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The Future

Started by Kristin Fox, October 02, 2023, 12:38:26 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:11/08/2010 8:32 PMCopy HTML

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Justin20Rodgers20Banner.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97
Warning.x..This official Justin Rodgers roleplay may contain sexual content, violence, coarse language, and/or drug used and is unsuitable for all readers. The younge, innocent, immature, and plain stupid are advise to STOP, for those of you that intend to readt- on remember you have been warned...

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Lots of ppl
Justin vs Lacey
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The Future
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Tarnished Legacy/Shattered Reality
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You'd have to read his bio 
OOC Comment
{{Justin is in the gym working out.  He is dressed in cutoff jeans and sneakers.  If the shorts were any tighter or shorter people might accuse him of being queer but then again in this business his male co-workers are sure to snicker about it anyway}}
Mike_O_Hearn_012.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97
Justin:"Lacey, you don't think I forgot how to play the game, do you?  {he stands up and makes his pecs dance} "I know how hot it makes you to see extremely tall muscular guys in tight jeans working out.  So here I am.  {he smirks and makes his pecs dance more} "Six foot seven inches of twisted steel and sex appeal who just happens to have everything that you have ever wanted: {he gestures to himself, he turns to get a gallon jug of water and pours some over his head before getting a drink.  He bends down to set it down before turning back.  He shakes the water from his hair} "More muscle mass than Hogan ever had, naturally gained I might add, more money than you could ever spend on shoes in ten lifetimes, and the International title.  Oh and I do not fear committment.  {he smirks and rocks on his heels.  He holds his hand out} Focus on this hand right here.  {despite the fact that the platnium wedding band engraved with celtic markings is not on his left hand "Katana" is inked on his left ring finger} I grew up.  I got married.  Ironically, not to the first girl that I sweet talked into my bed but defintely the last.  Yeah, you are the embodiement of my type of girl: hot brunette with killer eyes and a 210% desire to exceed.  Which is why I married one who not only has a killer instinct to succeed but a brilliant mind.  She's teaching school while she is working on an MD and a PsyD.  Plus she is willing to give me what I've always wanted: children.  The one thing I didn't enjoy about you Lacey is your vanity and yeah, as a dumb kid I did love you.  Come to think of it, of the girls I was with before Katana you are the one who didn't screw me over or try to use me.  So yeah, I have to say I did love you.  Maybe a few summers wasn't enough to cement anything serious but who knows if I would have stayed with my aunt and uncle what would have happened."

{He pauses as his crew comes in.  He waves at them and pretend things are all cool.  Ash comes over and gives him some dap}

Ash:"I'd hate to be you right now man.  {he turns toward where Maegan and Grace are getting in the ring} "They want to kill Lacey and not to help you out.  Steer clear of them for today or else....worrying about if Katana is going to castrate you is going to the least of your problems."

{Justin looks past him and lowers his voice a little}

Justin:"The new semester started so she hasn't been watching.  I'm in the clear for now or else she'd have put a hit on Lacey just simply for the fact she wasn't just some random girl I went out with."

Ash:"Shit, {he groans} "Who does she think pop your cherry?  I know she's not dumb enough to think you were 18 before you went prowling."

{Justin snickers}

Justin:"No, she thinks its Melody."

{Ash crosses his arms}

Ash:"So, you let her think a chick who died was your first?"

{Justin shrugs}

Justin:"You know what happened when she got a match with Samoa.....she'll never walk again.  Can you imagine what kind of hell will break loose if she knows it was Lacey Daniels?"

{Ash sighs and pats him on a shoulder}

Ash:"Sucks to be you, bra.  Defending your title againist her is the least of your worries.  Hope you come out of it with your marriage intact."

Justin:"Thanks.  {Justin turns back.  Almost praying the convo wasn't picked up on the handicam he had set up} "Lacey, the only way I would lay down for you....for the International title is after I've destroyed Rick Reynolds and been crowned the SEF Heavyweight champion....which I will.  I also now that you don't like championships handed to you on a silver platter.  If I knew that you would....{he sighs and comes clean} have manipulated me with the.....'Knox can't help and i'm afraid Ares is going to really hurt me'  {he looks away} I failed for the poor pitiful me act that you and my kid sister put on.  I should have known that you were just using me....I mean it did cross my mind that you wanted to make Orton jealous and I've been wanting to get him in the ring for sometime now.  I didn't mind playing mindgames with his jacked up ass because if I can't prove myself against Mack, I could againist his arch rival.  You're not going to get my title.  All you get is ten or fifteen minutes of deja vu.  When I spank that nice little ass and plant you on the mat but this time it won't be sneaking around after hours at the Hart Brothers and going at it in the ring.  This time it will be for the 1-2-3 and I pin you to retain the International title."


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