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Maegan's third Extreme

Started by Kristin Fox, October 02, 2023, 03:49:43 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:22/08/2010 6:45 PMCopy HTML

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Maegan20Fox20Banner.jpg Maegan Fox picture by pegasusfeds10
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Getting Away with Murder
vs Lacey vs Matt Matlock
Multiple time wrestling/martial arts champ. Canadian National Soccer team
to picture the little girl imagine Madison Pettis
..x.{{{Maegan watches the early arrival of Lacey Daniels to the arena, only to see her back up as Dusty finally gets a hold of her.  She smiles wryly knowing that the only reason the three of them can go visit Mr. Akbar's wife and their own family is because her Aunt Kristin arranged one of the company's private jets to accomodate them.  Even though she knew well that not a single damn one of them would like her except for maybe Knox's parents...well Knox's mom.  Maegan sighed knowing full well she shouldn't be feeling so 'catty' when despite the death in their extended wrestling family people were suposed to look past their petty differences.  Even so, Maegan paused as a black cat with a small patch of white on his chest and one back paw came in mewling.  He was very independent, even more so than most cats.  His green eyes seem to reflect an almost human intelligence.}}
Maegan:"So much for human charity, eh Max?  I didn't study vet medicine but here I am holding onto you until I can do what I was asked.  Turning you over to Dusty for Emily is going to be interesting I bet.  Is Dusty going to throw an all about me and Knox tantrum?  She's always been a drama queen.  {she scratches the cat under the chin}  "Do you think she can put aside her bullshit to pay respect to Mr. Akbar?  People from all over the wrestling world are going to be there.  A perfect chance for her to pull some scheme to try to get the two of them even more attention than they deserve.  {the cat meows} Interesting, you are trying to talk back like you uderstand me.  {he meows again} Maybe you will get along with Dusty better than I thought.  You talk back at her and she'll think that you're really listening and since you can't really talk then you can't confirm or deny whatever it is that she's telling you.  Oh well.  {she gets up and places the cat on the chair.  Shes dressed in a sedate black pant suit.  She turns toward the camera} "As you can tell, Ash and I went to the early viewing.  {a girl runs into the room, with curly brown hair and swoops down on the cat} "What did I say?"
{the girl looks up at her all innocent like Madison Pettis at the Rock in Game Plan}
"That you were going to cut a promo."
"That you have to face {she makes a disgusted face} Lacey Daniels."
Maegan:"So I can't really say what I like to her and about her with little ears, can I?  {the little girl grins} "So what does that mean Miss Daniella Ariana Silva?"
Dani:"That you're probably going to tell her she's wrestling's Lindsay Lohan?"
{Maegan's eyes widen}
Maegan:"What does your mother let you watch?"
{She giggles}
Dani:"It's not Mama its Daddy."
Maegan:"Really? Well, I'll just have to talk to him about that won't I?  {she giggles and scoops up the cat} "Go on now."
{Dani walks out of camera range with the cat purring like crazy.  She holds her hand out and a bigger hand high fives her}
Dani:"Later on Rage."

{Dani closes the door behind her and their is a brief squeal as more kids are revealed to be in the other room}

