Chris saying basically that you wouldn't mind one bit if he showed up to fight me, but you'd mind big time when your both laid out next to each other and I'm raising the TV title over my head. Go ahead, claim it won't happen, claim I'm too damn dumb, too much of a typical redneck and well, I'll have you right where I want you, in a state of overconfidence much like your in now.
He laughs and picks up his shoes now, then says.
I'll see ya Sunday winch and I will be taking your title. You may want to stop underestimating and stereotyping wrongly and begin to focus on the real threat. Rick Reynolds is a fucking piece of shit indeed, but he is not your worry this Sunday and if he is, your damn sure not gonna stand a chance against me, let alone have a chance at retaining your title!
Ares walks off with a swagger now pushing by the cameraman who catches himself from falling in the pool. The view steadies and we see Ares heading into the elevator, so its over now and we just fade to black.

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