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09.06.24: The Return of Friday night Showstoppa, Click Here For More

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Started by Kristin Fox, October 02, 2023, 12:13:38 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:08/08/2010 8:45 PMCopy HTML


inappropriate for some younger viewers. If you are not offended by sexual situations, acts of extreme violence, and a lot of swearing, then keep reading. If you are easily offended, simply click the little
[x] on the top right corner of your screen. You have been warned!

Tarnished20Legacy20Banner.jpg legacy banner picture by kristinbenoit97
|| Roleplay ;;;Heading ;;;~ You Clicked It || People ;;;Featured ~ Read and See || Allies/Hit List ~ Tarnished Legacy/almost Everyone Else || Word ;Count ;;;~ didnt count|| Post ;;;Song ;;;~Homies by ICP|| MComments ~ Internet is lagging bad ;-) ||
{{{The Legacy is lounging in their locker room, dressed in their ring gear waiting for the call to go do what they do best: wrestle.  Gracie is practically gloating in her Ameri-babe outfit that is similar to Madusa's gear but more now and definitely sexier.  She stretches and smile that is almost a smirk teases her lips}}}

Gracie:"Where have you gone Ashlee?  I haven't seen you or Sterling around anywhere!!  Have you run back to your alcohol soaked lifestyle or have you become yet another subject for Ash and Justin to pretend that they are Special Agents Morgan and Reid from Criminal Minds."

Ash/Justin:"I'm Morgan."

{Gracie rolls her eyes and Maegan snickers}

Maegan:"Fighting over being the hot one?  It strikes me as funny because Reid is a genius and neither of you care about that."

Justin:"I didn't say I didn't care about being the genius.  {he laughs} I just know which one that Katana thinks is hot."

{Maegan and Gracie laugh}

Maegan:"I know we've had the discussion about just how hot Shemar Moore is."

Gracie:"Oh yeah."

Maegan:"Although Gracie is the only one to talk about his nude pictures."


{Gracie flushes and looks away}

Maegan:"She's 20 year old, Justin.  Talking about it and going about looking or being a whore like what we deal with on a weekly basis around here is another."

Gracie:"I sent one out of here pretty fast! I bet she's gone 5150 because she's been drinking so much.  You know there is a case in Nashville, TN where a patrol officer was working out and borrowed a friend's water bottle.  She didn't know that her friend used her water to take hits of GHB.  She took several gulps from the bottle and went stark raving mad for several minutes before collapsing into a coma from which she never recovered.  It's a rare case of when an Urban Legend comes true.  Could this be what happened to Ashlee?  She'll drink anything and we know that she drinks until she passes out and wakes up to drink some more.  The only truth is that no one has seen or heard from Sterling in several weeks and Ashlee all week.  Interesting if one or the other suffered a sufficent enough break to kill the other.  {she winces} Morbid I know but they were already suffering from serious delusional problems.  My beating her last week could have been the secondary break needed for her to really become uncontrollable.  If she doesn't show up tonight?  {she shrugs} Is Sly going to give me the night off?  Is he going to allow me to team with Maegan againist Riot and Jade?  It's something that I'd like to do or give me some random person from MUW to wrestle?"

Justin:"That would be interesting.  I heard what Camaro had to say and I have to agree.  We are going to steal the match away from Knox.  If possible we'll steal the show.  It seems that everyone agrees on one thing Rick Reynolds is an egotistical son of a bitch who needs to be taken out like a rabid dog and shot.  Seeing as JC is down, then we need to maybe show up at Sacrifice next week to show them that they can't jump us when our back is turned."

Ash:"I've been saying that for awhile.  I wanted to go over there at first just for the experience of not wrestling the same people week after week.  Now that they have made it a war, then yeah, we need to fight sick bastards with sick bastard.  Lock a couple of them in a cage with Knox and see what happens.  {the team laughs} As for Extreme tonight, we know that we are a target.  We are the ones who have been talking about protecting SEF, now we need to step up and show that we are serious.  If Rick brings his bastards tonight then prepare for the Legacy to meet them at the door or the Go Position."

Maegan:"It's odd.  The Riot and Jade that I have known for years wouldn't no show a card.  Riot would be freaking out and bouncing all over the freaking arena making cryptic comments about how he likes to inflict pain and isn't afraid to be hurt himself.  The past couple weeks they have said nothing.  Are we that terrifying in a career match?  Even if careers are not on the line, why did Ashlee disappear?  Why are Jade and Riot suddenly silent?  Are they having that much sex?  I mean, I'm addicted to my husband.  {Justin closes his eyes and covers his ears} I have a healthy sexual appetite but this is a concept that stuns me.  Two weeks and they haven't surfaced where even their own friends, their own family hasn't heard from them."

{there is the sound of a gong.  Justin cracks and eye open before getting up to get a Iphone 4 from his bag.  He taps the screen a few times}

Justin:"Interesting, Talon has requested a BOLO for Riot, even though surveilance has said that they've seen Jade come and go from the hotel that they were staying at.  I knew Riot was a freak but this is crazy."

{Ash chuckles}

Ash:"Watch, he'll claim that he lost the match tonight due to dehydration and extreme exhaustion.  Hmm, I seem to remember someone else using that excuse just before he had knee surgery."

{Maegan and Grace laugh as the camera turns to show Justin scratching an eyebrow with his middle finger before looking up and pretending to be all innocent.}

Gracie:"Statistically speaking, it is likely that the people from Sacrifice will target us but otherwise I feel confident that we are going to all win."
quєєnofhєarts_The layout was created by Ashley aka Queen of Hearts. Like it? Thank you, now go request one!


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