Maegan:"Is it strange that even my step-daughter looks at Lacey Daniels as a hot mess waiting to happen?  She's only a child and even she can see that Lacey is out of her mind.  Tonight when we face each other Lacey, you can prepare your agents and lawyers to secure your assets to go 5150.  You can make millions off of a publicity stunt like Mischa Barton's.  She saw the attention Britney got from a legitimate break down and LiLo's drug induced break down.  She couldn't spark a feud with Paris Hilton from talking shit to her.  I'm not going to take the bait Lacey.  Even if I didn't have to work in Northern Ontario and drive across the frozen pond like so many Canadians had to do to make a name for themselves, but you didn't have too.  Bret would have arranged for you to wrestle other places.  He did it for TJ, Harry, and Nattie.  You CHOSE to have the full experience, you chose to follow the path that Edge, Christian, Sean Morley, and the late Andrew Martin.  Although, I don't remember you being forced to do anything.  You didn't have to put up the ring, you didn't have to hand out flyers or hang posters in the snow, or conversely in the hot Texas sun like some people have to do to earn cred in this business.  You pulled the girl card and he let you get away with it.  Hell, even the real Jade and her baby sister helped put of the ring.  Although, from what I hear Beans would rather follow the Orton boys around.  {she smirks} In case you weren't allowed access to any of the younger children that would be Alexandra, the youngest daughter.  I doubt you had much time with them once Bret and Julie divorced.  You like to talk about how you were invited into dinner and treated like a member of the family but then you also want to talk about how you had to struggle.  So why don't you just do what you always claim you are doing?  Be honest.  You did these things because you wanted too, not because you had too....or maybe you did.  To prove that you weren't just another hand held chosen graduate of Hart training.  That's all well and good there, Lacey but that alone doesn't mean that you are better than any other wrestler who didn't have to go to the Artic Circle to wrestle.  People earn their cred in a variety of different ways.  Why don't you ask the members of my family about going to train with Gracie's dad and psychotic uofficial aunt, loading back packs full of rocks and having us hike in the desert.  Extreme heat or Extreme Cold, at least you got to be inside someplace where you had the opportunity to get out of the elements.  After seeing Tough Enough in the desert and how Matt Morgan had to even get into Tough Enough, the Paynes bought a big old ranch in the desert, and converted it into a training center.  It might not be original and hell I shed a lot of weight just in sweating it out there but like you're time snowed into a school gym its great for building character.  Did I have to go train there? No.  When we flew out there to train, Aunt Kristin and Johnny were long since broken up.  It's all about choices, Lacey.  SO don't act like someone held a gun to your head.  It's the sacrifices that we make to prove that we belong in this business.  It's why we even trained in Mowie Di Do with Kayla Alexander even though ever female that I grew up idolizing despised her for being kinda like you without the ability to back up on the looks and skills.  Spoiled?  No, I think you are confusing Dusty with all of the girls in my family.  In case you forgot, Justin, Matt, and I did our undergrad work on scholarship....not with family money.  We earned our academic and athletic scholarships to school.  So did Gracie.  We got a stipend from our trust funds until we recieved our first batchelor's degrees.  Gracie hasn't even tapped the trust fund she has because the stipulations required to release our funds are to be twenty-one and have Batchelor's degree.  So yes we are priviledged but we have to prove that we are not going to go Kardashian with our money.    {Maegan pauses, closing her eyes} "All I'm doing right now is going round and round with you Lacey.  You don't deserve the explanation.  I mean you act like you grew up penniless with absolutely nothing like you were Jayden Hartley.  You were not a scholarship student to Bishop Carol.  So suck up the crocodile tears.  You were hardly a charity case.  {she smirks}  Maybe I shouldn't have forgot about that.  Someone had to pay your fees and you certainly didn't meet any of us until AFTER you started attending Bishop Carol so you can't claim it was Bret.  Oh the lies we like to tell ourselves, eh Lacey?  Tonight is going to be so much fun spilling your blood. Maybe I can make you swallow some of the lies you'd like to tell people trying to make you feel sorry for yourself.  As for your talk about how Justin secretly wants you.  {a derisive snicker echoes from behind the camera} Shut Up Rage, we all know about the magazine even Gracie.  Those who have had you no longer care.  Even Orton seems to have used you and forgot about you.  At least with Justin you get to pretend like he still cares because he was raised by men and not little boys who like to use women for sex objects or punching bags.  Most gentlemen pity you....hell I pity you.  You have the skills and the backing to be a great but your loathing of anyone who is equal or better than you is going to be your downfall because you can't focus the hate into something constructive. Maybe YOU should hire Kayla to train you in the martial arts, at least she was good for something.".x..
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