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Living Larger Than You Can Imagine

Started by Taylor Andrews, October 02, 2023, 03:45:35 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:20/08/2010 12:06 PMCopy HTML

Sitting poolside at his own pool at his own house down in Amarillo Texas on a huge, secluded piece of land. Plenty of trees surrounding the area, a large wall surrounding the compound of the house, its driveway, and the backyard to put it in simple terms for all you simpletons. Rick Reynolds, the SEF World Heavyweight Champion is who sits poolside enjoying some time alone in this spacious, secluded area where only those who get in are invited in and those who get invited here are those you may refer to as the A-list of wrestling, of Hollywood, of the whole wide world. Granted there are those who may not be of his star power who can get in due to friendship or obligations to SEF which allow us to be filming him right now as he sits back in a pair of red swimming shorts and nothing else. His body nicely tanned and well it can be hard to tell sometimes, it looks more natural, must come from being poolside. His abs defined a little, not too much like some fake poser. He's in perfect shape and grins that grin where he and everyone knows it and everyone despises it. Rick lifts a glass of something, a wedge of pineapple on the rim and he takes a drink, then sets it down and says.
You see what happened on Extreme was that the Triad proved to you all that we have the top of the ladder secured. It doesn't matter who wins this match Sunday between Justin Rodgers and his buddy Ash Silva. Both men are fighting a losing battle because DOGG DAZE belongs to me. This match were in is going to be a DOGG Fight and that's not just saying the atmosphere, no, that is the name of the match. Myself and some undeserving, pathetic, poor when compared to me and that goes for anyone on the SEF roster, will square off inside of a cell loaded with weapons, barbed wire tied into it and no one fall will end it, so no matter how much you tap out to me, the match will not end for sixty minutes and honestly, I could go twice or three times that.
He gets a cocky smirk and just continues on.
Most falls in an hour wins the match, so in reality the scoreboard at the end will most likely read something like Rick Reynolds forty and Whatever Lame Ass I Have To Defend A Title They Don't Deserve To Fight For zero!
He looks dead serious now, a slight pause as he just kinda stares and now Rick says.
DOGG Daze is my show, hell, my name has been the only name booked on the card since it was announced. My name and two matches have sold it thus far because you put my name anywhere and anything can sell because Rick Reynolds, The REAL Franchise sells and that is a fucking shoot, so Shane Mack, stay your ass to the side while a real wrestler carries this company!
He forms that grin again and lifts his glass taking a drink, then sets it down and says.
Oh, and Johnny Camaro, your idle threats of bringing back someone even more lame than you, someone even more of a poser than you is just that, an idle threat. It is no real threat like the Triad is. You are no threat to me just as Justin and Ash are no threat. You're a loser who can't get over that first hill in SEF because you have no talent what so ever. Your worthless Johnny, you're a pathetic peon and the only reason you ever looked anywhere near good is because Shane Mack wanted you to look good. But guess what, I eliminated Mack, I took him out and if you and I ever stepped in the ring there would be no looking good for you. It would simply be total domination for me, but the thing is, you'll never get the chance to step in the ring with me because in order to do so you need to earn a shot at the World Title and you already failed in that quest the Sunday before last. Your staying stuck at the bottom and I won't even step on you, my brothers Rob and Thor will be walking all over you and that chump your bringing back, the one who has to live vicariously because he can't live through his own pathetic life. Just like you, Nikky Venom will not get a shot at me, ever, because I live larger than either of you two or anyone in SEF can possibly imagine and its not anything inherited, its all been earned from busting my ass in this business I am in today. I have made myself a great life and live well, I live the fast lane above all you others. I am like Mack in that I have a league of my own, but unlike him I do not allow anyone else to compete in my league, so keep fucking for virginity you asinine anemic insolent fools. I will continue to dominate and own the World Title and SEF alike because I'm the biggest star of any wrestler past, present, and no one in the future will be bigger, its all about me, so get up or get out!
Rick just grabs his glass and takes a drink, then we see some brunette in a white thong bikini come walking out the sliding doors from the back of the house. She's uberly hawt to sound like a child, but damn it, she is! Don't know who she looks like, but don't care. She just comes over by Rick with a glass in her hand taking a drink and sets it down on the table, then leans down kissing Rick who pulls her on to his lap. He waves the camera off not even looking at us and just kisses this hottie with a nice body as we back off and leave fading to black.

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