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A Break From the Norm? - Extreme rp2

Started by Lacey Daniels, October 02, 2023, 03:39:57 PM

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Lacey Daniels

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  • Rank:Jobber
  • Score:144
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  • From:United Kingdom 
  • Register:02/03/2010 6:33 AM
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Date Posted:20/08/2010 9:38 AMCopy HTML

Warning: This RP may include sex, drugs, rock & roll, cursing and anything else this user sees fit. If you object to any of these day-to-day practices, please, take your fantasy world elsewhere.


RP TitleNext Match:Lovers/Allies/Next Victim:Accomplishments:OOC:
A Breat From the Norm?vs Maegan Fox & Matt MatlockChris Orton/Dynasty Divas/Maegan Fox & Matt MatlockTV Champion x1, International Champion (current)lovin the rps K! :)


The scene opens with a dimly lit shot of Lacey talking on her cell in the next door room. You can just about make out it's her as it's obvious she's unaware the camera is on her but you can clearly hear what she's saying.  Her whole body language is not what you've come to expect from the cocky champ, her head is down as her hair hangs in her face and her shoulders are slumped as she looks almost like she's going to drop. You can't see her facial expressions but the tone of her voice tells you everything, This is Lacey with her guard way down.
LD: Yeah I know I should ignore it ... I just gotta forget about it and not let it affect me .. I know, I know ... it's just sometimes it's so hard to do ... I'm still human I still have feelings and ... yeah I know she's playing the game better than me right now but fuck it I'm feeling really vulnerable a the moment, ... the whole thing with Justin got to me more than I realised ...
Lacey pauses as you can hear the pain in her voice, she's really going through it.  She nods her head in agreement with whoever is on the phone.
LD: Easy for you to say whilst you're miles away and I'm here on the front line ... I know, I know .. it's what I wanted and with the gold comes the pressures and you know me, shit this should be like water off a ducks back but I don't know ... it just got to me is all! ... I just needed to hear a friendly voice you know ... I knew it would come down to this eventually ... having to destroy the past to move on to the future I've worked so damn hard for but I guess I never thought too much about how it would make me feel ... I thought it would be easier than it is, that's all.  

Lacey runs a hand through her hair and you can see the turmoil in her eyes as they're a little red-rimmed.
LD: Naw ... I spoke to him a couple of weeks ago and he said he'd be coming back soon but since then .. nada! ... So who the fuck knows? ... So yeah I might as well be single ... No! ... That's just not an option ... it wasn't then and it isn't now, so I guess I made my bed and now I have to lie in it, right? ... I mean, I knew back then the choices I made would have consequences and that sooner or later I'd have to face up to them so now it's time to really see what I'm made of eh? ... It's one thing fronting up to strangers but when it's people I cared about ... people I still care about even though I shouldn't? ... Shit, it just sucks!
Lacey reaches into her bag next to her and pulls out her water bottle and takes a swig.  
LD: Aw fuck it ... you know what this whiney-ass shit ain't me ... I just gotta take a leaf out of my own book and believe in what I always say ... the only person a girl can really count on is herself! I'm sick and tired of letting other people make me feel like crap ... people who claim to care about me and people who blame me for their failures, it's time I concentrated on me and Dusty and Knox and making sure we end up at the top of the mountain and let other people just live with the way I am now ... fuck em all!
Lacey laughs but it's a bit strained.
LD: ... yeah you're right as usual. Oh I will don't you worry ... when have I ever let anything anyone ever said make a blind bit of difference to me in the long run? .. Ha yeah never .. exactly! .. Okay yeah ... I'm gonna go pull my shit together, wrap my head around all this crap and tie a big bow around it and ship it off to Forgetaboutit Land! .. Alright .. I'll speak to you soon and hey ... thanks ..  I really needed this ... thank god I still have you ... yeah me too ... bye.
Lacey ends the call and tosses her cell into her bag which she pushes into a locker. She pulls out a towel which she slings over her shoulder before heading towards the door as the camera goes out of focus and cuts off abruptly.
Five minutes later ...
Lacey is lying on a bench press pumping some iron, heavier than you'd expect for a woman her size but she seems to be doing okay with it until the last few reps when she's blowing a little. She finally clanks the bar back into place and sighs. She slides out from under the weights and lifts a towel and a bottle of water from the floor. She pats at her face and rubs her neck before tossing the towel over her shoulder and opens the water taking a couple of big mouthfuls. She glances up and spots the camera man with his trusty SEF camera on his shoulder and she snorts in barely disguised disapproval.

LD: Yeah I thought you'd catch up to me sooner or later ... a champ is always on call right? ... So Maegan I saw your little promo and so now you're threatening to kill me ... you know what babe? Bring it on! ... You can talk yourself up all you like but bottom line is I am more than you will ever be!  I am the current International champion, I am the former TV champion and you ... well, you're not a bad footballer!!

Lacey laughs as she takes another sip of water before she puts the bottle back on the floor and stretches out her arms in the air and arches her back into the muscle stretch.

LD: You got all pissy when I brought up the past ... got on your high-and-mighty horse and tried to put me straight but we both know the real truth don't we? You really want to talk about it in public then hell let's do that! ... You jealous of me? .. Maybe, maybe not ... who the fuck really cares? ... I sure as shit don't. God's honest truth is and sorry if it sounds like a ... what did you call it ... oh yeah ... 
some poor pathetic attempt at quoting some Miley Cyrus song ... but here it is. You did turn your back on me ... left me on my own ... just like everyone else ever did ... just like Nattie did, just like Justin did, hell just like everyone does eventually including my current man who's totally MIA right now ... yeah you heard me ... and then you wonder why I turned out the way I have. If I'm a selfish manipulative bitch then who can blame me ... gets me the attention don't it? ... Makes people sit up and take notice ... gets under peoples skin and provokes a reaction. I had to learn how to manipulate the situations I was in because if I trusted anyone, believed in anyone then I got dumped on from a very great height. So I learned to trust no-one but myself, believe in no-one but myself ... the only person who's always got my back is looking back in the mirror at me and that my dear sweet Maegan ... that is the fucking truth!! ...

