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You'll Be The One Squealing Son

Started by Jake Voss, October 02, 2023, 12:54:43 PM

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Jake Voss

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Date Posted:18/08/2010 2:42 PMCopy HTML

A pig pen is seen, somewhere on some farm, perhaps in the south as SEF is in North Carolina, ah, the irony of being in the south while being in the north, well, never mind that. We see the pig pen, a simple wire fence about five foot high. Inside is one big mud field with like half a dozen good sized pigs all feeding on one side rooting around a long trough. Dumping a large bucket of slop is Ares who wears a pair of blue jeans, boots, and nothing else. He drops the bucket and picks up another dumping more slop in, a snarl on his face and he makes some snorting sounds, the pigs snorting of course. Ares drops that bucket and looks down chuckling, then turns away and grabs both buckets walking over to a hand pump. He sets a bucket under the faucet and cranks on the handle a few times before water pours out filling the bucket. Ares grabs the other one and switches them when the first is full. He gives a couple more cranks until that one is full, pulls it away and stick his mouth under the faucet getting a drink for himself. He stands up and spit's a little out in our direction, smirks and picks up the two buckets heading back over to the pig pen. He sets one bucket down and dumps the other in the trough, drops it and picks up the other dumping that one in as well. Ares drops the bucket and turns around looking towards the camera and says.
Diamond Dogg, hopefully you can keep your mind off fucking these pigs and on our match or else your in for a rough night cause I'm for one reason and only one reason, to whip your fucking ass! I don't give a fuck about anything else. I told Sly to put my title on the line this Sunday, not make you earn a shot cause its not about the TV Title, its about whooping your fucking punk ass, plain and simple. You jumped me, you took me down and tried to make me submit?
He shakes his head now and looks pissed, then says.
Uh uh son, that ain't gonna happen, not ever, so get it out of your fucking head or your gonna fail. Go for a pin, make me pass out, kill me to keep me down, but I ain't putting myself down, I will not tap, I will not give the fuck up, so beat me into a bloody pulp of nothing, but you'll never be able to say you made me tap, no one ever will. This Sunday its hardcore rules meaning no fucking rules at all, so we can fight outside the ring, start the match in the back, fight out into the street, into a bar, crack house and once were there ya can just sleep off the ass whooping I'm gonna give ya cause you'll already be home!
He smirks and sneers, then says.
I don't give a flying fuck about what you did here in the past, your little fucking Iron Man Title, your so called throwing of a match, so what? You're a bitch and on Extreme your so called extreme ass ain't gonna be going in any back doors for a while cause your gonna be knocked the fuck out. But don't worry Dogg, have no fear, I got ya covered ok. See, after I kick your ass into a blood fucking mess Sunday, the next day you'll always be able to come out here to farms like this and do what you really love to do!
Ares laughs and gets a disgusted sneer on his face saying.
And I'll move on to do what I love to do, whip ass, beat bitches like you and put you in your place, at the bottom of the roster. You're a fucking joke Dogg, You're a former champion here and that only proves the titles you held meant nothing at one point. The only thing going up anyone's ass Sunday night is my boot up yours!
Ares pushes himself forward swaggering towards us and then past us towards the farmhouse. He's seen heading around to the front and then hopping in a black pickup. It starts and he peels out backwards whipping and peels outta here leaving us, so this is over, fade to black.

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