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Getting Away with Murder

Started by Kristin Fox, October 02, 2023, 03:36:52 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:19/08/2010 6:08 PMCopy HTML

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Maegan20Fox20Banner.jpg Foxy Megan Fox picture by kristinbenoit97
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Getting Away with Murder
vs Lacey vs Matt Matlock
Multiple time wrestling/martial arts champ. Canadian National Soccer team
Please ignore the soccer ball
..x.{Maegan is sitting in the garden of her home in a suburb of Raleigh, NC.}
mitts_heather_profile1.jpg picture by pegasusfeds10
{She'd had the house opened to air and freshen up when the call sheet came out to say that they would be in the Carolinas for two consecutive shows.  Once the camera comes in, the crew bumps a chair, and the director clears his throat embarrassed.  Maegan doesn't look up.  Its actually a center of focus for Maegan.  Those who know her well know that she is channeling her anger.  As much as Maegan liked to fuse her anger into her workouts and to use it to channel her focus into her matches to sharpen her awareness and focus on winning, today the anger was bordering on blinding rage.  She'd gone for a run and then Ash had convinced her to get in the ring to work some of the agression off on him....which ended up with the two of them in bed and in the shower later.  He had left to return to the gym so he and Justin could work out for their big match on Extreme.  Now Maegan sat wondering how she was going to get through her own match with out a coroner calling the match and her arrested, at least temporarily before being released since Lacey's murder would be called an assumable risk from getting in the ring with her.  She wouldn't stress Justin with it, he hadn't ever used his law liscense.  Oh, he'd probably be pissed in the beginning but he'd get her out of it before bitching at her.  Even though she knew that accepting the match with Lacey, even if you added the x-factor of Matt Matlock, was crazy, but after talking to Katana, someone had to put the hurt on Lacey.  Katana couldn't do it and Cheyenne even thinking about sneaking up here to try was out of the question.  Maegan sighed, she wasn't even sure if Katana's baby sister was 17 or 18.  Either way she certainly didn't have the experience to take on Lacey.  Lacey would treat her like an overzealous child with a false sense of bravado stepping up to take on a bully.  She gave a bitter laugh.  Her own baby sister, Emma, had boasted that she wouldn't let Cheyenne come alone.  The older teen crew would jump her as if Lacey would be dumb enough to let her guard down long enough for three or four teenage girls to make any difference.  Maegan knew Lacey would expect that and have Dusty run interference.  Dusty would probably confuse and manipulate Gabby that big sister knew what she was doing and all kinds of bullshit that would cause the girls to do more harm than good while if she was in the mood Lacey would hurt Cheyenne just to put the dig into Katana since she couldn't do it herself.  Maegan sighs and finally turns to the camera crew.}}

Maegan:"You know Lacey, you've spewed some ridiculous bullshit before and now you really have the gall to question my motives about why I interfered on Extreme.  First, you had Knox and Dusty interfere and try to cheat Justin out of the International Title.  So yeah, I underestimated the respect that you claimed to have earned at the hand of a master like Bret.  You think you can question the loyalty I have to my family?  Why did I interfere?  Why did I put you in my submission after a match with Justin?  You've done nothing but talk out of your ass about the past and how he might have been the one like some poor pathetic attempt at quoting some Miley Cyrus song.  Yeah, being the step mom of a nine year old girl, Disney is often playing in our family room, but she sounds like a much older child when she dances around the house doing the kids bop thing.  You really are sick.  It's no wonder Nattie and the rest turned on you.  Yes, like everyone else I turned on you.  You became a selfish, manipulative bitch.  So yes, I was touring the Country and later the continent playing soccer.  I left you behind.  Nattie left you behind.  Is that not where the animosity is coming from?  We left you and suddenly you think that we are the ones jealous of you, when either by genetics or sheer determination that we started making a name for ourselves, trying to become great as young as 15, and you were left to do nothing but rule a high school while we were not stuck in Calgary doing the same old thing, day after day.  Jealous of you?  EEEWWW, you think because we moved to Texas that their is inbreeding?  Uh, I moved to Dallas to work for Katana's step mom.  Dallas is far from being the Ozark Mountains of Arkansas where they'll sleep with anything just to keep warm and probably if its cold enough they could possibly do the Andes Mountain thing.  {she smirks} Try to figure that one out Lacey, if you're just as smart as you think you are and as sick as I know you are.  You mention Chris Orton, funny how long has it been since he's called you or even been anywhere near you?  Yeah, I paid attention to the promos you did before I got here where you worried over the phone with your Dynasty Divas wondering why he hasn't called, txt'd, or even sent you an AIM message.  You know in the almost five years that I've been with Ash, he's never been out of contact with me.  I guess that's the measure of the quality of the man we are involved with.  You got with a hot talented guy simply because as you've said yourself because of his looks and talent.  Katana has said that its because of a poor attempt as a replacement of Justin.  You know that he was the best you could ever hope to do but you were to self absorbed to even try to contact him.  Even when I was on tour, my brother and his ex-girlfriend Chai were still around.  You knew how to get in touch with him, you just didn't.  Out of sight out of mind right?  It makes me wonder how long you'll let Orton keep dumping on you before you drop him too.  Hell, you're probably a fetish bitch who likes getting beat up.  I don't see it be long before you start vamping to Ares trying to hook up with him.  {an older woman comes into view dressed in a maid's uniform and hands her a bottle of Poweraide Grape.  She takes a sip and then looks up at the camera, wiping her mouth with the offered napkin} "You know just because Lacey and I are likely to kill each other this weekend, Matlock, doesn't mean that I have forgotten about you.  I just have not finished my research on you yet.  The SEF archives are vast and until I formulate an opinion on your skill and your personality, I really can't say one way or another about how I will attempt to beat you, but beat you is certainly what I plan to do."

