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Started by Kristin Fox, October 02, 2023, 03:38:29 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:19/08/2010 8:06 PMCopy HTML


inappropriate for some younger viewers. If you are not offended by sexual situations, acts of extreme violence, and a lot of swearing, then keep reading. If you are easily offended, simply click the little
[x] on the top right corner of your screen. You have been warned!

Legacy.jpg The Legacy picture by pegasusfeds10
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{{{Ash and Justin are taking a breather from their intense in ring practice match.  Rage comes over and gives them both a bottle of water and then turns to get a camera to set up.}}}

Ash:"So you wanna talk about it?"

Justin:"Talk about what."

{The camera bounces between the two like a tennis match}

Ash:"Right and losing the International title to an ex-girlfriend doesn't mean a damn thing."

{Justin groans}

Justin:"Thanks for reminding me.  I'm trying to block all but the three seconds that really count."

Ash:"We are not going to put on a kick ass showing on Extreme with you not talking."

Justin:"Look, if I had stayed in Canada with Uncle Chris and Aunt Katie then I wouldn't have had all of the drama with Samoa and the kid that she pretended was mine.  Lacey and I would have probably married and been the assholes that she and Chris have become.  So she beat me, granted it wasn't a clean win with Knox and Dusty getting involved early on.  It is a little weird that Lacey would complain about Maegan getting the better of her....but the thing that gets me is to the depths that Lacey is going to get under Maegan's skin.  {he gets this disgusted look} "Accusing Maegan of having the kind of feelings she has for you is really disgusting.  It makes me realize that I didn't know Lacey like I thought I did.  I didn't think being a 15 year old experiencing puppy love would leave that kind of impression on the 18 year old model he was lucky enough to hook up with."

Ash:"It could be just that you could have been the only guy that treated her decent and seeing how far you've become.  You've got what an iq bigger than the national debt?"

{Justin smirks}

Justin:"No, its around 180,190 something like that.  You could be right though.  I did put on a good six inches and 50-60 lbs of muscle since then.  I would be hard pressed to say that it was because I have full control of my trust funds.  She never seemed that concerned with my bank account."

Rage:"Maybe she wants to flirt with you because she can't have you."

{They turn to face him}

Ash:"You know the kid may have a point.  You're happily married and about to have a kid.  You did have the title that you spent the last three years busting your ass to get.  You were sitting on top of the world."

Justin:"I am about to be the world champion."

{Ash laughed}

Ash:"Right if you can beat me!"

Justin:"Oh I know I can beat you!"

Ash:"Says the guy who got his ass handed to him by a Playboy playmate."

{justin smirked}

Justin:"It wouldn't be the first time...at least I didn't let her pin me..."


{They turn to him again}

Ash:"What planet have you been on?  Katana's done playboy's nude celebrities.  So has Maegan."

{He seems to consider this.  Justin snaps his fingers}

Justin:"I know where that perverted little mind is about to go and if you want to keep your head on your shoulders then you'll stop while you're ahead.  In fact, {he walked over and removed a sealed manila envelope.  He tosses it to Rage who almost drops the camera} "Open that.  I'm sure the contents of that envelope is probably an autographed copy of Lacey's Playboy.  Seen it, don't need the airbrushed version.  {smirks} Honey, just because you drape yourself with a Canadian flag doesn't mean I'm going to drop what I have at home.  I am more than satisfied with what I'm getting at home, {raises his eyebrows} in more ways than one.  I held back in our match, I admit it.  I didn't take the extra step when facing you that I normally do.  There are different tactics you use when you go into a match with a woman no matter how tough they are unless the match is a hardcore match and you have to go all out because women like Maegan and Lacey don't go half assed.  These petty mind games, Lacey, {shakes her head} not only are they beneath you but they piss me off.  Any kind thoughts or memories that I had of you are defintely beginning to fade.  I have even tried to placate my wife that it was thinking fondly of a childhood friend.  Now?  It's getting to the point where I wish I'd never met you."


Ash:"Yeah, get it off your chest, man!  I don't want any regrets in our match.  If I beat you, I want to know it happened because I'm better than you not because you were lovestoned or something."

Justin:"Over Lacey?  {the way he turns his head makes his hair slap him in the eyes.} "Right, not in this lifetime! {he reaches up and shoves the sweaty hair back on his forehead}  When I beat you its going to because we already know that I'm better and not because you've made the mistake of thinking I'm going to take it easy on my best friend."

Rage:"What if the girls get involved?"

{Ash turned toward Rage}

Ash:"I'm beginning to think the kid is the one who's stoned."

Justin:"The only reason that Ash and Maegan showed up is because Knox and Dusty stuck their noses in where they didn't belong.  Lacey doesn't need their help in matches yet they get involved everytime they possibly can whether it helps her or it doesn't.  You know for someone of Lacey's caliber to resort to such base tactics causes me to lose respect for her everytime she gets in the ring.  She could live up to all of her claims about being one of the best if she didn't like to fuck with people's minds.  {he turns to the camera} Lacey you want to see a potential match of the year showing?  Stay tuned to my next two matches.  See how Ash and I square off.  We know we are best friends.  You just got the respect from Knox so that he'd face to without degrading you because you're female.  You had him come at you like a man who respected your talent and ignoring your gender.  This week on Extreme you are going to see best friends who really respect the other's talent.  I really believe that I will be the one who goes on to face Rick Reynolds for the SEF title."

Ash:"That's fine because I think I'm going to jump into the Underground title tournement."

{Ash and Justin look at each other for a fast minute and nod before turning away}

Justin:"We are going to shuffle the title deck here in SEF.  You want to see something truly spectacular.  I am going to be the SEF champion,"

Ash:"I'm going to be the MUW champ."

Justin:"Maegan and Gracie are going to have to figure out amongst the two of them who is going to be the televison champ and who is going to be the new International champion."

Ash:"Maegan wants to face Lacey for the International Title.  She's already steaming about how Lacey's playing things lately."

Justin:"The Legacy having all of the gold sounds good to me."

Ash:"Do you know what sounds good to me?"

Justin:"A round of cold ones?"

Ash:"At least a round."


{Ash looks at him funny}

Justin:"How old are you?"

{rage grins and pulls out his wallet.  He flips it open to a Marine id}

Ash:"Christ! Another Marine!"

Rage:"Just finished my four years."

Justin:"Fuck it, let's get him drunk.  At least he's not all combat crazy like Knox and Lucas."
quєєnofhєarts_The layout was created by Ashley aka Queen of Hearts. Like it? Thank you, now go request one!


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