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Mourning the loss of a legend

Started by Kristin Fox, October 02, 2023, 03:42:15 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:20/08/2010 11:22 AMCopy HTML


inappropriate for some younger viewers. If you are not offended by sexual situations, acts of extreme violence, and a lot of swearing, then keep reading. If you are easily offended, simply click the little
[x] on the top right corner of your screen. You have been warned!

Legacy.jpg The Legacy picture by pegasusfeds10
|| Roleplay ;;;;Heading ;;;;~ You Clicked It || People ;;;;Featured ~ Read and See || Allies/Hit List ~ Tarnished Legacy/almost Everyone Else || Word ;Count ;;;;~ didnt count|| Post ;;;;Song ;;;;~Homies by ICP|| MComments ~ Internet is lagging bad ;-) ||
{{{The Legacy is in Ric Flair's Gold's Gym in Charlotte, NC.  Rage is talking to an attendant}}}

Rage:"Seriously?  Arn sells his biography through the gym?"

Attendant:"Yes, since Mr. Flair owns the gym and seeing as Mr. Anderson is his cousin and best friend we sell both of their merchandise items."

Rage:"That's pretty cool."

{He turns away despite the attendant's batting eyelashes.  He raises the camera up as he enters the main area of the gym.  He pauses just inside the door.  The camera focused on the Legacy.  They are not working out.  They are standing or sitting near Justin who is on the phone.}

Justin:"Yes, Payton, I promise.  I'll call Dusty so Knox knows.  {Maegan starts to cry and Ash pulls her into his arms} "It's okay, Ash is with Maegan.  The four of us are fine.  {he gives a sad smile} P, for as much as you try to pretend your older it still shows that you are 15.  No, I'm not going to tell Dad that you called to ask me to tell Knox.  {he listens} Yeah Knox has been a douche...{he snickers} Yes, Gracie would never let a guy cause her to ignore girls day."

{Gracie looks up at Rage}

Gracie:"It was two hours with the biggest pain in my ass but Gabby and Payton begs for ALL of their sisters to be there.  {she walks over and takes the phone} "Just don't expect me to take it easy  on her on Sunday.  {she laughs} "Of course not, I have to prove what I say and if I say genetics is key to my battle with her then I have to beat her no matter what."  {She hands the phone back to Justin as her own pings.  She looks down and glances up annoyed} "So Rage?  Sleeping with the enemy much?  Hopefully you liked Lacey's playboy alot because since you're on this quote unquote celebacy kick then I guess my favorite singer is right, It's going to be you and your hand tonight.  {shakes her head in disgust} She's right you do follow me around like a puppy and its actually quite disturbing.  {she turns to Ash and Justin} "Stalker much?  Can you guys take care of this?  {her phone pings again and she looks down.  she smirks} Camaro apparently beat the hell out of Sterling at another promotion.  He wants to get some practice time in so we can really do some damage to the O'Bannon Bitches."

{She picks up her bag and takes great pains not to get anywhere near Rage.  Who sets the camera up on a triad and you can hear him follow her out.  Justin hangs up the phone and Ash shakes his head}

Ash:"You never should have given him that package.  A thong, a perfume sample, and a Lacey Daniels playboy?  It's enough to cause Katana to go homicidal but now  you got the dumb kid in trouble."

{Justin shrugs}

Justin:"He should have the balls to say something but at least he's giving JC the respect of taking the next step with Gracie before he puts his two cents in."

Maegan:"Maybe Johnny needed to see he's not the only predator in the hunt." {she wipes her eyes on the towel Ash has handed her} "He's a nice guy and needs to realize Gracie isn't going to wait around forever.  {She sighs and rans  a hand over her ponytail}  "You know Lacey, I saw your promo and I certainly do plan to respond fully but right now, you should realize the whole world doesn't revolve around you and your pity party."

