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09.06.24: The Return of Friday night Showstoppa, Click Here For More

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Started by Jake Voss, October 02, 2023, 12:57:53 PM

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Jake Voss

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Date Posted:19/08/2010 3:12 PMCopy HTML

Here's Ares sitting on a beach, his ass in the sand with a cooler next to him and his black pickup behind him. He guzzles down a Natural Light and tosses the empty away, then reaches in the cooler pulling out another beer and cracks it taking a drink and says.
Listen you dirty, dumb, dickhead otherwise known as Diamond Dogg, the dips hit with no dick!
He smirks and sneers kinda, then says.
Ya really are intent on making me tap, making me feel pain, claiming I never felt any kind of bullshit pain your talking about. Then ya go all out and rub a cheese grater on your head, wow man, real fucking lame that was ya stupid son of a bitch!
He guzzles down some beer, then says.
Come Sunday I'll shove that grater up your ass, but I have a feeling it won't be the first you bleed from the asshole you little cocksucker. And by the way, you may not to very well drunk, but I win titles when I'm drunk, so if your too much of a lightweight to handle a few beers, then fuck you ya piece of shit. Can't even get your title history right about ya held and now your claiming that I said titles mean shit, uh uh! What is aid was your titles mean shit because you did nothing to stand out as champion. I mean really Dogg, what did ya do, what did you really ever do as a champion in SEF besides bitch out and walk out on this company all because you couldn't cut it!?
He smirks and takes a drink of beer, then says.
I told you wouldn't tap put ever because I won't. Go ahead, try to lock in your little choker, try to make me tap, the only thing you'll do is maybe make me pass out, but giving up isn't gonna happen from me, so continue to set yourself up to fail all ya like, but its your downfall, not mine. I'd say I did enough as TV Champ only having held it not even two weeks now because I already got your worthless ass trying to break down the door and take it from me. You can call me anything you like, just ask Lacey Daniels, she threw out all kinds of names, but name calling don't win matches and I know, I threw my own names out at you, so what? I recognize what wins and that is my ability to whip your ass two ways to Sunday and stomp you out of everyone's misery. You're a joke Dogg, you go around beating yourself off or up or whatever, talking about fucking pigs and going in some guys back door, you try to make people sick, throw them off, you try to beat them and well it may work on some lowlife jackass, it don't work on me because it don't matter how much of a flamer you are, I'm gonna whip your ass regardless!
Ares tosses down the rest of his beer and tosses the empty away. He grabs a new one and cracks it, takes a drink and says.
The only thing I'm bringing with me is myself and the TV Title and I will whip your ass, no two ways about it, your in for a long night. Hardcore rules allow this match to continue no matter what and in SEF that especially holds true. So when your laying there bleeding and battered, bruised and beaten, crying and begging for mercy I ain't gonna show you one bit of mercy because I wouldn't expect it to be shown to myself and plus, I like seeing worthless bastards like yourself in pain and misery, I like to kick people's asses. You say you like to do the same, you like to inflict pain and receive it, well your gonna receive more than you bargained for. I'm unbreakable son, so beta me down if you get the chance all you like, try to end me if you dare, but I'll survive you and anyone else, I will be in the ring the next week and the following weeks whipping even more ass because like I said, I'm unbreakable and you're the real bitch, so fuck you son!
He tosses back his beer draining it and throws the empty, then grabs a new one cracking that and just gives a stare of get the hell outta to the camera. He drinks up as we back off now and soon fade to black.

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