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---A Long Time Coming [Extreme]---

Started by Matt Matlock, October 02, 2023, 12:52:01 PM

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Matt Matlock

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  • Rank:Rookie
  • Score:46
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  • From:Canada 
  • Register:17/04/2009 1:18 AM
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Date Posted:15/08/2010 2:12 PMCopy HTML

 Matlock.png picture by Ri0tGrl

Was I stupid? What was I thinking? Returning to the SEF? That's a thought that at one time, was impossible for me to even consider. After the backstage disputes I had, I swore up and down I was done. Despite falling short of becoming SEF Champion, not due to any fault on my part mind you, I swore the SEF would not longer have Matt Matlock as a part of its roster. And it didn't.

How many years has it been? I've been back in active competition for only a year, preceeded by a two year hiatus, or a "retirement" as I called it at the time. It would had to have been at least 2005 or 2006 when I last laid my boots into someone inside of SEF's ring. Four or five years? That's a long time to go before returning to a company.

Yet despite it all, my eyes came upon the SEF homepage a while ago. After all these years, despite the comings and goings of so many top stars, the company was still standing. There were no more DeeJay George, no more David Blade, no more Jackal or Christine, and it seemed even Viper, Julie, Xanthus and others were all but gone. Hell even Mack had retired. A pity, as I was itching to set foot in the ring with him one more time. Next to becoming SEF Champion finally, that was one other thing that brought me back.

But no matter. I came back to SEF, and I didn't come back to lose. It's time to greet the fans, who may or may not remember me. But fuck it. Let's roll.  Open the scene up in front of a curtain with the SEF logo on it, just a normal promo area, nothing special.  Yours truly is there, an SEF t-shirt and jeans on.

Isn't this a sight? I don't know how many of you out there watching remember me. You might be new fans, you might be old fans. Fucked if I know. But for those who don't I am Matt Matlock. Formerly the Lone Wolf, formerly the Cornered Animal. Now? There's no nicknames. Nothing fancy. Just Matt Matlock, and I've done just about every damned thing in this company. I've been the Chief of Staff, I've owned a rival company and gone head to head with SEF, I've held the tag titles, the Hardcore Title, the Intercontinental Title, US Title, International title, TV Title, and the now defunct XCW Title three times. I've even battled Shane Mack on two occasions and came out of it still in one piece. Hell any legend or well known name you could name in XCW, DOGG, or SEF I've fought. I fought 'em all.

Then, well then I left. Why did I leave when there was really only one thing standing in between me and legendary status in the company where I made my name? Well, let's not get into that. It's complicated to say the least.

Yeah, it's not worth it to get into details. It doesn't even matter at the moment. A momentary pause before I continue.

The fact is, I'm back. There's a new crop of superstars in the company, but I don't see challenges. I see stepping stones. I don't see many people who can stand up to me and win. And my goal right now is the SEF World Heavyweight Championship, so that means I'm after you Rick Reynolds, or Scorpion, or whatever the fuck your name is. I'm sure you remember me, and I remember you. The next time we meet will be very different then previous times.

But for now I have to worry about...Cody Jericho? Yes, apparently the "son" of Chris Jericho is competing for SEF. Actually apparently Jericho has two sons, two sons he apparently isn't aware that he has because I never heard Chris Jericho mention a Cody or a Shane. Then again, there's a more reasonable explanation. Like so many people, Cody and Shane just gave themselves the last name of Jericho when they started wrestling so they could ride on Chris' coat tails and try to get the same success by name alone. Yeah, that sounds a bit more like it.

So Cody, it doesn't matter what I say? Well, you're right there kid. It doesn't matter what anyone says in front of these cameras. Once you get inside of the ring, that's when it matters. But sadly, I think once we get inside the ring, well, you're fucked. Not only are you used to having a partner to tag in when things get rough, well, you aren't even a good tag team wrestler from my understanding. But hey, maybe you'll surprise everyone. But not tonight Cody. Tonight there won't be any surprise. I will step inside the ring, and I will break you. Just like when I first arrived to SEF, and I was broken every night until I got better. So take this ass kicking you're going to receive at Extreme, as just another reason to get better.

I take another moment to stop, and take a breath. My eyes don't leave the camera though.

My return to SEF has been a long time coming, and I'm not planning on leaving until I finish what I started all those years ago. Count on it.

And we fade out.


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