Ash:"Yeah and I happen to enjoy the comment that you made about how she leads me around.  However I see the attitude as nothing more than horny bitchiness.  {He reaches over and shoves Justin's shoulder} "Maybe you should go knock the block off of her shoulder, buddy.  Seems as she hasn't gotten any in awhile."

{Justin gives him a seriously annoyed look}

Justin:"A couple of hours of potential life wrecking fun?  So why don't you come with me?  I'm sure that if I warm up Lacey's bed anytime soon then she'll call up Kiara, then the four of us can have a real good time."

Maegan:"Like hell!"

Ash:"Yeah, I catch enough hell from my ex-wife from being all the road at all and if I even consider messing with her then it would be a race between her and Maegan to see who chops my jock first.  NO THANK YOU!  At least with Maegan I know she wouldn't feed my jock to a rabid police dog!"

Justin:"Um, {snickers} Would that be before or after one of them killed you?"

Maegan:"Before and I think we might work together on that one."

{Ash kisses Maegan on top of the head and then smirks.}

Ash:"You know, Princess you're right.  I wouldn't cheat on you anymore than Justin would on Katana."

{Maegan holds up her phone to play a portion of Lacey's promo. "Pristine Princess"}

Maegan:"You're right, Lacey.  I have a great family and all of the girls, each and everyone one of us are treated as princesses from Justin's mom, my Aunt Kristin, who {she smirks} someone you idolized when you first got started training, all the way to all of her daughters, adopted or biological are treated like princesses.  You despised all of us, every single one of us, and the Hart girls because we had it handed to us but only if we worked for it.  You saw how long it took Dusty to make a significant dent in the wrestling world so yeah, you know have your family.  The rejects from our own."

{Justin holds up a hand}

Justin:"Enough....for...now.....I still have to call Knox to tell him about Mr. Akbar.  It's not likely that they will find out any other way.  Talon is beside himself and you know Knox's mom, the other Lacey isn't going to be anyway able to call.  Ash and I can beat on each other later and you can bash Lacey later.  {he picks up his i-phone and uses voice dial} "Call Dusty."  {he winces at the bitter tone in Dusty's voice} "Yeah and you can bite my ass too, sis!  Look put Knox on, this is important.  {he closes his eyes and listens to her probably bitch} Dusty McKenna, shut the fuck up and let me talk to Knox!  {his eyes change color to almost a dark brown and his face does color, darker rather than redden. The Commanche coming out} Knox, did you hear about Ak?  {he shakes his head at Ash} Yeah, I know about the cancer but no I'm not calling to rub it in.  I am giving you the respect to call you at let you know that he passed away last night.  {he listens} You tell me why no one would call and tell you?  If YOUR wife would answer her phone and probably delete her voice mail before she listens to what our youngest sister has to say then you would have heard last night like I did.  You made your choices, I didn't make them for you!  Dusty can be all bitchy but maybe you should advise her to stop trying to crawl up Lacey's ass and listen to her voice mail because avoiding calls from our parents is one thing but at least listen and see if its really Payton or Gabby calling before deleting her voice mail! No, MY mother is so over this bullshit between Dusty and Gracie that as long as they are still breathing after their war she doesn't care!!  You forget that unlike your mother she has spent her entire life around wrestling either in the business or being raised around it.  She had her wars and the scars that you are so steadfastly againist Dusty getting.  Don't fucking worry about what I'm doing or if any of else is going to be there.  Why don't you grow a set and call your dad and tell him that the only father HE ever knew is worth your coming down off of your high horse to give him the time of day.  No, FUCK YOU!"  {he tosses the phone across the room and Maegan winces as it shatters} "Fuck it, I can buy a new one."

Ash:"Get in the ring."

{He laughs}


Ash:"Why waste your anger?  The likelyhood that you'll be pissed at me in the ring is really low.  So I need the opportunity."
quєєnofhєarts_The layout was created by Ashley aka Queen of Hearts. Like it? Thank you, now go request one!