{There is the sound of chimes playing a light tune by Debussey faintly carries to the garden.  Maegan turns to see Grace.  She looks as furious as Maegan feels.  Her eyes would probably be flashing like Justin's if she wasn't wearing sunglasses}

Grace:"You have a crew here.  Good."
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Kristin Fox

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Re:Getting Away with Murder
Date Posted:19/08/2010 6:35 PMCopy HTML

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For those of you who have weak stomaches or are offended easily, I advise you to not read any further! We have to remember here that roleplaying is all in fun and if you're offended that easily then maybe you shouldn't be roleplaying at all! This is your first and only warning!

Gracie20Fox20Payne2020Banner.jpg Gracie Payne picture by pegasusfeds10

|| The Divine Diva|| {{Gracie Amanda "Fox"Payne}} || The Divine Diva||

{{Grace paces back and forth in front of Maegan.  The image is so inherently her mother that it lightens Maegan's mood enough to chuckle.  Gracie turns to her in a whirl of sunshine gold as her hair fans out behind her}

Gracie:"So after Lacey decides to call you some kind of freak, you think my dilhema is funny?"

Maegan:"No, I think you're pacing back and forth like Aunt Kristin is highly amusing.  If you hadn't been broken of it as a child by Kayla that I would next expect you to start chewing on your bottom lip."

Gracie:"Believe it or not it was one of the few times that I was ever punished by either of my step-mothers, Kayla or Ana was if I acted anything like my mother.  My dad called it 'cute' if I worried over something pacing back and forth in front of his office......{she waves her hand} Never mind being spoiled and over protected.  I have to once again deal with someone who never grew out of being spoiled and selfish.  As Rage put it, my ugly step-sister has handed me the one thing she certainly couldn't do it on her own, a defeat.  So many factors have gone into this loss that I have tried to focus on, however, my reluctant partner has decided that he is no longer speaking to me, of course training but the thing that is gnawing at me is that a. he blames the loss of me and b. he simply hates me and finds me as nothing more than these girls who follow him from town to town like he's some kind of major rock star.  If he can't trust me to work with me and we have to face a husband and wife team....like Knox who would try to carry the match on his own if given the opportunity but...now I have to contend with a partner who won't even speak to me."

gracietinyheadshot.jpg picture by pegasusfeds10
{Gracie groans and puts her hands to her head}

Maegan:"Are you worried because of your match or because you've never had a guy so coldy reject you?"

{Gracie turns to her.}

Gracie:"Both actually.  I've been so focused on school and training that I haven't dated in a long time."

Maegan:"So you over looked what was staring you in the face."


Maegan:"Rage came up here for you.  He disobeyed his dad and flew down to train with Shawn and Jen just so he could follow you...If he was anything like his dad, it would kinda be creepy but since he's not, its kinda sweet."

{Gracie rolls her eyes}

Gracie:"Right, Mr. Orgy is trying to be my Mr. Right...forgive me if I find that hard to believe."

Maegan:"Uh huh and who was working out with you today?  Spotting you while you pushed your bench press limit?"

{she colors slightly}

Gracie:"So he's helping me work out.  His dad and Shawn were all about putting weight training in on their students.  I've never had any serious weight training."

Maegan:"Uh huh."

{Gracie frowns}

Gracie:"I don't need this right now.  I need someone to help me with it.  Everyone is so caught up with their own drama that we are all training in the same room rather than training together.  The fun is gone because we are so busy trying to win our own matches.  It's not just me that sees it, Lacey has even started hinting at it."

Maegan:"Okay, we need to refocus."

Gracie:"Lacey and Dusty are trying to tear us apart because they do not have what we have."

Maegan:"You're right.  Ash and Justin are training together right now.  The four of us, maybe the five of us, need to pay attention to the image that we are presenting to the public.  It couldn't hurt but only make us stronger.  I'll talk to Ash when he gets home."

Envy is Ignorance...Imitation is Suicide. Now stealing on the other hand is illegal, do so don't do it. If you want a layout from Self Centered order one from her at Faceless Designs.

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