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Justin Extreme Promo 3

Started by Kristin Fox, October 02, 2023, 12:47:26 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:13/08/2010 7:22 PMCopy HTML

Justin20Rodgers20Banner.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97
Warning.x..This official Justin Rodgers roleplay may contain sexual content, violence, coarse language, and/or drug used and is unsuitable for all readers. The younge, innocent, immature, and plain stupid are advise to STOP, for those of you that intend to readt- on remember you have been warned...

Roleplay Title
Lots of ppl
Justin vs Lacey
He's upset
Justin Extreme Promo 3
People Mentioned
Tarnished Legacy/Shattered Reality
Next Match
You'd have to read his bio 
OOC Comment
{{{{The camera opens on Justin.  He is barechested wearing nothing but Duke warm up pants and his Nike Shox.  Sweat is pouring off of his body as he wails on a heavy bag.  If it was an opponent in a boxing match it would be the equivalent of Ivan Drago vs Apollo Creed in Rocky IV.  The bag is swinging like crazy and threatening to come out of the ceiling.  Luckily for the carpentry its the bag that gives and the bag completely falls apart as he nails it with a stiff tornado kick}}}}


{he is panting heavily as Gracie tosses him a towel and an ice cold bottle of water.}

Gracie:"Okay, not even I dislike Lacey enough to destroy the equipment."

{Justin turns to her, eyes blazing}

Justin:"It's not Lacey that is getting on my nerves.  It's Dusty. Who the fuck does she think she is?  Playing that fucking song is going to do nothing but to make Katana think that I've been up here cheating on her since she got pregnant.  {he takes a long drink of water, pours some on his head, and shakes his head no vigourously} "I have NEVER fucking cheated on ANY woman I've been with and God help me if Somoa didn't deserve it!!!  Still, I was faithful up until the time I caught her in my fucking bed with Plasma and Armond drilling her from both ends!"

{Gracie winces}

Gracie:"Eeew TMI, Bubby."

Justin:"It's no fucking wonder she wanted me and the entire world to think I was her baby daddy!!! Either because she didn't know or because of the things those sick freaks would have done to that little girl! It's a miracle her family locked her up and took the baby otherwise who knows what could have happened!!"

{Gracie shoves back a loose strand of golden hair}

Gracie:"You'd have got mom to force the fact that it was your name on the birth certificate and taken custody to continue raising her as your kid."

Justin:"I do miss being called Daddy."  {He frowns and walks over to his phone.  He strokes the screen so that it lights up.  He groans when he realizes that Katana still hasn't answered a call or text} "Why won't she call me back?"

Gracie:"It's Friday of the second week that Mary's school has been in session.  They probably had their first quizzes or whatever they do in normal school.  She's probably grading or Mary could have called a meeting.  Did you call Aunt Jen?  Maybe she knows?"

{Justin looked up at her.  She looked her age right now with no make up and face shiny from keeping up with his heavy workout routine.  He held her chin between thumb and forefinger}

Justin:"You are a big romantic.  {he sighs} "No, she's has to be pissed at me.  I need to focus on retaining my title and all I want to do is fly home.  I...{he is cut off by Bed of Roses by Bon Jovi} "Baby, I..." {he pales and listens to whatever Katana is laying on him.  He turns the phone so that they can see each other.  She stops ranting as she can see him.  She looks awesome in a sleeveless silk blouse and her hair is curly but pinned back.} "Did you think I was the only girl you were with?"

Katana:"Yes...wait, you think she's pretty?"

{Justin looks startled}

Justin:"Yea...and if I wasn't marred to the hottest woman on the planet, {he pauses and sighs} "I'd try to reconnect with the second."

Gracie:"Over my dead body."

{Justin shoots her a dirty look}

Justin:"Can you please go pester Ash and Maegan right now?"

{Gracie sticks her tongue out at Justin before sadly calling to Katana}

Gracie:"Call you later, Sis."

Justin:"Why don't you make yourself useful.  {he walks over and digs in his bag.  he tosses her his keys} "Go get my acoustic."

Katana:"Why? You just admitted that you'd do your ex-girlfriend while I'm all big, fat, and pregnant!"

Justin:"You're not big and fat! You're beautiful! You're having our baby..."

Katana:"Is this why you wanted me to get pregnant? So I wouldn't be there when the bomb dropped?  You didn't want me around to beat the hell out of her?"


{Justin doesn't know what to say.  Gracie comes in and lets out a squeak of suprise at the look on his face.  She shoves the guitar in his hands.  He hands her the phone and he sits on the weight bench.  He sighs and starts to strum the guitar before singing}

Don't want diamonds don't want gold
Don't want fashion don't wanna be cool
Don't wanna hustle just to get thru
When it all comes down babe
All I want is you

Don't wanna argue don't wanna fight
Don't want no politics babe all thru the night
I told ya before-gonna tell ya once more
For the last time baby open up your door
All I want is you all I want is you
Not any old girl will do
All I want is you
If ya don't need love ya gotta be nuts
The heaviest metal always rusts
Just you and me babe hangin' tough
It's gotta be it's gonna be it's gotta be love or bust!

Don't need a doctor don't need a nurse
Don't need a prescription babe
Only make me feel worse

Don't need a license don't need insurance
Don't need a ticket where we're goin' babe
You got my assurance ya
I told ya before-gonna tell ya once more
For the last time baby open up your door

All I want is you all I want is you
Not any old girl will do
All I want is you
If ya don't need love ya gotta be nuts
The heaviest metal always rusts
Just you and me babe hangin' tough
It's gotta be it's gonna be it's gotta be love or bust!

{Gracie grins and gives him a thumbs up.  She mouths, "That's good."  Katana bursts into tears as we fade.}


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