Lacey nods her head at the sad facts.

LD: You got lucky .. you've got the big family, you got the loving husband who's constantly by your side and me ... I got 3 friends in the whole world who help me keep the faith ... they prove their loyalty to me by having my back here in SEF and by being on the phone whenever I need to talk to them. Knox and Dusty are there for me and I'll be damned if I let you say a bad word about them ... so yeah, when you speak shit about them then I will take great offence to it and bring it back down on you, so get over it! As for everyone else ... well so far they've been nothing but a big fat fucking disappointment let me tell you! .. .So you feel better about it now Maegan ... feel justified do ya? ... Got little old me to admit that sometimes I do get the shitty end of the stick ... that my life ain't perfect, I'll bet you can sit back and feel all smug now can't ya!

Lacey snorts as she smoothes a hand over her tied back hair.

LD:  But you know what I wouldn't take it any other way ... like a great man told me "what doesn't kill us only makes us stronger" and damn-it-all if I ain't the strongest bitch here in SEF!  So if you're the fairytale princess, living in the ivory tower with your precious royal family and your faithful Prince Charming I guess that makes me the wicked witch living in the forest plotting my next move eh?  ... So tell me this poppet ... if you're the one with all the advantages and I'm the outsider ... how is it that I'm the one holding the gold and you're the one holding your man's dick? ... Hmmmm .. how come you haven't won anything yet? .. .How come I managed to beat your cousin Justin "Mr Oh-So-Happily-Married" himself? ... When you hold him up as the best wrestler ever? ... Well I guess in your world it must be a fluke? He was holding back or because I cheated? Or some other reason that puts the blame on anyone but yourselves ... because obviously it couldn't be because I worked my ass off and busted my chops all these years to become a better wrestler could it? .. Oh no!! ... You want to say I talk shit about the past ... well you wanna wake up and smell the coffee, cos whilst you were off gallivanting around the world playing football or modelling or whatever the hell it was you did ... I was left back in Canada to pick up the pieces and make something of myself. And that's exactly what I did and I'm damn proud of it too! .. Yeah I stayed at school when you and Nattie fucked off without a backwards glance and by the time I left I was the most popular successful girl there and that was all down to me and my hard work, it was my achievement and nobody can take it away from me. You can laugh and belittle it all you want but it helped lay the groundwork, it showed me what it takes to win, what it takes to be number one and that is why I am where I am today. That is why I'm a champion and you're not ... because I sweat and bled, scratched and clawed and fought my way to the top and you ... well you got everything handed to you on a plate didn't you  Princess Maegan? God it must be so hard to be you. Being right all the time ... never wrong, never making any mistakes ... Little Miss Perfect. Well brace yourself Princess because on Sunday you are going to be in for rude awakening because the past is coming back to haunt you, in fact you wanna be careful it doesn't bite you on the ass because I am going to take every opportunity to take out each and every frustration I have on you!
Lacey smiles nastily as she reaches down and picks up her bottle and takes another sip.

LD:  Boyfriend not called? ... beat down on Maegan, let down by someone you thought cared about you? ... kick the crap outta Maegan ... But wait this is a triple threat match and I don't want anyone to be able to say that I'm not an equal opportunity ass-kicker ... Matt Matlock ... step on up here honey and take a beating! I'll be more than accommodating if you play nicely!

Lacey winks at the camera as her "bitch" persona slowly slips back into place and the arrogance shines through.
LD: You know what I'm feeling a lot better now ... this week on Extreme you got the Pristine Princess vs the Man Who No-One Gives A Shit About vs the Bad-Ass Bitch .. three wild guesses who's going to win? ...

Lacey nods her head and smiles as she gets up and puts the top back on her bottle of water as she walks away the camera follows her ass as she the turns back to the camera with a nasty smirk on her face.

LD: Oh yeah .. .and before I forget .. Jay, baby ... quit pretending like I sent you a signed copy of my Playboy shoot ... why the fuck would I do that? After all my lovelife might be in the crapper but yours is just perfect  so stop talking shit please! ... Although I'm sure Rage enjoyed it ... beats following Gracie around like a little puppy dog I'll bet! And Gracie ain't gonna be looking so purdy after Extreme this week and the complete and utter decimation she's going to take at the hands of Dusty and Knox ... hell I'd be amazed if her partner even showed. He's probably too embarrassed after her pathetic attempts last week ... ah well you even need any tips on handling rejection Gracie why don't you give me a call I'll toughen you up ... if you need the number just ask Justin .. I know he has it!

Lacey laughs and sighs as she rolls her shoulder and unties her hair and shakes it out.

LD: Aaaah .. blip over, normality has been resumed. What the hell was I thinking? ... Time to step it up another notch, like only I can and put these 2 fuckwits in their place ... send Maegan back to Dallas where she can pop out some brats and Matt back to whatever loserville wrestling company he came from. Yeah ... show the world one more time, why there is only room for one dominant bitch around here and it sure as shit ain't Maegan Fugly Fox! ... sounds like a good plan to me ...
Lacey smiles as she turns her back on the camera and walks off towards the locker room as the scene fades to black
End of rp2

"Yes I am as good as I look"


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