Kristin Fox

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Re:Mourning the loss of a legend
Date Posted:20/08/2010 11:49 AMCopy HTML


obannons.jpg Knox & Dusty picture by pegasusfeds10


..::Mouring the Loss of a Legend::..


..::Dusty and Knox::..


..::Dusty, Knox, Lacey, Justin etc, etc::..

..::NEXT MATCH::..

..::Knox & Dusty vs JC/Grace::..


..::One of my idols really did die. He fought cancer for so long. RIP Skandar Akbar: Trainer of Legends!::..

{{Knox is fuming when he lowers Dusty's phone.  He hands it to her and then goes to start packing up their hotel room.}}

Dusty:"What the hell are you doing?"

Knox:"Ak passed away last night.  At the very least Tate needs someone to keep her out of trouble while my Dad is mourning."

Dusty:"Really?  Akbar?"


{She walks over and wraps her arms around him}

Dusty:"I'm so sorry, baby."

{He lays his head againist her for a moment and closes his eyes}

Knox:"He and Dad had a great rivalry over my being a Spec Ops soldier, remember?  He threw Slam Shady at him, TK Riot, Spoiler 2000, all kinds of people!  Hell, I think he even hired Shawn Hernandez to try to take my dad out, but, {he smiles} he feigned to forgot that Hernandez was a military brat and his dad was a former Marine Drill Sargeant, man, that was a great match where the two on one handicap match AK set up turned againist him.  O'Bannon and Hernandez on Spoiler 2000 was like Goliath was cloned and getting revenge on Davey.  Man, he was awesome!  He was the only guy to get stabbed and shot for using his Lebanonese heritage to be successful pretending to be Muslim."

Dusty:"His stories were the best!  My dad used to get so mad when he would talk about the hell he gave Fritz Von Erich."

Knox:"I liked when he would sneak up on Kevin Von Erich during tribute shows and hit him with the Iraqi flag."

Dusty:"Then spit on him.  He was always spitting on people and then he'd start jabbering nonsense and people would believe he was cursing them in Farsi."

Knox:"You know what?  He was the greatest bad guy Dallas ever produced.  {he gets up and turns on a camera} This week on Extreme will see the first time in my wrestling career that my father's mentor and one of my own trainers will not be watching and telling me that I am not being evil enough and asking when I was going to turn on my country and truly prove how depraved I can be.  Well, I am never going to turn on my country.  I was born of a Marine and became a Marine myself.  The expression is once a Marine, always a Marine.  I would no sooner drop Old Glory than I would my wife and child.  But this week I have to face some pretty boy fag and someone else who at the very least shows the same respect for the United States I do.  It's the one thing that Grace and I can agree on....what with her dad being some sort of Olympic coach or something.  We both respect our country and even though she has a piss poor partner it doesn't mean that I am going to pity her.  I have one of the best partners ever, in life and in the ring.  The beating that Grace and Camaro recieved last week is nothing compared to what my wife and I can accomplish together.  This week we have the added bonus of a guardian angel over seeing our victory.  Skandar Akbar was the trainer of legends.  If you came through Texas you either trained or workshopped under him.  He single handly trained one of the toughest women on the planet, "The Pride of Tennessee" Ms Jackie Moore and he has overseen workshops that include legends like Mick Foley, Bradshaw, and The Undertaker.  This week I dedicate my match on Extreme to the late Skandar Akbar.  His final match was againist the cancer that claimed his life and even though he was a God fearing man, he didn't make taking his life very easy on God either."

{he gets up and turns off the camera.}

Dusty:"You okay, baby?"

{Knox turns and nods}

Knox:"Call Lacey and let her know.  Tell her we have a guest room if she doesn't mind playing Aunt Lacey."

{Dusty hurries off to call Lacey.  The scene fades to black with white letters}



((This has been an official *Knox and Dusty O'Bannon* Roleplay))

Layout 2003 Kristen Cooper and Illusion's Prison Designs ((ALL RIGHTS RESERVED))


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