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Ash 'Actions Speak Louder than Words'

Started by Kristin Fox, October 02, 2023, 12:49:17 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:13/08/2010 9:15 PMCopy HTML

Ash20Silva20banner.png picture by kristinbenoit97

.//Roleplay Title\\. .//People Mentioned/Used\\. //.Record\\. .//Stalk Me\\. .//Out Of Character\\. 
Ash actions speak louder than wordsread it3x former SEF Hardcore champ/multiple style martial arts masterBlank 

"The Phantom"
{We open on Ash and Maegan running on the beach.  Ash is bare chested and almost every square inch of flesh has ink.  They stop as they come close to the camera and walk towards them, almost absentmindedly reaching for the other's hand.  They link fingers and stop at the camera}

Ash:"You know I've been training all week.  The opportunity to face my best friend to become the number one contender for the SEF heavyweight title currently held by some spaz bastard named Rick Reynolds.  On paper, my match looks to be myself vs Lacey vs Knox.  In actuality and unofficially its a three on one handicap match...at least.  Now that Knox, Dusty, and Lacey have been hanging around with the Triad it could even be six on one.  Am I worried?  NO, this is something that my friends, my family have been training for since the Triad reared its ugly head.  It's not just me that is going into this match.  I know that I am going to give Knox and Lacey one hell of a kick ass match.  All of the What Ifs that could happen after the bell rings to get the match started well, that's not really my concern.  Justin and Camaro have already made their feelings known about SEF defending themselves againist whatever the Triad wants to throw at us.  Justin has offered my feelings on the subject since, as you may have already learned, I'm not the big talker that other people like to be.  That's never been me.  I would rather get in the ring and let my actions do my talking.  I can also admit that my record shows that sometimes my in ring actions haven't been enough to secure the victory.  Losses, as much as I hate them, are learning experiences too.  The fun will come when I beat Knox and Lacey.  Justin has a piss poor record when it comes to facing me in Krav Maga competitions and my wrestling record, {he chuckles} could definitely be better.  Justin and I could put on a classic match.  For now, {Maegan starts beeping} "What?"

{Maegan laughs}

Maegan:"Matt just notified me that he got confirmation that the Mandarin version of Forbidden Kingdom was signed for by punk boy."

Ash:"There'd better be no fucking subtitles on this shit.  I want some serious Han Brothers shit and not that bullshit dubbing they did on the copy of the Big Boss he sent me.  Fuck, I got that dubbed shit in VHS form when I was like nine.  Even I spoke better Cantonese than whoever did the version he sent us.  It was like he hired some first year college students to read the script out loud.  {to the camera crew} I'll be much more fired up when people fuck with me.  Not my wife, my kids, or anything related to my martial arts."

{Maegan laughed}

Maegan:"He's serious too.  He really tried to do the kick you in the ass turn that som bitch side ways, thing that Rock used to say."
The Phantom

Jason6-1.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97
Name  "The Phantom" Ash Silva
Weight 235
Height 6'3
Finishing Move Phantom Fate Submission
Trademark Air Phantom
Managing/Dating Maegan Fox-Silva

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