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universal6 star tag team

Maegan, Ash, and Gracie

Started by Kristin Fox, October 02, 2023, 04:01:05 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:27/08/2010 7:32 PMCopy HTML


inappropriate for some younger viewers. If you are not offended by sexual situations, acts of extreme violence, and a lot of swearing, then keep reading. If you are easily offended, simply click the little
[x] on the top right corner of your screen. You have been warned!

Legacy.jpg The Legacy picture by pegasusfeds10
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{{{The Legacy is in Body Elite East, Body Elite's MMA Pitbull training ground in Houma, just outside of New Orleans, LA.  Justin is the only one missing.  They are in training gear and laughing their asses off about the Lacey Daniels promo.}}

Ash:"Wow.  I didn't think she was THAT delusional."

Gracie:"Does she seriously think she's beating people single handedly?  I mean really!  I accept the fact that I lost two in a row but the reality is that when you go into a tag match againist two people its a tag match againist two people unless you face Lacey or Dusty, neither of them can handle a match on their own."

Maegan:"She calls me the agressor when she can't wrestle a single match on her own?  Did I really crack that pretty little head of your's?"

Ash:"I have an idea.  Why don't we just call Crystal and let her sort this shit out?"

{The girls laugh}

Gracie:"Crystal not going to deal with her because it has nothing to do with her."

Maegan:"Let's allow her to live in her little fantasy world.  She thinks she's a hardcore bitch but the truth is that she'd not be able to handle a single one on one match where she can't have someone interfere on her behalf.  She's grown complacent.  She also can't handle the fact that we are not willing to put up with her shit and are more than ready to fight fire with fire.  She wants to interfere in people's matches and if we go in to drag her ass out by those horse hair extensions that she has then she bitches that we are trying to cheat her."

Gracie:"I am beginning to think she's so pathetic that she's not even worth my time.  She's inserted herself into my years long fued with Dusty that maybe I should just show up at her house or on the way to picking up Emily and just beat her ass to the ground when I have her one on one.  Once this match is over, I don't see any rules they'll follow without complaining that she was screwed.  So even if they win Lacey will have something to bitch about.  Dusty, our problem will not be over until one of us is dead.  You have great confidence when you have Knox and Lacey with you, but you never do anything alone.  What a coward!"

Ash:"Knox, I really wonder what you think about the bullshit game that Lacey and Dusty are playing.  You made a statement awhile back about busting your ass and earning victories.  All you are doing now is playing clean up for all the shit that your girl and Lacey are spewing.  It makes me wonder what the honorable Marine who put up with all of the bullshit and then got fed up and cut the drama out of your faction by forcing your own brother and his wife into a sanctioned loser leaves town match.  Legally forced your brother into a match where he could never return to SEF.  Yet, your own wife is keeping up the antics, even doing something that would cause problems with any marriage.  I wonder who's panties your wife sent to her older brother?  Was it a brand new pair?  Was it a pair from one of your own ex-girlfriends?  What about the Playboy?  {He gets a smile on his face} You got a freak?  Are you living the fantasy of most red blooded males?  Are you getting to do Lacey and Dusty at the same time?



Ash:"It makes me wonder why you would allow all of this to go on, but if you're living a fantasy, being a war hero and all, well.  Go were the snatch leads you, man.  I've been accused of it, myself, but at least I'm not doing my tag team partners, especially not together."

Maegan:"I can't take you anywhere."

{Gracie laughs}

Gracie:"He could be right.  They are delusional if they think that its their training and hardwork that is earning them victories and not their manipulation or back handed tricks.  It's actually very coordinated so they must practice their strikes.  Knox is probably teaching them how to do it.  If you think about it, its smart.  It's their subconcious minds are creating an alternate perception to the reality that we are experiencing.  They are coordinating these military like strikes to interfere in our matches and then the legal person in the match is capping it off with a pinfall or a submission.  It makes me wonder if maybe we shouldn't tap into this military vein that is attached to our group."

{The Camera is set down on a bench and Rage comes into view.}

Rage:"When do I start?"

{Gracie looks away.  Maegan snickers.  Ash outright laughs}

Ash:"Boy, four years, stateside againist Knox's training?  Did you tell Johnny why you wanted to travel with us?  {Gracie looks up with an eyebrow raised}  You must have hit your head.  No, to counter Knox, I'd go with Josh or your dad, hell even Knox's dad.  You were a Marine for a little over four years.  You weren't even brought into New Orleans after Katrina.  You were still in Basic Training.  If I need someone to create a website for my school, edit a training video, then I'll call you."

Gracie:"That's really not nice."

Maegan:"Still, if we are going to play around and pick at the Dynasty Divas delusions that they are winning these clean matches and we're just bullies in little school yard scuffles, we do not need to speculate about it on camera."
quєєnofhєarts_The layout was created by Ashley aka Queen of Hearts. Like it? Thank you, now go request one!

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