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---Just Quit Now---

Started by Matt Matlock, October 02, 2023, 03:53:08 PM

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Matt Matlock

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  • Rank:Rookie
  • Score:46
  • Posts:34
  • From:Canada 
  • Register:17/04/2009 1:18 AM
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Date Posted:22/08/2010 9:41 PMCopy HTML


So I arrived back in the SEF, to surprisingly little fanfare. I stepped inside of the ring and defeated Cody Jericho, or whatever the fuck his name is. He's not good enough to be the shit inside my toilet bowl.

Oh and if you were surprised that I beat him, just go jump into the closest body of water.

Where was I? Oh yeah. So Jericho's "son" is a piece of shit inside my toilet bowl, and victory over him came easily. You'd think that this week with such a big match against two of the company's current stars I'd be jumping at the chance to show them up. I mean after all, technically I'm the veteran. These two are nothing compared to me.

Which is why I've remained silent until now, because honestly, I'm not impressed.

Lacey Daniels and Maegan Fox...

Open the scene inside a room in the Hard Rock Hotel in Chicago. Why? I'm staying there for another commitment prior to Extreme. Does it really matter?

Sorry for the late appearance. I'd have shown my face earlier but neither of you really gave me reason to. At least Lacey has the sense to consider me. Maegan I've watched your stuff and you go on and on about Lacey as if there's no one else in the match. I understand you two sluts have some issues. But ya'll gotta understand I'm in this match to, and I didn't come back to SEF to add onto my losing streak. It's large enough as it is.

Lacey you called me a "no-mark". What the fuck is that? A "no-mark? A no name? NO NAME? Woman you best learn your place. I was winning titles here in SEF when you were sucking cock in the alley behind the arena. I've held that belt you have, and most of the other titles here. In fact the only belt active right now is the Heavyweight, and the Underground as that one wasn't around when I was. Worthless? HA. Girl you have no idea, do you?

I grab ahold of a bottle of 'Mateus' brand wine and take a drink out of the bottle and set it down before I turn back to the camera.

As for Maegan, you best keep your little buddies out of the match. You want to be as great as some of the women who've stepped into the SEF rings you do shit on your own. You lose, do it on your own terms. Oh did I say lose? Okay good because that's what I meant. You seem to be totally forgetting about me and that's not what you should to. You forget about me and then you end up on your back quicker then when the rest of The Legacy gets you alone.

I am a bit pissed that this match is a triple threat, as I've come to really hate these fucking things lately. But triple threat or not, Matlock still wins. So you two skanks better just quit now, before something bad happens to you. Understand? Good.

Fade out.

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